Chapter 391

"Uncle, are you dancing?"

A child came to Li Su and pulled his trousers. Then he looked at Li Su with his big watery eyes and asked.


Li Su wondered when he had danced? Looking at the campfire in front of the surrender, those Sanwu people all looked strange and walked strangely. If they didn't know that Sanwu was not powered on, Li Su thought they were all electrocuted.

The black tiger and the two guards were all red.

"Yes, uncle, didn't you just dance? You dance so ugly. " The baby's milk voice made Li Su's face distorted instantly.

"Who told you I was dancing?" Li Su asked with a black face.

"The two sisters over there." Said the child, pointing to the barbecue stand beside the bonfire.

Li Su seems that in the past, it was Anxin and xiuziqi. Now they are standing together, pointing at Li Su, and then they are still laughing.

Standing next to the black tiger is really can't hold, but they really see, Li Su this is jumping foot scold, didn't expect to be a child came to say, uncle, you dance really ugly! The black tiger couldn't hold back. Of course, the two guards outside the two teams were able to bear it to the limit.

"Black tiger, what do you want to do?" Li Su's voice was very cold.

"Ha ha ha! Li Su, your dance is so ugly! Ha ha ha Black tiger is smiling, Li Su's face is more and more black, but immediately began to smile, because he found that the residents of Sanwu all learn from themselves.

"Uncle, the elder sister said, as long as I come to tell you that you dance ugly, we will go to school." The child blinked his big eyes at Li Su and said, "uncle, what is school? Is school fun? "


The four men who were laughing wildly were immediately beaten by the children's ignorant eyes

Defeated, just so funny things, now how can not laugh out, but in the heart there is a little bit of bitterness.

"Uncle don't cheat you, uncle will certainly let you go to school, uncle tell you, school can be fun, can learn a lot of knowledge." Li Su squatted down to explain to the child.

"Knowledge? What is knowledge? Is it delicious? " Children still don't understand.

Li Su's heart was more sour, and the black tiger standing behind him also surrounded him.

"Knowledge is to protect your parents, not to let them be wronged, but also to put on a lot of good-looking clothes, there are a lot of delicious."

"Really? Uncle can't cheat me, my mother said, cheating children are not good children. "

"Uncle doesn't lie to you."

"Ouch, ouch, I want to go to school, my uncle said I can go to school!" The child ran to his mother with a kebab in his hand, and then said to his mother, "Mom, the uncle said, I can go up

Learn, can learn knowledge, can have a lot of good-looking clothes, can also have a lot of delicious, at that time I can give my mother wear good-looking clothes, eat delicious for my mother

The baby's milk like appearance made the residents who didn't care for three quiet down in an instant. Anxin and xiuziqi were also quiet down. They just saw that the children here didn't go to school, so they asked Li Su to find other people to help them. Unexpectedly, Li Su really agreed“ Li... Doctor Li, is that true? Can our children really go to school? " The old company commander looked at Li Su, his voice trembling.


Li Su looked at the residents and said, "if you can go to school, you can go to school

"Thank you very much!"

Under the leadership of the old company commander, they all fell to their knees.

For more than 100 years, they thought that the world had forgotten them all, but today, they are not only returned, but also returned

They also told them that their children can go to school, that is to say, the registered permanent residence of all the people in their place can be solved. They are no longer the darkest people in the world. They can go to the street aboveboard. They can go anywhere they want. They are free!

"Old company commander, please get up, please get up quickly. If you are like this, I will leave now. I don't care here."

Li Su dissuaded them for a long time, but they kept kowtowing. There was no way, so Li Su had to take out his mace, which was even better. As soon as the mace was taken out, they all stood up and hugged each other crazily.

"Li Su, do you really want them all to go to school?" Black tiger was shocked by Li Su's announcement. On the one hand, it was because he thought so. He used to be a soldier. No matter whether he was a descendant of a soldier here, it was hard for him to see these children suffering here and not studying.

On the other hand, he is still worried. After all, their relationship with the government is not very good. They even have nothing to do with the government

I don't know anyone.

Third, no matter the problems here have not been solved, there are problems left over by history, or the government has always been able to choose to demonize this place, marginalize it in the end, and directly forget it in the end.

Now Li Su has to solve this problem on his own. Even if Li Su is the mayor or secretary of the Xingqing municipal Party committee, he can't guarantee that the children here will go to school.

"I didn't cheat you. Don't forget the tenet of the salvation fund, which is to treat the sick and save the people, save the people first. At any time, our responsibility is not only to cure diseases and save people, but also to save people's hearts. Only when people's hearts are good, can we have better development and our world be better. "

Li Su said faintly.


What else did black tiger want to say, but he was interrupted by Li Su.

"I know what you want to say, but now I've made up my mind that no matter how much I have to pay, I will let the children here go to school."

Although Li Su said that, he didn't know the difficulty of this matter. If we want to make sure that the children can go to school, the first thing we have to do is to solve the problems left over by history, and then we have to deal with their household registration. Only by solving these two things, the rest will be easy to do.

"Black tiger, what do you think I should do now?"

"I don't know." Black tiger knows what Li Su said, but he really has no way.