Chapter 1092

Singing and dancing are over, and there is only boundless silence left.

Li Su sat alone at the door of the wooden house, watching the moonlight sprinkle on the earth, and also sprinkled himself.

He vaguely felt that he was in a huge vortex, and Li Su himself was like a blind fish, only knew how to bump in the water.

But no matter how little fish struggle, they are still close to the center of the vortex step by step.

Since arriving at Dayun City, Li Su has had doubts one after another. Up to now, he has not known the secret of any doubts.

No matter what happened to him, or the mysterious figure he saw, or the spirit in him, Li Su was confused.

Someone must be manipulating all this behind the scenes, but Li Su doesn't know who the other party is or what the purpose is.

And the people who sent the comatose Kuxi back to the village, and the people who bewitched Li Su

Li Su doesn't know whether there is any connection between people.

Li Su felt like a blindfolded donkey. He only knew how to move forward, but he didn't know where to go.

Thinking about these unsolved problems made Li Su feel a little tired, so he stood up to look around.

The night is already deep, in addition to the tribal gate, where there are two bright fire sources, the whole tribe has been immersed in boundless darkness.

Li Su walked in the tribe, just like a tiny grain of sand in the dark universe, which did not cause any waves.

He went to the gate of the tribe and found that inside the gate there was a wooden tower almost ten meters high, just like a watchtower.

There were two people standing on the tower. They were whispering something, but they seemed to hear something and looked around.

Li Su did not intend to hide, so he did not deliberately stop walking.

The two guards have found Li Su. Now the whole tribe doesn't know that Li Su is a warrior who has fought with the beast God. So when the two guards see Li Su, they say hello to Li Su.

It's not easy to see two people who haven't fallen asleep yet. Li Su endured the pain in his chest and climbed up the ladder to the tower.

The top of the tower is not big. It seems a little crowded after standing for three people. The two guards try their best to give Li Su a loose place.

"Do you need a vigil at night?"

Li Su knew that the walls of the Dong tribe were high and thick, and the beasts had no way to break through.

"Yes, safety is important, said the patriarch." Answered a tall guard.

His Chinese is very poor, just like a child learning to speak.

"Because there are so many beasts on the mountain?"

"No, it's to prevent people from other tribes."

The answer to Li Su this time is the guard who is a little shorter. His Chinese is a little better, but not much better.

"Oh? Do you have a bad relationship with other tribes? " Li Su was surprised to hear that. He had heard of Tucker before

More than 500 years ago, the relationship between tribes was really bad, but it was a long time ago.

"Some are good, some are bad. No matter whether they are good or not, safety is the most important thing, said the patriarch."

The tall guard will add a "from the patriarch" after every sentence, which shows that the patriarch tuck has a high prestige among the people.

Li Su felt that he was safe with a wall, but the leader of Tak still sent someone to watch the night. It seems that Tak's heart is not as rough as his appearance.

"By the way, how is the relationship between your patriarch and the high priest?"

Li Su didn't know why he asked. He just felt that the relationship between them was not as harmonious as it seemed.

"They have a good relationship. They grew up together." Answered the short guard.

According to him, Tucker and ramcha do look about the same age.

"Does your patriarch have children? I never seem to have seen it


Li Su has been to Tucker's house. He only saw Tucker's wife, but not Tucker's children.

And Li Su thought of the lonely expression she saw on Kama's face. It is reasonable that there should be nothing worth worrying about in the tribe. Moreover, both of them are in good health. Is it possible that they are related to their children.

"The patriarch has a woman..."

As soon as the tall guard was halfway through, he was interrupted by the short guard, and both of them looked alert.

Although he didn't finish his words, Li Su still heard a female character. It seems that the Tak clan leader has a daughter, but why has he never seen it? Even at dinner tonight, Tucker didn't invite his daughter out.

Since the two guards didn't want to say anything, Li Su came down from the tower.

Li Su began to turn around in the tribe again. Although this place is not big, it is also a village with nearly a thousand people.

In a big mountain, it is a rare thing to have a tribe of nearly a thousand people.

And obviously there are many secrets hidden in this tribe, but Li Su didn't come for these secrets. He just wanted to find the whereabouts of longan stone.

But now he is also in the spirit of Gu, so Li Su's body and add a trouble.

At this time, there are some thin clouds in the sky. In the dark night, the clouds seem to have been dyed.

The moon is also blocked by clouds, half of the face, as if covered with a layer of black yarn, as if there is something hidden in its body.

Li Su walked and came near the three story building. He remembered something Professor Yang had told him before.

At that time, Professor Yang told Li Su that he heard painful groans near the building, and more than once.

Li Su didn't know whether what Professor Yang said was true or false, so now he also quietly came to the side of the building to listen to whether there was the voice that Professor Yang said. Time has come to the second half of the night, Yin Qi to the peak of the day.

Li Su has been standing beside the building for a while, but he has not heard any suspicious voice. However, he does not think what Professor Yang said is a lie, or maybe he just did not encounter it.

Just as Li Su was about to go back, he heard something coming from upstairs.

He held his breath, trying to hear what it was.

Sure enough, the sound from upstairs was a groan of pain, as if the person who made it was being tortured.

Li Su did not expect to have the voice that Professor Yang said, and Li Su also recognized that the voice came from a young woman.