CH 222

Chapter 222 The sequelae of the Sage Mode, Robin Vivi’s worries

[Aokiji Kuzan: Able to awaken the power of Sage Mode! Could it be that Nico Robin didn’t lie at Alabasta back then!?]

[Tekken Garp: No, on top of ninjutsu, there is really a Sage version of ninjutsu?!]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Garp, do you know Sage Mode? Have you been in contact with it before?]

[Red-hair Shanks: There are only three people in the world who can use ninjutsu, Li Fan, Vivi and Nico Robin. Garp was once beaten by Li Fan in Alabasta. Maybe it was at that time that he saw Li Fan and they used Sage skills.]

[Rayleigh: There is such a possibility. Although the gold list only demonstrated the scene where Garp was hit by Li Fan’s fist at the time, there may have been cases where Li Fan or Li Fan disciples used Sage mode before.]

Thinking that ordinary ninjutsu can possess such mysterious and powerful power, people can’t help but have a strong curiosity and awe in the power of Sage.

There was a dignified look in the eyes of Garp and Kuzan, who had been in contact with Nico Robin.

Although they didn’t let go of their hands and feet to fight with Nico Robin, the two who had seen Nico Robin’s power with their own eyes knew how troublesome the Wood Style she used was.

Even if you didn’t use the Flower and Tree Realm Descend, Wooden Golem Jutsu is already troublesome enough.

If Nico Robin can use not only the ordinary Wood Style, but also the Sage version of Wood Style, what kind of power should it be.

Kizaru, who was on his way to Navy Headquarters with Aokiji, turned his head and glanced at Aokiji, and asked:

“Kuzan, have you ever seen someone use Sage mode? Isn’t it the Li Fan?”

Hearing this, Aokiji shook his head.

“I haven’t seen anyone use Sage mode with my own eyes, but when we met Nico Robin in Alabasta, I heard her say it.”

“However, because of Nico Robin’s cunning character, I haven’t seen anyone actually use Sage mode after the addition, so I always thought this was a word that Nico Robin wanted to push me back.”

“It now appears that this matter is true.”

Hearing Aokiji’s words, Kizaru touched his chin, and a dignified light flashed in his eyes.

“In that case, Sage version of ninjutsu should be extremely tricky.”

“Couldn’t that Nico Robin is also someone who can compete with Four Emperors.”

“Nami and Yamato, if you add Vivi and Nico Robin who are suspected to be able to compete with the four Emperors…

Li Fan, has he taught himself four apprentices comparable to the four emperors of New World?”

Aokiji was silent, and even Kizaru, who was idle, came to this conclusion.

How could Aokiji, who was always calm, couldn’t think of it.

Thinking that Marine will have to fight against such a character in the future, Aokiji feels tired.

“Li Fan and Li Fan’s apprentices are already the most powerful organizations in this sea.” Aokiji shook his head. “For such a person, it would be quite difficult for him to return Impel down.”

With that, Aokiji sighed again.

“What are you thinking about, Kuzan.” Kizaru curled his lips. “At this time, you can learn more from me and relax a little. Why not let Marshal Sengoku take care of all the trouble?”

Aokiji’s eyes lit up and nodded to himself.

“What you said makes sense, let Marshal Sengoku worry about this.”

Navy Headquarters, Sengoku sneezed abruptly.

“Sengoku, have you caught a cold?” Tsuru asked.

“No, I haven’t had a cold since I was born.” Sengoku frowned, “Could it be someone who vilified me in his heart.”

“However, Sage Mode, Kuzan and the others have reported before, and now the gold list is actually going to issue such a reward.”

“This reward can be ranked third. It should be very difficult to practice Sage Mode, and after the completion of the practice, it will greatly strengthen the strength.”

While speaking, Sengoku fixed his eyes on the gold list.

According to past practice, when such rewards appear, corresponding demonstrations and corresponding introductions should appear on the gold list.

Sure enough, as soon as Sengoku’s voice fell, a line of text appeared again on Gold List.

–Sage Mode is a ninjutsu that draws natural energy into the body and uses its own mental power to extract Chakra and use it.

-One Sage Mode, has a power several times or even dozens of times stronger than ordinary ninjutsu.

–When in the Sage state, perception increases exponentially.

–However, because the energy of the natural world is in a state of riots, it is extremely difficult to learn Sage mode. If there is a slight difference, the learner will die.

–For those who are not good at learning, even if they can use Sage Mode, their face and body shape will change.

As if to prove what he was telling, a screen suddenly appeared on the gold list.

On the screen, a man in a kimono is sitting quietly under a waterfall meditating.

Beside him, there are many toad-shaped stone sculptures.

Suddenly, the eyes of the man who was meditating suddenly opened.

Unlike ordinary people, his eyes turned out to be like toad-like eyes.

The man struggled to get up, but he fell to the ground as if he couldn’t control his body, his expression was painful.

[Aokiji Kuzan: His body is changing?!]

[Tekken Garp: Hey, why did he become toad? Wait, his body is petrifying!]

[Rayleigh: Looks like this, it is really dangerous to practice Sage mode. Those frog stone carvings around are also changed by people who have failed in their practice.]

As soon as the picture turned, another man appeared on the gold list screen.

His hands were knotted, and his face began to appear like toad-like acne grains.

At the same time, his hands and feet have become somewhat similar to toads.

However, unlike the former, he has not become a stone sculpture, and his state has stagnated in his current state.

[Charlotte Smoothie: This is what Gold List said is not good at practice. To some extent, it’s a bit ugly.]

[Vista: It should be described as ugly.]

Nico Robin, who was far away in Dresrosa, touched her face, and thought that if she practiced Sage Mode, she would eventually become like this, and her body couldn’t help shaking.

Not only Nico Robin, but Vivi, who can also use Sage Mode, raised her hand and stroked her face like Nico Robin.

‘Let’s not learn Sage arts anymore.’

At this moment, the two women’s thoughts were surprisingly consistent.