Chapter 1035

This palm of the faceless man is beating Li Su with the power of destroying the withered and decaying.

Li Su had an idea. His right hand released the hilt, and then his right shoulder suddenly retreated. Then he grasped the hilt with his left hand.

In this way, the palm of the faceless man is empty again.

At this time, the middle door of the faceless man opened, and Li Su's right hand was just free, so he punched the Faceless Man in the chest.

Suddenly, Li Su felt a flash of shadow in front of him. His fist had hit the faceless man.

But when Li Su fixed his eyes, he found that his fist was only the palm of the faceless man.

Li Su was surprised that the faceless man used his hand with the help of Li Su's fist. He knew the power of his fist very well. It was reasonable to say that even if the faceless man didn't fly, he would definitely step back.

But now the faceless man is still standing in the courtyard, as if it was not Li Su who hit him with his fist, but a three-year-old.

Li Su wanted to pull out his fist, but he was buckled by the Faceless Man's hand


He didn't think he could be in such a stalemate, so he raised his leg and pushed it up with his knee.

Now Li Su has two choices for Faceless Man, one is to let go of his hand, the other is to be hit by Li Su's knee.

The faceless man chose the third one. He retreated back in a ghostly manner. Li Su could not even see any sign of his exertion.

In this way, Li Su's body was also carried forward by the Faceless Man, and he suddenly lost his balance.

But Li Su immediately reacts, takes a deep breath, stands still, and finally no longer moves backward.

Then Li Su kicked the Faceless Man's leg with his right leg.

The faceless man wanted to use the method before again, but found that he could not pull Li Su's body, so he had to open Li Su's fist first.

Both of them stepped back and returned to the stalemate.

Now Li Su's spirit has been highly nervous, and he has no face

The force is much higher than he thought.

Li Su cut three swords at the faceless man. The three swords were like a galloping white horse. He stepped on the water and flew to the faceless man.

The Faceless Man stretched out his hand again and formed a semicircular shield in front of him. Three sword Qi accurately cut on it and made a strange sound.

Although Li Su knows that sword Qi doesn't work for faceless people, he just wants to use it to consume their physical strength, but he doesn't know how much energy there is in faceless people's body.

At this time, the Faceless Man also clapped a few palms at Li Su.

Originally, this internal force was not transparent, but after falling raindrops, it showed the shape of a palm.

The imprints of several palms flew towards Li Su. He quickly looked at the imprints with his sword.

After Li Su waved the sword several times, the palmprint of the faceless man was also dissolved by Li Su. As soon as the palmprint was removed by Li Su, the faceless man rushed up, and his sword went straight to Li Su's chest.

Li Su didn't panic. He now knows that using sword is not the advantage of faceless people.

He decided to take a chance. He put his left hand to the sword that was getting closer to him.

Sure enough, the Faceless Man's sword stopped suddenly when it was about to hit Li Su. The faceless man didn't know what happened for a moment.

When he saw it clearly, he was surprised by what he saw.

It was Li Su's two fingers that blocked his sword. At this time, Li Su's left index finger and middle finger were like a pair of pliers, holding the Faceless Man's sword tightly.

In fact, at the beginning, Li Su was not confident that he would be able to hold it, but he was willing to take the risk.

Sure enough, the adventure is worth it. Now the Faceless Man's sword has been caught between Li Su's fingers. No matter how hard the faceless man tries, the sword doesn't move.

"A sharp finger."

The faceless man said it in a low voice, full of surprise.

But Li Su didn't care what the faceless man said. He had stabbed his sword into the belly of the faceless man.

Now the Faceless Man will either let go of his sword hand or be stabbed by Li Su's sword.

For the Faceless Man, this is not a very difficult choice, he gave up his hand.

Li Su threw his left hand back fiercely, and finally the Faceless Man's sword fell far away.

Seeing that the Faceless Man has lost his weapon, Han Yu can't help but utter a cry of surprise. He never thought that the faceless man would be in the downwind.

However, Li Su did not feel any relaxed, because he knew that faceless people without weapons is not necessarily a good thing.

Sure enough, as soon as the Faceless Man's sword fell on the ground, he rushed to Li Su.

Now he has no weapons, but is a relief, so his body will become more flexible, can maximize the play of his hand Kung Fu.

When Li Su reacted, the faceless man was close to him

Quickly back, and with a sword in the blockade of the back, not to let faceless people close to themselves.

Li Su retreated and attacked at the same time, which made the faceless people feel at a loss.

However, no matter how tight the defense is, there will be loopholes. Faceless people are waiting for such an opportunity.

Just as Li Su swung his sword to the right and the middle door was wide open, the Faceless Man speeded up and rushed up.

He held out his hand and patted Li Su on the chest.

Li Su was a little flustered in the face of the Faceless Man's palm. Now he can only use his hand to pick it up, otherwise this palm will definitely hit him.

So Li Su stretched out his left hand to block his chest.

The palms of the two men collided together, and the rain around them was instantly bounced away by a shockwave.

The power of the faceless man is heavy and critical, and Li Su has already felt the invisible pressure. Li Su's hand began to numb, then his arm, and finally spread to the whole arm.

Although he had known for a long time that the palm power of a faceless man was extraordinary, now

He still felt that he underestimated the power of faceless people.

Not only the arm, because Li Su could not resist such a huge force, his hand was also hit in the chest.

Although Li Su's palm has consumed most of the energy of faceless man, it actually hit Li Su's chest.

Li Su felt that the air in his lungs was squeezed out. He was suffocated for a moment, and then his body pushed forward a few steps.

Li Su felt a sudden surge of sweetness in his throat. He tried to swallow the sweet taste, but some of it still flowed into his mouth and seeped out from the corner of his mouth.

He reached out to wipe the corner of his mouth and found a bright red mark on his hand. Then he took a deep breath and spat blood foam on the ground.

Before Li Su could stand firm, the faceless man rushed up again.

Han Yu thinks that Li Su is about to be defeated, and his eyes have shown the color of surprise.