Chapter 35: The car is rented

The whole box is quiet.

Lin Chen calmly took out his car key and handed it to Miss Yingbin:

"Thank you, please move me a bit."


Miss Yingbin took the car key with both hands and left.

Zhou Qian stared at Lin Chen blankly. The double R sign on the car key just stabbed her eyes and made her brain go blank.

Sun Cheng's face was blue and white, and he just wanted to find a seam to get in.

This face hurts so much!

Li Xinjian was taken aback for a moment, then burst into laughter:

"Okay, Brother Chen, you're all driving the Rolls-Royce Phantom! Niu beep!"

Xia He also looked towards Lin Chen unconsciously, with a little surprise in his eyes.

As far as she knows, Lin Chen's family background is average, it's not like he can afford a Rolls-Royce Phantom!

Other students also started to discuss:

"Unexpectedly, Lin Chen went to college, and the agent picked up the Rolls Royce!"

"Niu Beep! Is this a nouveau riche?"

"Then Sun Cheng is too slapped, right? Didn't he show off his BMW just now? Lin Chen didn't say a word while driving the Rolls-Royce Phantom. This is the gap!"


Lin Chen smiled and looked at Li Xinjian:

"It's just a transportation tool, don't be so excited."

Li Xinjian was stunned, and silently gave him a thumbs up.

"Brother Chen, if I don't support the wall, I will convince you!"

Rolls-Royce Phantom, you said lightly as a means of transportation?

Invisible pretending to beep!

Look at Lin Chen, and look at Sun Cheng, who can't help showing off a BMW. Isn't this contrast obvious?

Feeling the strange sight of the classmates, Sun Cheng was embarrassed to death.

Today was obviously his pretending scene, but now he has become Lin Chen's foil. How can this make him reconciled?

Looking at Xia He again, his eyes were tender and watery, and he couldn't wait to stick to Lin Chen, making Sun Cheng feel angry.

No matter how he looked at it, Lin Chen didn't seem to be someone who could afford a Rolls Royce, could it be...

Sun Cheng suddenly smiled, and everyone's eyes were on Sun Cheng's body.

"Sun Cheng, you laugh!"

Li Xinjian said unhappy.

Sun Cheng ignored Li Xinjian, but looked directly at Lin Chen.

"Lin Chen, Lin Chen, I didn't expect you to become so vain after you went to college. In order to pretend to be beeping at class reunions, you even rented a Rolls-Royce Phantom!"


The audience was shocked and looked at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen’s Rolls-Royce Phantom was rented?

Seeing Lin Chen's refusal, Sun Cheng showed a triumphant smile.

As expected, Lin Chen's car was rented!

"Lin Chen, Lin Chen, if you don't have a car, you don't have a car. Not all those present have cars. Everyone is old classmates. It's unnecessary to install this beep!"

Sun Cheng smiled.

And Zhou Qian, who was next to him, couldn't help but roll her eyes:

"I thought I really drove a Rolls Royce, it turned out to be rented!"

She just said, how could Lin Chen that poor boy can afford to drive a luxury car like Rolls Royce?

Lin Chen shrugged helplessly:

"If you have to think so, I can't help it."

Sun Cheng chuckled lightly:

"Are you admitting this?"

Lin Chen also smiled:

"Whatever you say."

Talking to these low-minded dogs is a waste of time.

Besides, who are they and why should they care about their thoughts?

Xia He, who was sitting in the corner, looked at Lin Chen with a little disappointment.

She remembered that Lin Chen was not like this before...

However, at this moment, the box door was knocked, and a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes looked inside carefully.

When his eyes fell on Lin Chen, his whole eyes lit up and he immediately stepped forward.

"Dong Lin! You really are here!"