Chapter 1160

Li Su was trapped.

He has seen the marks he left on the wall several times. Whether he goes in the same direction or in the opposite direction, he will return to the origin.

At the beginning, Li Su thought it was interesting, but now he just wanted to go out quickly. He didn't know what was going on with Professor Yang.

Li Su yelled a few more times, but his voice seemed to be worn away by the wall, and he didn't get any response.

He knew that there was no way to be anxious, so he tried to calm down.

After adjusting his breathing several times, he finally calmed down and began to observe his current environment carefully.

There are stone walls on both sides. As long as there are two choices of forward and backward, no matter forward or backward, we will come back here in the end.

Li Su felt a little strange. Sometimes the mark he saw was made by himself, but sometimes it was made by someone else.

But every time Li Su saw the same wall, he knocked on it with his hand, and the wall made a "Dong Dong" sound, which was very clear.

Li Su felt as if he had found the key to the problem. He was in the whole area

There was a knock on the stone wall, and the sound was "Dong Dong".

He took a deep breath, his right hand clenched into a fist, and smashed it on the wall.

As expected, the stone wall was just a thin layer. He punched a hole with a diameter of more than ten centimeters.

Although the stone wall is very thin, but the stone is really hard. If he had been half a year ago, he would not have hurt the wall even if he had used his strength.

But there was a big hole in the stone wall. Li Su slowly drew his eyes close to the hole and observed the situation on the other side.

What's more surprising is that on the wall on the other side of the hole, the mark Li Su left before also appears, and now the stone wall he broke also has the same mark.

He retreated a few steps and used a set of Military Training Boxing against Shibi, beating Shibi to pieces.

Now the crevasse on the stone wall was ready for a man to enter and leave, and he went through without any hesitation.

The shapes on both sides of the stone wall are surprisingly consistent. If there were not stones broken by Li Su on one side and not on the other, Li Su might not be able to tell which side is which.

Now the stone wall in the middle has been broken by Li Su, and he goes back along the previous road. This time, he does go out, but they are not before

It's in my place.

The big hole above is still holding the rain without blocking. Li Su turns two times in this wide area, and there is no sign of them.

He's really angry now. It doesn't matter if he's trapped, but he doesn't allow anyone to hurt them.

Li Su didn't see Becca's shadow here and cried out, "Becca! Lao Yang! CUSI... "

He cried three times, but no one answered him.

Li Su knew that he had to calm down now. The more angry he was, the less he could find their trace. In this fast place, in addition to the hole they came out before, there are two holes with roughly the same appearance.

There were three caves when they came, but Li Su didn't know which cave they went to.

According to common sense, Li Su thinks that if they find that they have not come back, they will definitely stay where they are, but there is no sign of them here.

If they don't have to go the wrong way, it is likely that they are the ghost of the previous figure.

The man first LED Li Su into the trap he set, then trapped him in it, and then he came back to deal with them.

This is a way that a wise man can come up with, because he made some noise in the back before, and only the best person behind dares to chase him, so he trapped his strongest fighting capacity in the cave.

Li Su thought that figure would be a savage or something. Now it seems that it is likely to be a man of civilized society.

But there should be only one person on the other side. It's difficult to subdue three people in an instant, so it's likely to leave some clues.

Sure enough, after a careful inspection, I finally found something that didn't belong here.

That thing is Professor Yang's watch. The style of the watch is very old, at least 30 or 40 years ago. For Professor Yang, this watch is very precious.

But now this watch has been lost here. There are only two possibilities. One is that Professor Yang has been killed, and the other is that Professor Yang left this watch on purpose.

Li Su went forward, picked up the watch, put it in his hand and looked at it. Then he looked thoughtfully at the hole next to him.

Without any hesitation, after turning on the flashlight, he had got into the cave.

The cave was dark, just like other caves. Li Su walked slowly and went deep into the cave.

He tried to slow down his pace, in order not to let the mysterious man find himself.

The atmosphere here made Li Su feel very depressed. Although there was plenty of oxygen, the dark environment made Li Su feel hard to breathe.

As he walked, he listened carefully to the movement in the cave, but so far he didn't find any voice that didn't belong to him.

Li Su estimated that he had walked about 500 meters, but he still didn't find anyone. Every 30 or 40 meters, he would use a dagger to draw a knife on the stone wall as a mark when he went back.

Gradually, the cave became open. Before, Li Su had to walk with his head down, but now he could stand up straight.

The light of the flashlight was dim and weak. It was swallowed by the endless darkness within a few meters. Fortunately, Li Su's eyes had already adapted to the darkness, otherwise the flashlight would be no different from the ragged metal.

At this time, Li Su suddenly found some abnormal situation, he quickly illuminated the right side of the stone wall with a flashlight.

On the black gray stone wall, there was a shallow scratch, which didn't look like it was made with any sharp tool.

This is the first time that Li Su found the mark that may be left by Becca after entering the cave. It seems that they were brought here by the figure. But up to now, Li Su has not seen a fork in the road, so they are probably in the deepest part of the cave.

Li Su was thinking, and suddenly something came into his ear. The sound was very small. In addition, it was a flash, so Li Su didn't hear it clearly.