Chapter 301

"I think I know how to know what Li Su means."

Ease said at this time.


"I think we'll study all the data of Li Su's patients. I think we should know."

He said with ease.

"I still have some information there, but it's not complete. All the previous information is in the hands of another person. Do you want me to get it?"

"No, that should be enough for us."

Zhang Qiang took out all the data of all the patients he had asked Li Su to treat. Several people were studying there.

A person will not let go, his age, gender, identity, and other all to write out, listed a form.

"Did you find anything?"

"Most of the people who come to see Li Su are rich people, and their medical fees are very low

It's surprisingly high. There are one million, two million and hundreds of thousands more, but only Mr. Wen is the only one with more than one hundred thousand. There are several others who don't receive money. Another one is the owner of our restaurant, who also spent tens of thousands of yuan. "

Yao Ya works as a secretary. She is most sensitive to things like numbers. She classifies all the diagnosis fees of these people, and then puts a key mark under the name of Wen Laozi.

"That should be what he meant."

"What do you mean?"

"I remember that Li Su once said to me that he didn't ask for the consultation fee casually. Every consultation fee has its source and basis. I asked him why that person asked for the consultation fee of more than 2 million yuan. He seemed to have told me in detail. I don't remember what it is now, but the main meaning is that this person has blood on his hand, It's either indirect or direct. That's why we asked for two million yuan. "

Zhang Qiang said all the things he remembered at this time.

"If it's according to your understanding, it means that they don't have to

There is no life stain on the person with money, such as this child, isn't there? "

Xiao Yiyi's mind is meticulous, and immediately from Yao Ya's analysis and Zhang Qiang's words to find the disease.

"By the way, I remember that in the place where I opened the clinic before me, there was an old lady. When Li Su left as a soldier, she came to chat with me and then talked about Li Su. It was Li Su who treated him and didn't ask for a cent. The old lady's illness was very serious. If she wasn't treated in time, she might die at any time. The old lady was a Buddhist, Never eat meat. "

Peace of mind at this time also added a point, which let Xiao Yiyi more firmly believe in their own judgment.

"In this way, we can judge that the 150000 medical fee means that it's not too bad, it's just a slight mistake, and the character can be believed."

Xiao Yiyi summed up his ideas and said.

"Think about it and see if there is anything else to add?"

"Don't ask me, my brain is full of paste. I still don't know where your conclusion comes from."

Feng Duoduo said.

"That should be the reason. In the absence of any other information, judging from the information we have so far, only this one conforms to the prompt given by Li Su."

Yao Ya also said at this time.

"Well, I'll write back to him now."

Xiao Yiyi reported the news he analyzed to he Hongtao. He Hongtao had looked Mr. J up and down for several times, but Mr. J didn't care at all. He sat in front of he Hongtao calmly, as if he didn't pay attention to the pressure he put on himself.

After he heard Xiao Yiyi's answer, he Hongtao was immediately relieved.

Li Su is obviously sending three messages to himself.

First of all, the woman in front of you can really be trusted, even if not completely, but most of them can be trusted.

Second, he wants to borrow this note and pay attention to it

A woman, don't let a Cyborg have a chance.

Third, and most importantly, he wanted to help himself and cut off the swallow at one stroke.

He Hongtao chuckled to himself. Li Su really wanted to be in front of him. He didn't make it clear. He had to write such a note to break such a relationship with himself.

"He Hongtao, I have finished what I should say now. Where should I go now? I don't want to go back to the blood swallow, but I don't want to be a canary

Mr. J asked.

"Well, I'll arrange it for you now."

He Hongtao said to the black tiger.

"Now you two take Mr. J to Jishi fund and tell Xiao Yiyi that this is what Li Su means. As for what she wants to ask, she says she doesn't know. It's all Li Su's arrangement. When it's over, you two will go to the mall and stare at Li Su. If Li Su has anything to help, you can help him. "

"Why should I go to that place? Li Su didn't say "let me go."

Mr. J said.

"Li Su will certainly be satisfied with my arrangement. Don't worry."

After he Hongtao sent Mr. J away, he immediately began to arrange for little bee to study the little black box left by Mr. J.

"What about the truth and falsehood?"

"It's not easy to judge now, but there's a plan of swallow building and their layout. From our raid yesterday, it's consistent with all the above things. That is to say, all the things in this box are true, at least most of them are true."

"Ha ha, sure enough, the strongest fortresses in the world are all broken from the inside. What has been bothering us for two or three months is that now, with Li Su's move, we are going to attack back."

After getting accurate information, he Hongtao immediately reported his injuries and asked them to coordinate with the government.

After waiting for the exact news from the superior, he Hongtao immediately mobilized a large number of fighters in the military region, ready to advance to various targets at any time, but Li Su's place alone did not arrange his own personnel.

An hour later, everyone's personnel have arrived at the destination, waiting for he Hongtao's order.

"Now everyone is at my command and on the move."

He Hongtao himself brought a team to a stronghold of the cyborg. According to the information provided by Mr. J, what is hidden in this seemingly simple folk house is the important equipment for them to transmit intelligence.