
As time passed, the eyes of those standing outside the emergency room were bloodshot.

It was already dawn, and Li Su still hadn't come out from the emergency room. This made everyone anxious.

The emergency room didn't allow smoking, but He Hongtao didn't care about anything else. He and Wen Xinguo had already finished smoking all four boxes of Chunghwa.

Niu Chengyue could only stand at a distance, keeping his distance from the two smoke guns.

"Hong Tao, do you have any more cigarettes?"

When Wen Xinguo opened his mouth, he realized that his throat had turned hoarse.

He Hongtao felt his own pocket and took out his cigarette case. There was not a single cigarette left in it.

He rubbed the cigarette case aside, "Old Chief, I don't have any more."

The moment He Hongtao opened his mouth, he realized that his voice was the same, even more unpleasant than Wen Xinguo's.

"Ox, you should go in and take a look. It's been a whole night, why hasn't he come out yet? Is this little bastard planning to kill me?"

Wen Xinguo glanced at the closed door of the operation room.

"I'd like to go in, so I can learn a little bit more."

Niu Chengyue said snappily.

"Even if you didn't ask it 80 times, you did it 100 times."

"Cough, cough." He Hongtao coughed twice before picking up the bottle of mineral water beside him. Before he even took a sip, the bottle was already empty.

Looking to the side, there were already eight or nine bottles by his side.

He let go of his discipline so that he could catch his breath.

The alarm sounded outside. Niu Chengyue frowned. He had already instructed the security guards and the doctor on duty. If there was an emergency room, why would there be an alarm here?

Niu Chengyue led the two doctors out and returned moments later. Behind him was a group of people, all of them cops.

"They are from the Xinqing Public Security Bureau. They are here to inquire about the situation." After Niu Chengyue finished speaking, he moved to the side. This sort of thing was none of their business.

"Old Man Wen, I'm Shi Yuanming, the police chief of Xingqing City's Public Security Bureau." Shi Yuanming saluted and extended his hand in preparation to shake hands with the new nation.

"If you have something to say, then hurry up and f * ck off."

"Commander He."

Shi Yuanming smiled but didn't say anything. He saluted to He Hongtao. He Hongtao was the commander of the southwest military region. Although they were not in the same system, He Hongtao's position was much higher than his.

He Hongtao also returned the courtesy and shook hands with Shi Yuanming.

"I wonder if Commander He is here too."

"It was a mistake on our part. It was an emergency and we did not have the time to greet our comrades who were on the radio. This was our mistake."

"If it's like that, then it's a family of civilians and soldiers."

Shi Yuanming smiled and said, "Since you are here, Commander, we won't disturb you any further."

"Wait a moment." Wen Xinguo said.

"Honored tutor, what instructions do you have?" Shi Yuanming said.

"Take her too."

Wen Xinguo pointed at Mu Hanwei as he spoke.

"It bothers me to see her."

"This …"

Shi Yuanming said.

"Officer Mu Hanwei is our bodyguard for Li Su."

"No need, we are responsible for his safety."

"Old Master, this isn't appropriate, because …"

"There's nothing wrong with it, take it away, get out of here."


Shi Yuanming signaled Mu Hanyi with his eyes, telling her to follow him.

"Chief, what should we do?"

Mu Hanyi asked as they walked out of the emergency room.

"What else can we do?"

"But Li Su …"

"No buts. Wang Xing Huo has already reported Li Su's situation to us, and we are not sure if someone is going to assassinate him. But now that there are people from the army here to protect him, we shouldn't wade in this muddy water anymore. "


Mu Hanyi followed Shi Yuanming back to the Public Security Bureau and told this matter to Neptune.

Wang Xing Huo said with a frown.

"You mean Li Su is going to operate on the army?"

"Yes, He Hongtao, Commander He, and Old Master Wen were present as well. Director Niu was standing by the side and couldn't even enter the operation room."

"That's a good thing."

"Good thing?"

Mu Hanyi didn't quite understand.

"What's so good about it?"

"It's a good thing that Li Su is now part of the army and our men can't protect her at all. If we have the army by her side, then things will be different. When the time comes, as long as we have a good relationship with the army, we can definitely capture those worms."

"Captain, but I heard that Li Su and old man Wen's relationship isn't on good terms."

"The reason old man Wen asked you to come back was to build a good relationship with Li Su."

Wang Xing Huo said.

"Alright, you should go back and rest."


The red light on the door of the emergency room was still on.

"If this little bastard doesn't come out, I'll go in and kill him now."

Before Wen Xinguo could finish, the emergency room door was opened.

Li Su dragged her tired body out from the inside with two pieces of paper in her hands.

When she saw that everyone at the door was looking at her, Li Su had a slight smile on her face as she spoke.


"Good boy, I, Old Wen, have not misjudged you."

Wen Xinguo laughed and patted Li Su's shoulder.

Li Si could feel the strain on his shoulders as he spent the entire night and night with the guy and the whole morning in high concentration. His body was exhausted to the extreme.

Being slapped by Wen Xinguo, Li Su fell to the ground.

Niu Chengyue, who was standing beside him, hurriedly helped Li Su up.

"This is the prescription. Drink this in the morning and this in the afternoon. One day, one day …"

Li Su forced herself to place the prescription in her hand into the hands of Niu Chengyue, and then the sight before her turned dark.

"Li Su!" "Li Su!"

Wen Xinguo kept shaking Li Su. Li Su's face was pale and her eyes were tightly shut. She did not react at all.

"Old Wen, if you continue hanging around like this, then he's really dead."

Only after being scolded by Niu Chengyue did Wen Xinguo release his grip.

"Old Ox, what happened to him?"

"What else can I do? My energy has been drained."

Niu Chengyue asked several doctors to carry Lisu to a ward and give him some glucose to replenish his strength.

"Let's go see the patient now."

The group walked into the operation room. There was only one person wrapped like a dumpling on the operation table. His appearance could not be clearly seen, so they had no idea what was going on.

Niu Chengyue said with a wry smile as he held a tube filled with all sorts of apparatus.

"This brat had his entire body covered in plaster, there's no way to determine how good the treatment is."

"How is it? "Old Ox, don't keep us in suspense."

"Only Li Su knows about this. I'll know about it when she wakes up."