Chapter 394

As soon as Ruan Bai arrived at T Group, he heard someone shouting anxiously in the lobby on the first floor: "It's bad, someone committed suicide on the top floor of Building C of our group. It's the owner named Sun, Sun Anguo, come quickly!"

Ruan Bai's face turned pale instantly, she wanted to follow the messenger, but met Mu Shaoling.

"It's the owner surnamed Sun. He committed suicide in Building C..." Ruan Bai said in a panic, her mind was blank.

Mu Shaoling grabbed Ruan Bai's wrist, and the man's voice was calm and resolute: "I know the whole story, don't worry, I'll deal with it, don't go over there."

He was afraid that in a hurry, that Sun An would hurt innocent people, including Ruan Bai.

"I promise I won't disturb you. Really, let's go there quickly. Otherwise, if something happens to him, it will be out of control." Ruan Bai promised and urged Mu Shaoling.

Seeing that time was running out, Mu Shaoling could only take Ruan Bai there.

T Group has four buildings, A, B, C, D.

Mu Shaoling's office is in Building A, while Sun Anguo is going to jump off the building in Building C. Fortunately, the two buildings are not too far apart, so they rushed to Building C quickly.

Downstairs in Building C, there are countless reporters with long guns and short cannons, taking pictures, there are also police officers maintaining order, and there are countless crowds watching.

Downstairs, airbags have been deployed.

Mu Shaoling took Ruan Bai directly to the president's exclusive elevator, soaring all the way to the top floor, and then to the terrace.

It was Sun Anguo who committed suicide by jumping off the building, the businessman who lost his beloved wife and cute child overnight.

He is a middle-aged man with a very refined appearance.

However, at this moment, his face is full of sorrow, his beard is unshaven, and he is very depressed.

He stepped on the edge of danger like that, hanging high on the terrace, and if he was not careful, he might fall down and be smashed to pieces.

While crying, Sun Anguo yelled: "Let Mu Shaoling come out! Where is Mu Shaoling, let him get out!"

When Ruan Bai saw Sun Anguo's crumbling appearance, she was in a hurry. She was about to go forward to persuade her, but was stopped by Mu Shaoling: "Did you forget what you said just now? Leave this matter to me, don't go there !"

Ruan Bai broke out in cold sweat anxiously: "How can I have time to talk to him so much now? He is emotional, and if he accidentally falls, it will be another life. I went to persuade him to let him come down from the balcony first." ..."

There was an undeniable majesty in Mu Shaoling's tone: "I'll go!"

Ruan Bai could only take a step back, giving the space to Mu Shaoling.

Mu Shaoling walked onto the terrace, and the employees of T Group surrounded by him breathed a sigh of relief.

They excitedly shouted at Sun Anguo: "Mr. Sun, our president Mu is here, you can tell him what you want, our president Mu will make the decision for you!"

"Yes, Mr. Sun, come down quickly, it's too dangerous there!"

When Sun Anguo saw Mu Shaoling approaching, his emotions became even more agitated, and his legs moved a little further in the direction of the terrace, scaring all the people beside the terrace to turn blue.

Sun Anguo cried desperately, as if he had been abandoned by the whole world.

He cried while cursing Mu Shaoling: "Mu Shaoling, you black-hearted developer! I, Sun Anguo, spent tens of millions to buy the high-end LVGEM residence developed by your T Group. The facilities and property management are so poor, my wife and children were burned to they are all gone! Since you ruined my family, I will ruin your reputation too!"

"Mr. Sun, now all the media and reporters are downstairs in the company. You want to be the headline of the news. Even if you jump off, I will never stop you! Do you think that you can reach you by threatening me with death now?" purpose?"

Mu Shaoling said coldly: "You will die if you jump off, and you will be thrown beyond recognition. It will indeed be a little troublesome, and it is enough to make me flustered for a while, but so what? I just need to move my hands This matter will be suppressed soon. It won’t be long before the reputation of T Group will be restored. And you? Not only can’t avenge your wife and children, you even have to take your own life , if you want to dance, just dance!"

Ruan Bai couldn't believe what he heard.

Facing a person who wanted to die, Mu Shaoling not only did not speak soft words and coaxed him down first, but was so calm, provoking him with such cruel words was enough!

Sun Anguo's emotions are broken enough, does this man really want to stimulate the other party to die?

Ruan Bai was careful, and persuaded softly: "Mr. Sun, you must not listen to him. If you jump from here, you will really fall into a puddle of flesh, and you won't even leave a complete corpse. You Come down first, okay? There is hope only if you are alive. Don’t you want to avenge your wife and children? Don’t you want to see the murderer who killed them be brought to justice? Just ask if you have any conditions. Would you like to come down on the terrace?"

Sun Anguo glanced at Ruan Bai, and before he had time to speak, he heard Mu Shaoling's still impersonal and indifferent voice: "Miss Ruan, who are you, can you make decisions for the top management of T Group?"

For a man who wants to die, coaxing with soft words is sometimes even more effective than no direct stimulation.

Mu Shaoling has never been able to threaten just anyone. He will give this Sun Anguo a satisfactory ending for both parties.

However, this does not mean that Sun Anguo can take the opportunity to blackmail him casually.

He always hated being threatened!

Ruan Bai was choked up by Mu Shaoling, but she still said aggrievedly: "Mr. Mu, do you really want Mr. Sun to die? He is already pitiful enough!"

"There are too many poor people in this world, he is not the only one!"

"But, what you did was too much! Mu Shaoling, why don't you have any kindness?"

The employees of T Group were a little stunned.

But only Ruan Bai dared to speak like this.

Now it was obviously the incident of Sun Anguo committing suicide by jumping off a building, and everyone came here to save him, but why did the style of painting suddenly become a two-person scene where the president and Ruan Bai bickered?

Just as the others wanted to take advantage of Sun Anguo's distraction and try to pull him down, Sun Anguo, who sensed their intentions, tilted his body and suddenly stepped into the air, he let out an "ah" in horror. Shout, the whole person falls downstairs!

And Ruan Bai, who was closest to him, stretched out her hand recklessly at the very moment. Although Ruan Bai grabbed Sun Anguo's whereabouts, she herself was also taken down by the other party!