
The Consort Yue had already completely lost the freedom of movement to herself.

The reason why Mo Yichen used such forceful methods to clean up all the worms that were in the late emperor's position, as well as to soothe those dissatisfied courtiers, was so that he could help Mo Yiqing clear out a completely clear imperial court. He also explained to everyone that he was merely a caretaker, that the real emperor was Mo Yiqing.

Imperial Tutor Gao didn't have much of an opinion on this matter, because he had long disapproved of the late emperor's actions. He had already filed a report inviting the crown prince to be established, but he was suppressed by the late emperor again and again.

After all, the Gao Clan had a lot of businesses and they didn't care about this position in the first place. However, the Imperial Tutor had spent his entire life in the service of the imperial family and trained countless talents, and now, the emperor himself didn't give up on power, resulting in the current situation.

According to the Imperial Tutor, the emperor had asked for it himself. However, so many people disagreed with the sudden death of the emperor's empress? So what? This was a country where power reigned supreme. Now that the throne had been changed, they could only obey orders.

However, there were still people who were interested in Mo Yichen. It was as if Gao Yu, with her concern for the new emperor, had actually gone to Mo Yichen's temporary palace in the middle of the night and climbed onto Mo Yichen's bed under the moonlight.

Gao Gui was aware that Princess Chen, who had almost been bestowed the title of Empress, was not in the palace at all. She felt that her chance had come.

At that time, she was forced to enter the palace due to helplessness. In order to honor her family, she had to enter the palace to serve the old man.

From then on, she could not take it back. All these years, what she wanted to do the most was to be able to stand by Mo Yichen's side, and the reason why she had been helping the Consort Yue all these years was so she could have a chance to see Mo Yichen.

He was confident that he could capture Mo Yichen's heart. As long as he gave her a chance, he would definitely be able to get the result he wanted.

Since there wasn't a single person serving her in the palace, she was given the chance and time to do so. She placed the pill, which would make others excited, into the pot that Mo Yichen usually drank from, and hid herself in the bed. With her understanding of the past few days, she knew that Mo Yichen would first drink water when he returned, then, he would stay in the palace and would not go out.

Therefore, this opportunity was very important to Gao Yu. No matter what, she had to become the new Emperor's woman today.

Only the woman who became the new emperor would have the chance to reach the highest position, and would also have a place beside the person she liked. This was the best home for her right now.

Night had fallen, and the lights of the palace illuminated the entire palace like sunlight.

Mo Yichen dragged his slightly exhausted body back to his quarters. He had originally thought that he could rest well, and after resting properly, he would head out to find Wanqing, and conveniently hand over the current throne to Mo Yiqing. However, the moment he stepped into his own condition, he felt a trace of unfamiliar aura.

With a slight frown, he gathered the Profound Qi in his hands and threw a punch in the direction of the aura.

The fist wind was like a blade bringing along the Profound Qi, directly knocking the woman on the bed over, revealing her face in a sorry state.

"Who dares to be so bold? Since you want to die, This King will send you off."

Gao Ge Yu did not expect Mo Yichen's vigilance to be this high. The palace door was at least a dozen meters away from the bed, and with his fist wind, he was able to directly lift from the bed. It seemed that the rumors about Prince Chen's unfathomable powers were true.

At this time, Gao Rou was not worried at all. She endured the pain in her body and mind as she slowly stood up and walked towards Mo Yichen with a warm smile on her face.

"Your Majesty, you are truly invincible. I have admired you for a long time, and now that I know that you are alone in the palace, I wish that you can help me relieve my worries. I hope you can understand my sincerity."

After Gao Gui finished speaking, she thought that Meng Yicheng would pity her for her beauty and graceful figure. As long as he showed a pitiful face, she would definitely have a chance to capture this man.

All the men in the world were the same. They always had less resistance towards beautiful women and naturally had the desire to protect them.

She thought that Mo Yichen was the same as these men, but she never thought that her thoughts were just wishful thinking. Now that she was already a meter away from Mo Yichen, Mo Yichen's expression did not change at all, still as cold as ever. Just a moment ago, she didn't feel anything, but now that they were so close, Gao Yu only felt that her entire body was ice-cold, as if someone had splashed ice water on her from head to toe. Moreover, she couldn't help but shiver.

