21 Confession 1

For the next few hours, Max spent explaining Ron about the supernatural world. Hunters, Werewolves, Vampires everything he knew about. surprisingly Ron took in everything very easily. as a person who already experienced the worst side of the supernatural world, Ron completely believed everything Max said.

"So to conclude this you are the first pure Vampire in this world, according to what I know" about 1 am in the morning Max finally concluded the learning session.

Tired as he was, Max had to drink one of blood bag he newly acquired. he also told Ron, he could Sire his own Vampires after he has enough control over blood lust. if not how he going to teach others or control them.

"What?! If so what are you?" Ron looked weirdly at Max. if what Max told him was true, only a Vampire could turn human into Vampire. then how did he become first pure Vampire, not Max?

"Well... I not exactly a pure Vampire per se" Max said smiling "I'm a Hybrid, part Werewolf, and part Vampire"

"How does that happen? didn't you say, Vampires and Werewolves poison to each other?" Ron asked in disbelief. just seconds ago Max told him Vampires and Werewolves oppose each other. if one bite other, bitten one will be dead in 24 hours. but now, there is a Hybrid? wolf and vampire? Ron couldn't believe it.

"Haha, no need to think much about it. I will explain it to you later" Max didn't wish to reveal his secrets just yet. he needed to come up with a better background story than saying God gave him.

"How about this, it's 1.30 Am if we leave now we can go to my place before sunrise, or do you want to seek revenge against Wendigos?" Max decided to pay more attention to going back. he wanted to see Lydia and go on a date with her, their first official date.

"Ok let's go, but don't think I can control my hunger much. as for revenge, I will take care it once I become strong enough" Ron said thinking a bit. although he felt his hunger subsiding after drinking a blood bag, it still remains there and never left.

"It will fade away after drinking from a human once," Max said leading the way toward car "do that once in while. also, be careful when having sex, I think Vampires are more than eighty percent fertilize"

After all, it was God-given since Max specifically asked for it. (AN: He just think 80%, not exact numbers)

"Hehe! alright"

Max looked at Ron's strange smile but didn't say anything. unlike Werewolves, Vampires doesn't have a strong connection with their Sires (Beta). what Ron does with his life after learning basics is not Max's problem. Max never concerned about that.

When Max opened the car door he saw two iceboxes placed in the back seat. single box carried ten blood bags. since the trunk doesn't have enough space, Megale might arrange it this way.

"What are those? blood?" Ron asked sitting down on the passenger seat.

"Oh! Do you smell it?" Max start the engine and drove away slicing the darkness. "Those are blood bags. so only when necessary we have to use humans."

"Hmm" Ron nodded without saying anything.


Max ended the previous five-hour ride in two hours. the time frame Max choose to come back Beacon Hills was perfect. roads devoided from any presence of traffic. occasionally vehicle or two, flow pass them, nothing worth mentioning.

His house had a total of three rooms. one already occupied by Max. so with the help of Ron, Max cleaned one of room.

Ron seemed pretty happy since he received a free place to stay. however, Max shattered his happy smile stating this is only for limited time. when Ron has full control over Vampire, he must move on. stay in Beacon Hills or going back to Hills Mount, Max didn't care.

"Alright settle down, I'm going to sleep and probably to school. if you are hungry blood bags and foods will be in the fridge. curtains will block the sunlight"

"Thank you, milord,"

"Haha, don't do that. I know you don't respect me, except fear. you can call me Max"

Hearing Ron calling him milord Max couldn't help but laugh out loud. if Werewolf said this to his Alpha, Max would believe. but a Vampire? and a guy who hides his evil side pretty well, what do you expect him to do if not laughing.

"Hehe, thank you, Max," Ron laughed slyly hearing Max's words. he didn't insist on calling Max as he did. in the first place, Ron never wanted to call Max as such. however, it was true Ron feared Max, even more than the Wendigos he met.

"Good, you can go to sleep now. don't try to test the sunlight ok!" Max warned before leaving to his own room.

Despite not knowing Ron for a long time, Max understood little about him. this guy much similar to Peter who only cares about himself. others are there to just to do his bidding. he tries to act like a good guy but if a chance was present he would never let it slip past.

'I should have wait until finding a good candidate' Max thought laying down on the bed. however, his face was peaceful 'I think I wasn't too rash. whatever, not like he can do anything to me'

Max divert his focus to sleeping. he didn't like to think about anything too deeper. sometimes thinking too much could give you more bad result than the good.

He started to think about his first date and drifted to sleep. he even had a beautiful dream, involves Lydia. however, it only four hours, 8 o' clock alarm rang telling him its time to go to school. Max wasn't dissatisfied because his sleep interrupted. he always happy to spend time with Lydia.

Not even ten minutes past Max freshened up and headed toward Beacon Hills High School.