13 Some Events That Changed 3

It only took fifteen minutes to reach Lydia's house with the speed Max drove. Lydia wasn't fearful to speed but amused by Max's behavior. he was just like a teenager who likes to fool around. although sometimes he acted maturely like last night yet ultimately he is rather normal.

Lydia though her reason for dating Jackson. he was popular, always act mature and he was a kind of a bad boy. (Not bad guy)

On the other hand, Max is totally different. he isn't a bad boy type and doesn't act mature in front of others. only when the situation required he raise at the occasion. Lydia also felt Max is somewhat mysterious and it attracted a lot of attention from females.

"Hey we here," Max said getting down from the vehicle "what are you thinking about?"

"Nothing Lets go in" Lydia shook her head burying unnecessary thoughts away. although she liked Max, quite a lot actually, its no the love. Lydia believed what she needs is the time, time can solve anything.

Max followed Lydia, he could tell she is having some complications. he can smell it from her, however, Max decided to let Lydia sort out her own feeling. forcing things won't do anything but harm.

Lydia's house was extremely big. one word can be used to describe her family situation.


It was a two-story building with a big flower garden, big unused land which he believed owned by Lydia's mother. and he is pretty sure they have a swimming pool.

The door wasn't locked, it might be because of Lydia's mother known they coming. Lydia didn't bother to inform her arrival she directly went inside.

Max, on the other hand, having a serious problem. he couldn't enter the house. just as he was about to step inside some kinda barrier stopped him from advancing. not even hand can be pushed.

He smiled wryly remembering, Vampier curse of Uninvited Guest. according to what he remembered until the owner or living residents invite Vampire inside they cannot enter the residence.

"What are you doing?" seeing that Max didn't follow her Lydia asked.

"Haha, I knew you were rich but not this rich" Max laugh awkwardly looking away from Lydia.

"Hmmm! come on in, I think my mother is in the backyard" Lydia said not waiting for him to follow her.

Just as Lydia invite him the barrier prevented him from entering disappeared as if it was never there. Max smiled happily before running after Lydia. The house wasn't big as a mansion with lots of room. nonetheless, it was big enough for Max to feel, he needs to work hard if he is going to give Lydia the same life.

While he was walking he saw images of Lydia's parents and grandparents. there was also Lydia and her grandmother images too. she looked happy with her grandmother. what Max noticed most was that Lydia's grandmother a lot like Lydia herself in the younger ages.

"That's your grandmother?"

"Yeah! she was really close to me"

To Max question, Lydia replied without looking back. Max didn't ask any more than that since he knew what happened to two of them. Lydia's grandmother tried to drill a hole inside Lydia's head. after that she was sent to Eichen House.

"Oh! baby, you came back and you also brought Max"

When they reach the backyard Lydia's mother hurriedly came over and embrace Lydia. although Lydia didn't like it much she didn't refuse.

"Hi, miss Martin" Max greeted middle age lady. he talked to her yesterday night when Lydia was in a coma. although there weren't overly familiar with each other.since he is dating her daughter it natural to know each other.

While at it, Max looked around and notice the huge pool a few meters away.

'I knew they have a pool'

He thought happily since his guess was spot on. Lydia was really rich.

"Let's go inside and have something to eat" Lydia's mother escort them "so, Max what do you want to eat?"

"Anything would do Miss Martin," Max said smiling while looking at Lydia. she too smiled before holding his hand.

"You can call me Natalie," Natalie said looking, Lydia and Max intimacy.


While Max having a good time, Scott facing a huge headache.

Somehow Jackson was able to figure out his identity as a werewolf. now he is threatening him asking to be a werewolf. if not Jackson going to expose his secret.

Scott also explained the whole werewolf thing to Stiles but Stiles was already uncovered a bit about this. but when he said that Max was also an Alpha and more powerful than Evil one Stiles surprised. after that, they made some plans to uncover people killing Alpha's identity.

"Come buddy cheer up, your life isn't totally bad" Stiles put his arm around Scott's neck "Except Jackson and Your Alpha, you have a sweet girlfriend and super awesome friend, me"

Hearing his words Scott looked at Allison who was smiling at him a bit far away. he was able to find a bit of relief when he is with Allison. according to Derek, she should be his anchor to control his emotions and shifts.

But he didn't know, today, he was going to found out hard truth about Allison's family and have to make some choices.