Chapter 488

Xiao Yiyi's fingers kept beating on the table, and then asked: "no matter where the situation is now?"

Xiuziqi also took out a stack of paper from his bag and distributed it to the public.

"These materials are some public welfare projects that we are building now. There are our plans in them. The initial plan is to build a kindergarten and a six-year primary school in Sanwu. Now the kindergarten and primary school have been completed, and all the teachers and workers have come to work. The children have started to go to school. There are also some basic construction, such as building houses for Sanwu, and supporting facilities such as fitness park are under construction, It is estimated that it will be completed in two months

"That's the basic situation." Xiuziqi sat down.

"Now that we all know the situation, the next thing is the second thing. In view of our current situation, have you found any targeted problems?" Xiao Yiyi said.

"I'll go first." Feng Duoduo took out his little book and wrote on it all the problems he had found during this period of time.

"I'm just going to talk about the problems I found in the place I'm in charge of. First, the catering industry in Xingqing city is saturated now. If you want to do it in the future, you can't do it

In order to make achievements, we must have our own main characteristics. A restaurant has been open for some time now, and it is basically facing the public consumers. Therefore, during the period of business, our water has ups and downs, but the ups and downs are not big. In other words, a restaurant has developed to the end in Xingqing City, and the next thing is to consider the transformation. "

"The second is that we are very short of chefs, bakers and waiters, mainly professionals."

"These are the two points at the moment." Feng Duoduo closed the book and said.

"Well, do you have any good ideas?" Xiao Yiyi asked.

"For a while, I didn't worry about the transformation. Now it's mainly the problem of chefs. I think it's better to recruit middle-level chefs from chefs' schools, and then recruit people from other restaurants." Xiuziqi said.

"I've tried this, it's not feasible. First of all, the practical ability of talents in chef schools is relatively small, so it's OK to write about simple food markets, but not others. Moreover, the mobility of these people is very large, and it's not a good way to dig people. Now the treatment of good chefs is too high, we can't afford it, and some of them are also unscrupulous. " Feng Duoduo rejected it.

"I think we should cultivate our own talents, such as those who don't care. We can choose some to be sent to the chef school for training. Although it's slower, it's more loyal." Li Su's suggestion made several women in this room nod and praise.

"The problem of Duoduo has been solved. It's up to me next." Yao Ya said.

"What the factory lacks most now is technology, designers and salesmen. Is it easy to find salesmen, but it's not easy to find technicians and designers, and people from Southwest Military Region suggest that we open more branches, which is a big challenge to our management."

"Don't worry about opening more branches. Let's let this matter go first. Let's solve the problem at hand first." Xiao Yiyi said.

"The technical staff can solve the problem from three aspects. The first is to hire some from outside, the second is to recruit some from the school, the third is to seize the time to let our employees learn as much as possible, but the third is the slowest. There is no way to laugh in a short time, but the third is the most loyal." Xiao Yiyi said.

"In the end, I'm the only one left. What we need most in the whole fund is accountants. Now I'm in charge of four places alone, and I really don't have enough time. If our business gets bigger and bigger in the future, I can't cope with it alone. I think this should be our first problem to solve now."“ I've been thinking about this issue, but now we don't have a reliable person around us. The person in charge of accounting should not only be proficient in business, but also have enough ability to resist temptation. Otherwise, our funds are likely to be swept away by others, and all our efforts will be in vain. " Xiao

Yiyi said“

"All of you should pay attention to this period of time to see if you have any suitable friends around you. If you have any, try your best to attract them to us. But we must remember that what we want are people who know the root and the bottom, and those who join us on the way, forget it“ Xiao Yiyi said.

All the women nodded, thinking that Xiao Yiyi's words were very correct.

"It's all settled. Now I'll talk about a few things." Xiao Yiyi said, "now our whole Jishi fund has been on the right track, and every month's profit is pretty good. Except for the projects we are building and some fixed monthly expenses, we still have a surplus every month. If the money can't be put there, we need to find a suitable project, We need to spend the money. "

"I think it's the same. I've been exploring Sanwu recently. It can be used as a tourist attraction or a special place. I plan to open a special restaurant in Li." Feng Duoduo said. Xiao Yiyi did not object, but nodded beside him.

"I don't have any other development right now. I don't need money for the moment."

"I'm here, too."

Yao Ya and xiuziqi said one after another.

"None of you. I'm next." Li Su said at this time


"What do you think?" All the girls looked at Li Su.

"Remember what we thought at the beginning of the foundation? Now we have preliminary results. Whether it's fame or economic strength, it's still relatively good. So I plan to set up a medical team, take enough medicine and equipment, and go to some remote places to carry out free medical treatment, so that people in those places can get rid of the suffering of illness. " Li Su said.

"This is feasible. Last time in Sanwu, we implemented it in this way. We also have experience in this field. However, there are too many things to prepare in the early stage. I'm afraid one or two days is not enough." Xiao Yiyi said.

"It's OK. We can't worry about it. We should take everything into consideration."