Chapter 1090

Just then, the door of the room was knocked.

Li Su and Professor Yang shut their mouths and stopped talking. Professor Yang stood up and went to the door and opened it.

Standing at the door was a young man, only seventeen or eighteen years old.

"Professor Yang, Dr. Li, please welcome our patriarch."

The young man's Putonghua is very standard. If it wasn't for his easy identification, Li Su might not have recognized him as a member of the Dong nationality.

Hearing what he said, Li Su also stood up and followed him with Professor Yang.

Li Su thought he was going to the village head's house, but the road was not the way to the house.

Sure enough, Li Su followed the young man and finally came to the open space in the middle of the tribe.

Although Li Su has never been to this place, he knows that this is what Professor Yang said.

Li Su looks at Professor Yang with doubts and finds that Professor Yang nods to himself.

A lot of people have gathered in the open space, and the village head of Tucker is sitting on a chair beside the open space. There are several chairs beside him, and Kuxi is already sitting in the open space

I put it on one of them.

Seeing Li Su and Professor Yang, Tucker quickly waved to them and let them sit beside him.

Li Su did not refuse, and sat on the left side of the Tak patriarch, while Professor Yang sat on Li Su's left side.

The seat on Tucker's right was empty. Li Su knew it was the seat of high priest ramcha.

Sure enough, after a while, ramcha walked slowly. After nodding with several people, ramcha sat on the right side of Tucker.

"Today's dinner is for you."

Village head Tucker put his head together and whispered to Li Su, as if he was afraid of being heard.


Li Su looked at Tucker blankly.

"Wait, you'll see."

Tucker had a mysterious smile.

At this time, it was getting dark, the sun had disappeared, and even the last light was about to disappear.

The Tak patriarch said a few words to a young man standing behind him, and then the young man ran away.

After a while, several big men appeared in the middle of the open space, each of them holding a torch.

A lot of firewood has been piled up in the center of the open space, and it has been piled into a cone shape.

After the Tak clan leader clapped his hand, the big men lit the pile of firewood with torches.

It was obvious that something was added to the pile of firewood to support combustion. When it hit the fire, the whole pile of firewood immediately burst into flames.

At this time, some of the people next to the shelf hanging do not know what the meat is carried out, began to put on the fire to bake up. There were several small fires among the people. At this time, the small fires were also burning, and everyone seemed to be baking things in their hands.

The golden red flame was burning, and the firewood was crackling.

Li Su roughly estimated that there were about four or five hundred people in the open space at this time, and he could not even see the farthest place clearly.

Although Li Su didn't feel hungry after eating pigudan, he still wanted to eat it.

Just when Li Su was attracted by the meat in the fire, several people moved the table in front of them, put on the glass and filled it with wine.

"Meat is your own meat and wine is your own wine. I hope you don't want it

I don't mind

Just as the Tak clan leader raised his glass, someone had already brought the roasted meat to Li Su's table.

Although Li Su is still a wounded man, he also knows that drinking is not good for the wound, but he still refuses to refute the face of the Tak clan leader, so he also takes up the bamboo cup.

At this time, the Tak patriarch had stood up with the cup, and the scene was quiet.

"Tonight, we are here for our great soldier Li Su, who, regardless of his own safety, saved the lives of four people from the beast God."

The village head of tuck paused and looked around for a week.

"Let's drink to the great warrior, the guardian who is willing to sacrifice and the tolerant who saves lives together

With these words, the Tak clan leader drank all the wine in the glass, and all the people drank all the wine in the glass.

Although Li Su didn't understand the words of the Tak patriarch, his voice was inspiring enough, so he drank all the wine in his glass.

Seeing Li Su drink up all the wine, the crowd burst out with loud cheers.

Even Professor Yang and Kuxi looked at Li Su excitedly, and they were also infected by the atmosphere.

There were only two people at the scene, one was Li Su, the other was lamucha.

The ethnic groups began to sing and dance, and tucker joined them. A few others came up and pulled Professor Yang and cushy in.

Fortunately, Li Su's injury has not yet healed, so no one came to invite him, but he is still the focus of many people.

Li Su looked at Professor Yang and Kuxi's funny dancing and clapped his hands.

But lamucha looked at Li Su with a kind of doubt and curiosity. Li Su soon noticed lamucha.

"High priest ramcha, what can I do for you?"

Li Su didn't know why ramcha looked at himself like that. Did the high priest have a special interest? Li Su did not dare to think further.

"How did you get the black line on your arm?"

Although lamucha was talking to Li Su, his eyes were fixed on Li Su's arm.

Otherwise, lamucha reminded Li Su that he might have forgotten about the black line. He rolled up his sleeve, but he didn't see the end of the black line. Li Suzhi took off his coat and found that the black line was almost on his shoulder.

"I don't know how it came about."

Li Su didn't know what was going on, and he didn't feel it

There's nothing wrong with the body.

Lamucha got up from his seat and went to Li Su. He grabbed Li Su's arm and observed carefully.

His hands are very cold. If Li Su hadn't seen lamucha standing in front of him, he might have thought it was a dead man's hand.

Lamucha's expression has changed several times in a few seconds. Li Su has seen that lamucha may know something about the black line.

"High priest, do you know what this is?" Li Su asked.

Lamucha sighed and said a name that surprised and frightened Li Su: "Linggu."

Li Su didn't know what the so-called Linggu was, but he still knew the word Gu.