Chapter 1156

After more than half a day's work, they have returned to the Dong tribe.

Li Su had seen the tribe's wall from a distance, and the party slowly approached the wall, while the guard at the door raised his hands after seeing them.

All the clansmen have come out and the clan leader has returned, but immediately some sharp eyed people find that there were ten people when they went, but there were eight when they came back.

Beika, the holy daughter of the Dong nationality, did not come back with them, and everyone looked sad.

And the high priest lamucha didn't come back together. Everyone looked at these eight people curiously.

They don't know what happened. The cheers just now have stopped.

Bekaa's mother, Kama, was standing in the middle of the road. Like other people, she was looking for Bekaa.

Unlike others, Kama is just looking for her daughter.

Now they have stopped in the crowd, they are not like a triumphant warrior, but more like a defeated cockfight.

Kama had rushed to the front of the crowd and said, "where's Becca? My shellfish

Where's the card? "

Everyone was looking down, only Tucker slowly raised his head: "Becca, she..."

At the end of the day, he didn't say that. Tucker just looked back. Becca was lying on the stretcher that was used to carry Li Su.

Kama followed Tucker's eyes and saw a man on the stretcher. She ran quickly.

Becca's body is covered with a layer of white cloth. People with a clear eye can see what is under the white cloth.

Kama reached for the white cloth with her shaking hand. She tried several times before she put the white cloth in her hand.

Everyone's attention is on Kama's body. As the white cloth is slowly lifted, Becca's appearance appears in the public's eyes.

Becca's face was very pale, as if all the blood had been drained from her body.

Kama's hand touched Becca's face gently, but she didn't feel any temperature from Becca's face.

At this time, Kama couldn't help it any more. She suddenly lifted all the white cloth, and then the whole person fell on Becca and began to cry.

Now the scene is very moving, but Li Su shows an imperceptible smile.

In the end, Kama let a few women pull away, and Li Su and tucker all returned to their homes.

It's getting dark. Even if it's still a while before dark, the dark clouds can't wait to block the light.

Bekaa's body was sent to the shrine of the tribe, and at the joint request of Tucker and Kama, Bekaa's funeral will be held tonight.

The people in the tribe are all busy preparing. They didn't expect that the virgin had just returned and died.

And the next Saint still don't know who it is, so their concerns are put on Becca's funeral.

Night soon came, the sky was dark and frightening, the moon and the stars seemed to have made an appointment, and they hid one after another. And this night is really not calm, the Dong tribe did not turn off the lights as early as usual, now the lights of every family are still on.

A lot of people have gathered outside the funeral hall of the tribe. Almost all the people of the Dong nationality have come here just to leave for the holy daughter.

Tucker and Kama stood in the mourning hall and expressed surprise at all the people who came to mourn.

But Li Su was late. He just went to do something very important, so he was delayed for some time.

Li Su went to the door of the hall, nodded to Tucker inside, and then

He also followed the clansmen and lined up to mourn for Becca.

After half an hour of waiting in line, Li Su finally stood in the hall, and Becca's body was not far away, covered with a layer of white cloth. Li Su could not see Becca's appearance.

After greeting Tucker and Kama respectively, Li Su left the hall, and the next step was cremation.

According to the tradition of the Dong people, the dead saint should be cremated in front of all the people. In the open space outside the mourning hall, a hill has been built with firewood.

After everyone's condolence, Tucker and Kama came outside, and if the high priest were there, he would preside over the ceremony.

But now ramcha has escaped, and tucker has cured himself to preside over his daughter's funeral.

After Tucker gave the order, four young men came to the hall. They slowly lifted Becca's body and came out.

Eventually, they put Becca's body on top of the pile of firewood, and Tucker had the fire in his hands.

Under everyone's gaze, Tucker put a part of the torch on the firewood, which had been covered with oil for a long time, so when it hit the fire, the whole firewood started to burn.

The fire is getting bigger and bigger, and Becca's body has been blocked by the fire for a long time

People can only see the burning flames.

Li Su's mood has calmed down a lot. He is thinking about Chen Qiu's next action.

According to the original plan, Li Su will leave Fuyun mountain tomorrow. This time, with the previous experience, it will take at most two days to get to the foot of the mountain.

Then Chen Qiu and Li Su will certainly follow them to move their target from Fuyun mountain to the city. Li Su is considering whether to return to Xingqing city or not.

Hui is sure to go back. He must use longan stone to wake up the sleeping dragon Qiuyue, but if he continues to live beside them, they will be in danger.

Li Su shook his head and stopped thinking about these complicated things.

After the fire went out, only a pile of ashes remained, and no one could tell which was the ash of firewood and which was Becca's.

After the funeral, Li Su went back to his residence. He had told Professor Yang and Kuxi that he was leaving tomorrow. They had no opinion.

But Li Su knew that he would definitely come here in the future. As for the reason, only Li Su knew.

In the middle of the night, he sneaked out of his room again and came back only two hours later. He is going to leave early tomorrow morning. He is lying on the bed and quietly looking at the roof,

He didn't know whether what he did this time was right or wrong, but since he did it, he wanted to be the most perfect.

In a trance, Li Su fell asleep. The next day, he was awakened by Professor Yang.

Everything was packed and soon after they got up they were ready to go.

Hundreds of Dong people came out to see them off. Recently, Li Su left a deep impression on them. They were really reluctant to leave.