Chapter 3072

"Lingzhou prefecture has long been prepared. Our plan failed!"

"I have prepared the existence of Lingshi gun in advance. It seems that Lingzhou prefecture has long known our plan!"

"Hateful! There must be an insider among us! "

In the darkness in the distance, several divine senses communicated with each other and plotted against each other.

But just then, a loud voice came from the city: "listen, the rebels in front of the city gate, our adults have seen through your treachery, and we will limit you to leave Lingzhou capital before dawn, otherwise you will bear all the consequences! If you dare to be the enemy of the imperial court, you will face the disaster of destruction! "

The people in black in the distance were in some confusion.

Suddenly, so many people were killed and injured under the Lingshi gun. These people had no morale for a long time. Many people were ready to turn around and run away.

"Hum! Withdraw! "

From the darkness came a cold hum.

The dark rebels in the distance immediately withdrew, and the originally tense atmosphere in front of the city gate immediately eased.

Seeing the rebel retreat, many soldiers in the city were secretly relieved.

They are not fully prepared. If the rebels really want to forcibly attack the city, I'm afraid they will only face heavy casualties.

"My Lord, it's good that you are wise and decisive this time. Otherwise, I'm afraid we don't know how to die."

The deputy general next to wiped the cold sweat on his head.

Take the defense of Lingzhou Prefecture on New Year's Eve as an example. It can't resist the encirclement and suppression of such a large group of rebels.

Other soldiers, looking at Lu Yu's eyes also changed.

At ordinary times, Lingzhou pastor doesn't have much sense of existence in the whole Lingzhou Prefecture. But now Lu Yu appeared on the top of the city, resisted all the rebels, and immediately made everyone feel as if he had a backbone in his heart.

Lingzhoumu, fighting side by side with them!

"The enemy has not gone far, so we must not relax our vigilance. From today on, there must be garrisons on the wall at all times. Scouts must be stationed in the watchtower to monitor the enemy's movements at all times. "

Lu Yu said in a deep voice.

In the observation of the divine eye array in front of him, the rebels in the distance did not leave, but stationed barracks.

The banner of those barracks is not the Dayu military flag, but the totem flag of blood demon sect!

"Sir, Xicheng has finished processing. Sure enough, as you expected, the rebels saw that the front door could not attack, so they were ready to enter from the side door. Fortunately, we had already prepared an ambush, and they were all beaten back! Luo Ming is overseeing the war and killed at least 3000 of them this time! "

Qin Yu ran over and said excitedly.

He is a garrison general. He should be at the same level as Lu Yu.

But unconsciously, Qin Yu listened to Lu Yu's instructions, as if she had become the other party's subordinate.

This is Lu Yu's plan, because he knew in advance the possible direction of the rebel attack, and Lu Yu made arrangements.

It can be said that this rebel sneak attack was completely due to Lu Yu's reason.

"Qin Yu, you'll sit at the main city gate next to guard against possible sneak attacks by the enemy!" Lu Yu ordered the defense deployed in front of the city gate.

He was able to resist an attack, largely by anticipating enemy aircraft first.

However, today, Lingzhou Fu city is not broken, so this has changed a lot from what has happened.

What happened next did not happen before, so there were many variables.

Everything depends on Lu Yu himself.

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