Mo Yichen looked at the woman in front of him who thought that she was extremely flirtatious, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly as he revealed a mocking smile, "My mufei told you to come? [He actually used such a despicable method. Is there really no other way?] "Hmph, since you lack a man so much, I'll grant you that wish."

With a cold glint in his eyes, Mo Yichen pressed on Gao Gui's acupoints, making her unable to move even if he wanted to. Then, he turned around and walked to the door.

"Someone, come!"

Although there were no servants in Mo Yichen's chamber, there were many guards standing guard outside the palace. Hearing Mo Yichen's call, they used the fastest speed they could muster to come in front of him and respectfully pay their respects.

"Your Majesty!"

"Take that woman from my chamber and find around ten to twenty strong men for her to satisfy her desires."

Hearing Mo Yichen's orders, the guards all opened their eyes wide and looked at Mo Yichen in disbelief. They all wanted to know if what he said was true or not.

How could there be a woman in the emperor's chamber? Didn't they say that the empress that the Emperor wanted to bestow the title was not in the palace now? Why was there a woman in the emperor's palace?

If it was any other person, then even if there were ten or eight women, these guards wouldn't be surprised. However, the person standing in front of them, from the beginning to the end, didn't even allow a palace maid to get close to him. Moreover, it wasn't as if they hadn't heard of the Duke of Chen's hidden ailment, so they were very curious about the woman that would appear in his chambers.

This was a little strange, but a little strange. Was what he said true? Take that woman away to find ten or twenty people?

Mo Yichen looked at the guard who was still kneeling in front of him, not moving in the slightest, and said coldly. "Could it be that you all didn't hear our words clearly?"

"No, your subordinate will go right away."

The guards rushed into the room. When they saw the person, they were truly surprised.

This person was actually the person doted on by the late emperor, Gao Yu?

Why would this woman appear in the new emperor's chambers?

Now, this new emperor's status could be considered as her son. Could it be that this woman actually wanted to become the woman her son would carry on his back?

If what they thought was true, then Gao Gongyu was really shameless.

Gao Gui was unable to move now, but she had heard Mo Yichen's orders clearly, and she was extremely afraid. Now, he was somewhat regretful, why did he have to be so impulsive? He was also wondering why this man didn't have any feelings for him.

However, even if she had thousands of thoughts, there was no chance of it being proven right now.

If he stayed in the harem in peace, he would be able to live the rest of his life in peace. But now, what awaited her was only endless pain.

Mo Yichen returned to his room, his mind thinking of Wanqing, his thoughts running wild, he grabbed the water bottle on the table and drank all the water in it.

Afterwards, he directly left the chambers, flew out of the imperial palace, and headed in the direction of the Duke Palaces. He wanted to find Wanqing, and tell him of her love for the past few days. He knew that Wanqing did not like the restraints of the imperial palace, so she had already left an imperial edict in the imperial study.

After leaving the palace, only then did Mo Yichen feel that something was amiss with his body, but right now, there was no longer time to think about it. Ye Zichen hurried to find a place to force out what he had on him.

, the eldest daughter of a big family in the capital, had just returned from a foreign land and in order to catch the curfew, she had used her fastest speed. She had coincidentally arrived at an alley outside the palace, and after two more bends, she would reach the Mu Family.

If one were to talk about this Mu Family, it was completely different from the one on the Anyi Village. Everyone on the Mu Family was very kind, had done good deeds for a long time, and accumulated a lot of merits, but almost everyone in the family had business achievements, and only the eldest son, who was the elder brother of Mu Liang Wan, had managed to pass the examinations and become an important member of the Imperial Palace. Since the Emperor suddenly changed his position in the Imperial Palace, Mu Tianqi was not surprised in the slightest, as he believed that the old emperor had already abdicated long ago.

Therefore, in his eyes, giving the throne to the old emperor was the best choice. However, he had a small problem with the old emperor's sudden death, and this led him to look for Mo Yichen in private, so he could understand the details of what had happened. Even though he had received the diagnosis of the imperial physician and said that the emperor had passed away suddenly, he did not have anything to say. He believed in Mo Yichen's character, and believed that the old emperor would not kill his father for the sake of the emperor.

After Mu Liang Wan's carriage entered the alley, the carriage driver clearly saw that there seemed to be someone sitting in front.

"But this is in the middle of the night, who could it be?" Miss, there seems to be someone ahead, and he is sitting on the ground, which just so happens to obstruct our carriage.