Chapter 1186

Tiger brother has put on a posture.

All of a sudden, Li Su saw the way of tiger brother. The unique posture of Bajiquan was already revealed in tiger brother.

He still hasn't moved. It's what he wants to do now.

Tiger brother after a big drink, toward him.

At this time tiger brother is really like a tiger down the mountain, and he took Li Su as his prey.

Unfortunately, Li Su is not his prey, but a hunter.

Two people have been entangled together, hands and feet continue to collide and separate.

Only the sound came to other people's ears again and again.

Tiger brother's mastery of Bajiquan can be described as perfect. Every move he makes is continuous elimination and fighting. He has never been a pure defense.

But Li Su is by virtue of the speed and its circle, although tiger brother's attack is like fierce tiger, but every time is only a little bit can meet him.

Gradually, he has learned something about Tiger brother's strength. Tiger brother practices hard Kung Fu, so he is very useful in street fights.

However, when tiger meets a particularly flexible opponent, the power of Bajiquan will be reduced.

Li Su can no longer be described as flexible. He is like a gust of wind,

Floating around tiger brother.

When tiger brother attacks, the wind will soon disappear, but he has no way to get rid of the wind.

Slowly tiger brother's physical strength began to decline, his fist was no longer as fierce as before, and his speed was also reduced.

On the other hand, his opponent is more courageous in the war. Not only does he have no physical problems, but his speed is even faster.

Bajiquan's continuous elimination and fighting has no effect at this time, he can only use all his energy on defense.

But in this way, the fight between the two people just entered Li Su's rhythm.

His speed is faster and faster, and his body is becoming lighter and lighter.

Tiger brother has been gradually unable to keep up with his speed, but it is strange that he did not lay any hard hand on tiger brother.

Every time, his move is to the end. It looks like he is testing tiger brother's strength.

At this time, tiger brother suddenly stepped back and raised his hand to signal Li Su to stop.

He saw tiger brother's action, although a little curious, but he still stopped.

Tiger brother took a deep breath and said harshly, "no more fighting, no more fighting."

Hearing this, Li Su began to smile and said, "OK."

He knows why tiger brother said this, and now the result is most satisfactory to him.

"I can't fight any more. What else can I fight?"

Tiger brother is now angry, and some admire, in front of this man's strength is too terrible, he has done his best, can the other side is still at ease.

In the past, he never lost a fight, whether it was a single fight or a group fight. So later, he became the most powerful thug in their gang and was invincible in the battle.

But now, the man completely suppressed himself, which made him a little discouraged.

"But it's not your fault." Li Su murmured.

This is true. With Li Su's strength, tiger brother can even deal with him for a while, which is extremely difficult.

But he really appreciates tiger brother's style. Compared with the tattooed man, tiger brother's body has a real flavor of the world.

On second thought, he had an idea in his mind.

"Brother tiger, did you plan this?"

He pointed to the trembling aunt standing on the roadside, if this is really a tiger

Brother's idea, that is, he's a little out of sight.

Tiger brother shook his head and said, "this is our boss's idea. It looks like it's porcelain bumping. In essence, it's no different from robbery."

"Oh? You don't seem to like his idea very much

He has the final say, but what he says is the boss.

"Well, that's good, but what's your future with such a boss?"

"It's all mixed food. There's no future."

Tiger brother obviously sneers at what Li Su said. He never believes that fighting will have a future.

At the beginning, he took this road because he had to. If he had a choice, he would rather go to work nine to five, or even do a small business.

"You don't seem to believe me very much."

"Why should I believe what you say?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. Do you know the bald head in Queen's bar?"

Hearing this, brother Hu's brow was obviously wrinkled, as if he was recalling something unbearable.

Queen's bar is a household name in Xingqing city. Although it is not suitable for most people to consume, it does not affect the popularity of Queen's bar.

But the little boss of Queen's bar is bald, and not many people know him.

But tiger brother obviously knew the name. Li Su was acutely aware of it, so he took a step forward.

"Are you talking about the bald man who claims to fight with only one punch?"

It's the first time that Li Su has heard the name of fighting with only one punch. However, combined with the strength of bald head, the name is quite suitable for him.

He nodded and agreed with tiger brother.

"Do you know him?"

"Of course, I know him. He used to work together, but no one here is his rival. Later, I heard that he went to other places and became the boss of Queen's bar." Li Su is not clear about the experience of bald head before, but it seems to be full of legend.

"And if you were to follow him, would you?"

He likes tiger brother's style very much, and tiger brother's strength is not bad. Although it can't be compared with him, he is much better than those lying on the ground.

After hearing this, brother Hu's brow, which he had just opened, wrinkled again. This sentence obviously has a certain attraction.

"Do you know him, too?"

Brother Hu was a little curious. The man in front of him was driving a good car,

It's very likely that they are customers who often go to the Queen's bar.

Maybe he's still a friend of bald. If someone introduces him, it's obviously a better choice to follow bald.

"You go to the Queen's bar and tell him my name, Li Su."

As long as tiger brother remembers the name "Li Su" and tells bald head, bald head will surely take him.

Tiger brother looks very hesitant, seems to be thinking carefully about what Li Su said.

Of course, he wants to go to a bigger world, but the current boss is very loyal to him even though his style is not good.

If he really left directly, he would not only live up to the kindness of his boss, but also his own heart.

"I'll think about it."

Tiger brother only said these five words, he turned around and went to the hands lying on the ground.