Chapter 1111

Li Su has found a way to get into the house.

At this time, he has removed the bamboo one by one, and slowly put it on the roof.

The roof has revealed a passageway for one person to go in and out. The room is dark, and Li Su can barely see the scene inside.

Li Su took a deep breath and jumped down. He fell to the ground in an extremely light posture, without any movement.

He could see the two people standing at the door through the crack of the door, but they didn't know that Li Su had entered the house.

Li Su gently moved his feet to the table.

He put his ear on the table. The animal skin made Li Su feel itchy, but he heard a slight breath inside.

Li Su knocked three times on the table with a very small force, and then three more times. This was the signal he had agreed with Becca before, and now it just came in handy.

After half a minute, the same beat came from the table

Sound, this let Li Su confirm that the person inside is Becca.

He lifted the hide from the table and the table showed its original appearance.

It's not so much a table as a big box with four legs under it.

Li Su looked for a while, and finally found a button on the other side of the table. He opened the button and slightly lifted the table.

Sure enough, there was a man in it, and the man was dressed in white, and his eyes were covered with black cloth. It was Becca.

Becca's mouth was stuffed with a piece of cloth, so she couldn't speak.

Becca heard something being lifted, and the air was much fresher than before.

Li Su gently took the cloth out of Becca's mouth, and Becca breathed violently.

"Is that you?"

When Becca heard the knock, she was very scared. She thought it was a bad guy who wanted to kill her, but the way of knocking was the same as Li Su's way of knocking on her window before.

"It's me."

Li Su answered Becca softly, then took off the black cloth that covered her eyes.

Because there was no light in the room, Becca adjusted to the light after a few winks.

And Li Su's resolute and handsome face also appeared in front of her eyes. She just looked at Li Su silently and did not speak.

Since Becca was arrested at the beginning, she knew that if anyone came to her, it would be Li Su, and now her wish has come true.

After taking off the black cloth, Li Su didn't take her hand away from Becca's face. Instead, she stroked Becca's cheek with her fingertips, just like touching a piece of crystal clear amber.

Then he slowly leaned forward, put his arm behind Becca's back, put his other hand around the bend of Becca's leg, and gently picked her up.

Li Su has stood up straight, but he has not put down Becca, but continues to hold her in his arms. At this time, the eyes of the two people are intertwined fiercely. Li Su's eyes are like obsidian, and Becka's eyes are like the bright moon in the sky.

But Li Su knew that it was not the time for love. He finally put Becca on the ground and untied the rope tied to her hand.

"Where is this?"

After the rope was untied, she finally looked around, but she didn't know where it was.

Li Su approached Becca, leaned over her ear and said, "this is lamucha's place. Didn't you see it when you were arrested?"

Of course, Becca doesn't know where it is. She doesn't even know how she came to this place.

In the early morning of that day, after parting from Li Su, Becca went to bed, but while she was still sleeping, she suddenly heard something.

As soon as Becca opened her eyes, she didn't see what was going on. Then she suddenly felt dark in front of her eyes, and then she lost consciousness.

When she woke up again, her hands were tied up, her eyes were covered, even her mouth was blocked, but she could feel that she was on a person's shoulder.

Becca didn't understand what happened, but she knew that the other side was not friendly to her, so she struggled desperately.

But how could Becca's thin body compare with that of a big man? She is like a chicken caught by the eagle. No matter how hard she struggles, she can't get rid of the eagle.

In the end, Becca felt that she had been pushed into a very small place, the table that Li Su saw.

Then she stayed in this place all the time without being transferred. Before that, she could still hear the movement around her and even the voice of talking.

"Let's get out of here first. I have other things to do."

Li Su thought that Marta was still in the cell to replace him, so he could not delay any time.

When she heard Li Su's words, Becca nodded gently. Now she will listen to Li Su no matter what she says.

Li Su covered the table again, and then spread the hide again as before.

At this time, Li Su had already pulled Becca to the place where he jumped down. He put one hand around Becca's waist. With a violent jump, one of his hands was buckled on the roof.

After Becca was dragged up by Li Su, Li Su also climbed up gently, his posture was like a flexible monkey.

Then Li Su spread the bamboo back, and finally made the leaves the same as before. It was as if no one had been here.

The two guards at the door didn't notice the movement of the roof, and they were still chatting there.

Now that Becca has been rescued, there is no need to stay here. Li Su picks up Becca again and jumps up. They have already come to the ground.

At this time, the people in the tribe become more rare, most of them have returned home, or chatting, or have gone to sleep.

So Li Su and Becca returned to the virgin's exclusive residence without any barrier, because Becca's "whereabouts are unknown", so it's now

There's no one on guard. The two men are now in Becca's room. As before, they still meet secretly, but the nature of this time is very different.

Li Su simply told Becca about what happened to him today, including how he was transferred from the mountain by the man in black, how he was wronged by the Tak patriarch, and how he managed to run out with the help of Mata.

After listening to Li Su's story, Becca's expression became dignified. She had already understood that she had been kidnapped for a long time.

Although Li Su and Bekaa don't know the purpose of lamucha, they already know that this time is not so simple.