CH 218

Chapter 218 Eight Inner Gates, Yamato burst into full force

[Rayleigh: Kaido was shot because he was too surprised!]

[Whitebeard Newgate: The one just now is not ordinary. If the opponent is not Kaido, his head may have been smashed.]

[Red-hair Shanks: Double mythical beast fruit, the attack under the blessing of two-color Haki, almost no one can recieve this attack without damage except Kaido. Kaido’s name of the strongest creature is not for nothing.]

Rubbing his aching face, Kaido frowned and looked at Yamato who was in an attacking posture on the opposite side.

“Li Fan, actually handed the fish fruit to you?!”

Yamato already has an Mythical Zoan fruit, Kaido never thought that Li Fan would hand over another Mythical Zoan fruit to Yamato in this situation.

At this time, Kaido was already very alert.

No one has ever held the ability of the two kinds of Mythical Zoan fruits, and they are now held by Yamato.

Kaido doesn’t know what kind of qualitative change this will bring.

Although the blow just now didn’t cause him much damage, his slightly swollen face reminded him that even with his strong resilience, if he continues to be attacked by Yamato like this, he may still suffer considerable damage.

“Huh, are you surprised, Kaido!” Yamato stuck his mace on the ground, and her body began to change again.

The characteristics of Dragons, the characteristics of Dog fruits began to appear.

“This is the power of the Dog fruit that you used to eat because I am hungry. Thanks to the Fish fruits behind, even seastone is not effective for me now.”

“Now, with the resilience brought by these double fruits, I can also completely let go of using Eight Inner Gates.”

Yamato folded her hands, and her body began to rise with great power.

“Eight Inner Gates, Seventh Gate, open!”


An explosive sound came into Kaido’s ears.

However, faster than the sound, it was Yamato’s fist thrown at Kaido.

At this moment, Yamato’s speed was already faster than the sound.

Kaido’s eyes condensed, and his head quickly shifted to the side.

But even with Observation Haki’s warning, Yamato’s fist still caused a burst of blood in Kaido’s face.

The air flow around his fist was as sharp as a wind blade, cutting Kaido’s skin apart.

‘So fast, and the attack is so strong!’

Kaido didn’t dare to be careless, Observation Haki and Armament Haki ran to the limit, quickly throwing a punch between Yamato’s attacks.

However, when Kaido’s fist came close to Yamato, Yamato’s body spun around, and while avoiding Kaido’s attack, she slammed Kaido’s chin with an inverted kick.

Even though Kaido raised his other hand in time to block his chin, Yamato’s powerful kick kicked Kaido’s huge body to a height of nearly ten meters.

‘This guy is stronger than when the Golden List demonstrated Eight Inner Gates.’

‘Is it because of the awakening of Devil Fruit’s power?’

Kaido gritted his teeth, and when he reached the highest height, his body sank suddenly and fell downward at a faster speed.

At the same time, the mace in his hand, Rotate that under the cover of Armament Haki and Conqueror Haki, black lightning faintly flowed from the mace.

“Huh, great!” Yamato clenched both fists and pointed Kaido in the air. Under Yamato’s control, the surrounding air continued to compress against Yamato’s fists.

Before Kaido’s attack came, Yamato’s attack was also ready.

Kaido: “Kyosan Shiyin Naraku!”

Yamato: “Hiruto!”

Kaido’s mace slammed into Yamato’s head with a violent aura, and the surrounding atmosphere was whispering because of Kaido’s blow.

However, Kaido’s attack ultimately failed to fall on Yamato.

The air compressed by Yamato suddenly exploded, forming a huge white tiger and biting Kaido’s body.

“Damn it, it is so strong!”

Kaido gritted his teeth and had to increase his strength again.

A few seconds later, the collision between the two caused a huge explosion, and the scattered air currents caused Kaido and Yamato to fly to the sides.

However, as soon as they landed, they collided again.

[Red-hair Shanks: It’s amazing. Yamato reminds me of the battle with Nami.]

[Rayleigh: Who can say no? Nami’s power is strong in kendo, but Yamato is strong in martial arts. So far, Yamato’s power has been stronger than Nami, who did not use the ultimate sword technique. I don’t know if Yamato will be able to reach the level of Nami after she opens the Eighth Gate.]

[Whitebeard Newgate: In terms of destructive power, Yamato is even better. If Yamato opens the Eight Gate, the destructive power will be even stronger.]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: It’s different. Nami’s sword skills, or Li Fan’s sword skills, are strong in the realm of kendo that can disconnect everything. And Eight Inner Gates is more of a pure brute force. However, if the two of them really want to decide a victory or defeat, Yamato, who is locked by Nami’s sword skills, may not be able to escape the end of the battle. Of course, I am more inclined to lose both.]

In people’s discussion, Yamato and Kaido have attacked each other dozens of times.

Almost every attack can break a piece of land.

The members of Beasts Pirates who watched not far away had to choose to retreat to a farther place.

At this time, King couldn’t help but feel a little grateful that the newcomers of Beasts Pirates did not come here.

If those people came, they might have fainted because of the collision between Kaido and Yamato, Conqueror’s Haki.

Squirt, it really won’t reach you like this! After another bombardment, Yamato took a big step back, “In this case, Eight Inner Gates, Eighth Gate, Dead Gate, open!”

The air was whispering and the earth was shaking.

The blood red steam escaped from Yamato’s body, forming a dragon-like energy.

“It hurts!” Yamato gritted his teeth, her fists clenched because of the severe pain caused by opening the Eight Gate.”

“Mr. Li Fan, when using Eight Inner Gates, are you also enduring this pain?”

“However, in this way, I can defeat Kaido.”

Yamato raised her head, and she smiled and looked at Kaido who was looking surprised on the opposite side.

“What a strong deterrent!” Kaido shouted to Yamato with wide-eyed eyes, “You opened the Eighth Gate, aren’t you afraid of death?”

“Or, in order to defeat me, you are not afraid of fighting to death?!”

While speaking, Kaido’s whole body began to be covered with Armament Haki.

By this time, Kaido was not sure that he could escape Yamato’s attack in this state.

Rather than avoiding, perhaps head-on resistance is a better way.

“Huh! I won’t die, Teacher Li Fan told me personally, I believe him.”

Yamato pressed down and swooped down.

“However, whether you will die or not, I don’t know!”

“Take it, Kaido, you should be proud of being the first person to try my “Night Guy”!”

After that, the ground at Yamato’s feet collapsed suddenly, forming a pit several meters deep.

Yamato, on the other hand, rushed towards Kaido very fast by the reaction force.

‘Come!’ At this time, on the ocean, all the strong who can see Yamato’s movements are waiting intently.

They know that after this blow, the outcome will be decided.

‘Huh?! My mace is twisted?!’

‘This trick can really distort space!?’

‘So fast, I really can’t avoid it!’

Kaido, who was about to block his mace in front of him, was shocked and looked at the weapon that had followed him for many years in an incredible way.

‘Damn it, how could I be defeated by you. As long as I resist this trick, I will win!’

Kaido roared, holding the twisted space forcibly, and waved his mace towards Yamato.


The next moment, Yamato’s heavy kick hit Kaido’s mace, and the mace carrying the extremely pure Haki broke.

Finally, in Kaido’s horrified eyes, Yamato’s kicking skills hit Kaido’s abdomen.