Chapter 934

The safe is not big, but it looks very textured.

Li Su lowered himself slowly and observed the metal cuboid in front of him.

It's only about two minutes since he came out of the dark room.

Li Su took a deep breath, stretched out his hand, gently covered it on the safe, and then opened the "backtracking".

All of a sudden, some pictures appeared in Li Su's mind, all of which were related to the safe.

Li Su can see a hand pressing on the combination lock of the safe. The picture is very clear. Li Su can even see the order of the keys.

“89757。” Li Su recited these five figures in his heart.

Actually saw the password, Li Su can't believe it. This "backtracking" is too powerful.

Now that he knew the code, Li Su didn't want to delay any time. He held out his hand.

Li Su used his index finger to lock the password in the order of "89757"

Five taps on it.

After pressing the button, the red light on the safe has now turned green, and the door has flicked open.

Li Su held his breath and looked forward to the things in the safe. He didn't care whether they were valuable or not. He just wanted to find the USB flash drive.

After the door was fully opened, Li Su finally saw the world in the safe.

There are not many things in it, or even very few. At the bottom of it is a stack of thick documents. Then on the top of the documents is a small box with a seal inside.

Next to the small box, there is a pile of thick red banknotes, which looks like hundreds of thousands. On the top of the banknotes, it is a small black thing.

Li Su didn't care about anything else. Instead, he took the black little thing in his hand. Li Su looked at it and found that it was a USB flash drive.

Li Su found Qian Yu's USB flash drive, and gently closed the door of the safe. With the green light turning red again, the safe has been locked, but you can't find it

Now it's in Li Su's hands.

Now that the USB flash drive is available, Li Su has no need to stay here. He looks around and finds that there is nothing suspicious, so he quickly walks towards the door.

But just as Li Su walked behind the door, there was a sudden movement at the door.

Li Su immediately stepped back to the window and hid behind the curtains.

Did Qian Yu come back? It seems that he is really suspicious, even a few minutes of Chen Yi can not hold him.

As Li Su thought, the door was opened. Li Su didn't dare to look at it now, but there were not only one or two people listening to the footsteps.

Has Qian Yu noticed someone in the office? Otherwise, how could he bring so many people here, but now the USB flash disk is in Li Su's hands, Li Su doesn't feel very flustered.

But after the door was opened, there was no voice. At this time, Qian Yu's office was silent, and Li Su could even hear their breathing.

"Li Su, come out." Qian Yu's voice came to Li Su's ears, and it was found, though Li Su didn't know why.

Now that he had been found, Li Su stopped hiding. He opened the curtain and went out.

Qian Yu and Chen Yi are both here, but they look very different now. Li Su can read the apology from Chen Yi's eyes, but Qian Yu is proud.

Beside them were several people in black suits, each of whom had a pistol in his hand, and the muzzle of the gun was now facing Li Su.

"Oh, Mr. Qian, long time no see."

Now that they have all been discovered, Li Su can only say hello with a slight embarrassment.

"You have a good idea, but you underestimate me too much."

At this time, Qian Yu turned to Li Su with his hands on his back, and his eyes were contemptuous.

"Don't say that. I've got the USB drive."

Li Su squeezed the USB flash disk between the thumb and index finger of his right hand, and the black USB flash disk became more mysterious at this time.

Seeing the USB flash drive in Li Su's hand, Qian Yu's face changed a little. He knew something about his safe. Without knowing the password, he could not open it unless he used a large machine to cut it.

Qian Yu went to the safe and saw the "iron box" intact.

"How did you open him?"

Compared with two minutes ago, Qian Yu's voice was just like a different person.

"It's easy, because I know the password."

Li Su's words not only surprised Qian Yu, but also surprised Chen Yi. Although Li Su said before that there was a way to open the safe, Chen Yi thought that Li Su was going to use some special means.

But now Li Su says that he knows the code, which makes everyone present feel better

I'm surprised.

"I'm the only one who knows the password. How can you..."

Qian Yu's tone was full of doubts about reality, which he had never heard of, but now happened in front of his own eyes.

However, Li Su doesn't want to talk nonsense with him, and he can't say that he has the ability of "Retrospection", even if he has estimated it, no one believes it.

"This is yours, isn't it?"

Li surao looked at the USB flash disk in his hand with interest. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that this black little thing was cute.

"Even if you get it, how can it be? Do you think I don't have a backup?"

Qian Yu's tone is not smooth, but Li Su saw a trace of panic in his eyes.

"Oh? Do you really have one? If so, we might as well compare them and see which one is male and which one is female. "

Li Su had a relaxed smile on his face. He could already conclude that there was something very important in the USB flash drive, but at this time, the USB flash drive was not

Has fallen into their own hands. Although Qian Yu's face is still very calm, his heart has turned upside down.

After Chen Yi called them to the archives just now, they did read the information of the suspicious person together, but Qian Yu was more and more surprised.

Chen Yi is Qian Yu's subordinate. Qian Yu always asks him to do whatever he wants, so he does it directly. There is little other communication.

But this time, Chen Yi went directly to Qian Yu's office to find him and said that he would pay attention to the information of suspicious people together. It's hard not to make Qian Yu suspicious.

After Qian Yu wants to understand, regardless of Chen Yi's words, he immediately calls several of his confidants back to the office.

On the way back to the office, Qian Yu suddenly thought of something. He turned to Guan Li Su's dark room and found that there was no trace of Li Su in the dark room.

So as soon as he got back to the office, he called out tentatively. Unexpectedly, Li Su was really in it.

What he didn't expect was that Li Su had already opened the safe.