Chapter 1125

Li Su is now standing on the back of the beast God.

The beast God was obviously aware of this, so he quickly shook his body and wanted to throw Li Su down.

But Li Su's hand held the hair on the animal God's back tightly, just like the rein of a horse.

The beast God saw that the shaking had no effect, so he ran wildly in the forest, and then braked suddenly, but it still failed to throw Li Su down.

Li Su feels like he is on a roller coaster now, and the appearance of this "roller coaster" is not the same.

Now the beast God began to hit the big trees around him. The big trees fell one by one, while Li Su was like a pine standing on the steep cliff.

The beast God stopped his action and began to breathe heavily. Even though the weather was very hot, he still spit out a lot of white gas in his mouth.

Although Li Su has been staying on the beast God's back, he is very nervous now because he knows his chance is coming.

If you continue to use a short knife to cut the wound on the beast God, it may take hundreds of knives to bring substantial damage to the beast God.

So Li Su has to find a way to kill him, and now he is waiting for such a chance.

After a while, the beast God's physical strength recovered a little, but he knew that the method he had tried before could not throw Li Su down.

And at this time, the animal God's head flash, it thought of a way.

Li Su suddenly felt his body plummet. It was the beast God who bent his leg down.

Li Su took a deep breath. He knew his chance was coming.

Sure enough, just as Li Su expected, the animal God's right legs were forced at the same time, and then his body bounced up.

The beast God wants to turn his body upside down, and then use his back to press Li Su into a pool of mud.

And this is the opportunity Li Su is waiting for, in the animal God's body low

When he went, Li Su had already jumped up straight.

When the beast God's back hit the ground solidly, Li Su's body had already risen to mid air.

Li Su's arms were lifted up, just like a crane spreading its wings.

At this moment, the animal God's back was on the ground, but his abdomen was exposed in front of Li Su.

Time seemed to freeze in general, Li Su even felt himself stopped in the air, he looked at the beast God's abdomen, looking for a place with ups and downs.

Finally, he found an abnormality in the upper left side of the beast God's abdomen, where the skin was slightly undulating, as if something was getting bigger and smaller inside.

There was something in it. It was the heart of the beast God, and that was what Li Su was looking for.

In the eyes of people not far away, Li Su is now like a person who can fly, even staying in the air.

But the Tak clan leader found some clues, his eyes widened,

It's like Li Su's next move. Li Su had already seen the target, so he immediately turned his body, turned his head down, and then fell down.

At this time, Li Su, like an eagle hovering at an altitude of 1000 meters, found a rabbit on the ground and dived down.

He was afraid that the strength of one hand might be insufficient, so he held the knife in both hands.

Just at the moment when Li Su fell on the animal God's abdomen, his arm was also strong, and he inserted the knife into the animal God's heart.

The short knife is like a long nail, and Li Su's hands are like a hammer full of infinite power.

The dagger has penetrated into the animal God's body in thousands of circles. Even the handle of the dagger was almost pressed by Li Su.

And the short knife connected with the skin of the beast God, and the bright red blood splashed out like the flood of breaking the dike, which dyed Li Su's whole body red.

The animal God's body also seemed to be electrified, and his body shook violently.

Li Su seized the opportunity, turned and ran back. He ran from the beast God

Take off on the body, after a forward somersault, smoothly landed on the ground.

And at this time, the beast God has struggled to stand up, it is very confused, do not know what has changed his body.

Blood flowed from the mouth and nose of the beast God, and his limbs were shaking, and his huge body seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

In a trance, the beast God saw Li Su standing in front of him. He didn't know why the little animal suddenly turned red.

But the beast God was very clear that this human was the existence he wanted to kill most, so he resisted the shaking of his body and rushed to Li Su.

Although the beast God had been seriously injured, it still used the last bit of strength to rush to Li Su.

Facing the huge body of the beast God, Li Su stood there and did not move.

Seeing that Li Su didn't make any response, Becca held her fist tightly, and her nails even broke her skin.

But what Becca was worried about didn't happen.

Facing the rushing beast God, Li Su stretched out his palm and pushed forward, pushing it on the air.

The beast God, who had been rushing like a train, fell to the ground when he was about to meet Li Su.

The beast God fell to the ground, and his tongue stretched out from his mouth. The red blood foam was constantly produced with the breath of the beast God, and then it was broken.

At this time, the beast God still wanted to struggle to stand up, but its limbs could not use the strength, even the power to open its mouth.

The beast God who wants to make a roar only makes a whine sound, just like a pet dog who has just been full moon.

Li Su went to the beast God and sighed as he looked at the beast God's lax eyes.

It has to be said that the beast God is a beautiful beast, and obviously it has absorbed the aura of nature. If it is not for the fact that it will endanger everyone's lives, Li Su is willing to let it live.

Li Su fiercely pulled out the short knife inserted in the heart of the beast God, but there was no blood splashing out. Under the body of the beast God, a pool of blood had been formed for a long time. At this time, many people found that the beast God had been subdued by Li Su, so they all ran out later.

Li Su's body has been dyed red by the blood of the beast God. He is like Shura from hell, which makes people shudder.

Li Su wiped his face with his hand, and finally made his face appear. He laughed at the crowd, looking quite relaxed.

And Becca's eyes were full of tears. She was afraid that this man would suddenly disappear from the world.

But Li Su did not have any injury, although the chest will also come faint pain, but it is only old injury.