Chapter 705

General Wu looked at the old stronghold leader and said, "old stronghold leader, the age has changed. It's no longer the time when you founded the stronghold. We should have new ideas ourselves."

"What do you want?" Asked the old stronghold leader.

"I want to be the stronghold leader." Said general Wu“ You are old and no longer suitable to lead the village. Now it's time for me to stand here. "

"When did you have this idea?" The old stronghold leader seemed not surprised by general Wu's words. Instead, he asked calmly.

"When?" General Wu looked at the old stronghold leader and said, "have you forgotten? Eight years ago, you thought I could take charge of my own affairs. Then you asked me to go out and kill one person for your old man. Later, I went there for half a month. When I came back, you old man thought I was wasting your time. You gave me such a beating, and then basked in the sun for half a month on the penalty post. Do you still remember that“

"You are hating me?" Asked the old stronghold leader.

"No, I don't hate you. I need to thank you. If it wasn't for your existence, I still don't know that the outside world is so beautiful and fascinating." General Wu looked at the old stronghold leader and said, "you told us to lead us to build a very beautiful transition, but now I don't see the beautiful world at all. Instead, I take us step by step to the abyss. Now I understand that you don't want to take us to the beautiful transition you said to build, It's that you want to stay here and become your pet. "

"Only when we become pets can you control us and become a local emperor." Looking at the old stronghold leader, general Wu said: "you want to be a self styled local emperor, just like your own ancestors, just like our ancestors. You don't want anyone to be a vassal. As long as you have a little bit of people who are not as good as you mean, they are all executed. My father is like this, and so is their father“

"General Wu, is that what you said in your heart, or did someone tell you?

”Said the old stronghold leader“

"Old stronghold leader, you are really old. Do you need to be told this kind of thing? I'm not a fool. I have my own judgment. I have eyes. I can see for myself. I have ears. I can hear for myself. I can come to such a conclusion. It's completely the result of my own judgment. "

"Don't you think you are wrong?" Asked the old stronghold leader.

"Wrong is wrong, I will bear it myself, but I don't think I'm wrong." General Wu said, "well, in your old man's heart, you always think that you can't win. You always think that our strength is stronger than martial arts, and it's impossible to win. That's because you don't see the real strength."

General Wu looked back at the people standing on both sides and said, "some of us may have gone out, but you must not have my rich experience. During the half month I went out, I really had selfishness. I don't believe that the old stronghold leader said that there are all demons and ghosts outside. I want to see this thing clearly, but I'm wrong and you're wrong, The old stronghold leader is even more wrong. "

"There are a lot of people out there, but they don't eat human flesh. Like us, they will be afraid, have their own parents and brothers, and have their own missions. Maybe some people are extremely vicious, but they are only very individual, and their laws are much more advanced than ours, and they will have rules in every move, If you follow their rules, you will be very free and comfortable. If you don't follow their rules, you will be in prison, but you won't die and you won't be beaten. "

"You may think that I'm talking nonsense. I want to rebel. I don't want to explain this to you, but I want to say another question, which is whether we are strong or they are strong."

"In those half months, I went to many places and saw the weapons they used. I have to say that they are not as sharp as us in sharpness, but they are more powerful than us. Their sharpness is much more than us. It's not only me who can have this idea. We all have reception stations and people outside, Their life is more comfortable than ours. Don't you know that? "“ Don't you know that the man outside is the son of our old stronghold leader? You don't know that the old stronghold leader always disappears in a year. Where did she go in half a month or even a month? She went to find his son. We think that the old stronghold leader, who has always been indifferent, actually has a son in the outside world and has married and had children. During the period of his disappearance, the old stronghold leader has been enjoying life in the city and the outside world as we call it. "

The old stronghold leader didn't speak. There was a flash of light in his eyes. The leading crutch in his hand was tight and tight, but he didn't speak. The woman standing beside her wanted to move, but she was stopped by the old stronghold leader, "let him talk."

"Well, the old stronghold leader asked me to say, then I will say." General Wu said, "old stronghold leader, you have been saying that you are in seclusion. You are in contact with Laozu first. I have always been suspicious of this matter. So one day, I found an opportunity. I went to your room, don't you know? Guess what I saw in the old stronghold leader's room? "

"I saw a picture in the old stronghold leader's room, and this picture shows

What is noodles? It's a big jump for all of you, but I won't tell you that for the time being. " General Wu said, "you guys who have gone out must have seen elevators. There is an elevator in our old stronghold leader's room. I don't think you know that there are not only elevators in the old stronghold leader's room, but also many things that we have never seen. They are all famous brands outside. These things cost a lot of money, That's a lot of silver. But our old stronghold leader has it here. "

"What does that mean? Even if I don't know what to say, I think everyone knows what it is for. "

General Wu looked at the crowd, and felt very sad for the confused expression on their faces. "Don't you want to know what I saw on that picture?"