Chapter 1193

The contest between bald and tiger is over.

In the end, bareheaded still won in the details by virtue of his excellent fighting surprise.

However, both of them are black and blue. No matter how strong their fighting ability is, their fists are so powerful that they still leave something on each other.

Two people in the world, but still laugh together, like a brother who has known for a long time.

Now the three of them have returned to the box, everything is back to what it was. People are dancing again, and the outside is noisy again.

Only the injuries on bald head and tiger's face still remind people that what happened just now was not an illusion.

After a while, several bareheaded men entered the box, including the former East brother.

Baldhead described Ouyang Cong's appearance to them, and then showed them the picture on the paper.

Finally, he introduced Huzi to the brothers. In order to convince the public, he had to let Huzi work from the bottom.

However, with tiger's strength, it will not take a few days to be on an equal footing with other bareheaded confidants.

Before, Li Su never realized the importance of helpers. Now he seems to understand.

In the time after that, he must develop his own strength, at least turn Xingqing city into his own territory.

Now he has basically got through the upper class of society, but he doesn't have his own staff.

If you want to really protect the people you love, it's impossible to fight alone.

After dealing with things here, Li Su returned to the hotel.

It's not too late for Becca to go to bed, which makes him feel strange.

After leaving Fuyun mountain, Becca changed a little, which he couldn't say. He just felt that Becca was different from before.

After the bath, he lay down beside Becca.

Becca seemed to feel Li Su, turned slowly, put her hand around his waist, and her head was on his shoulder.

This made him feel a little depressed before, and improved in a moment.

He reached out and held Becca in his arms and fell asleep.

The next day, Li Su was awakened by a rush of mobile phone rings.

Everyone who knows him knows that he doesn't like waking up in his sleep. The person who calls him at this time must have something urgent.

He picked up his mobile phone and saw that it was really bald.

After connecting the phone, bald excited slightly lazy voice came to his ears.

"Brother, is that you?"

"It's me. Did you find any clues?"

Li Su knows that bald head is calling him at this time. He can't think of anything else except Ouyang Cong's.

"Yes, I'm a friend, but I found a suspected Ouyang Cong on his site." Hearing the news, he got up from the bed in an instant, while Becca was still asleep.

When he finished washing, Becca just opened her eyes, because this operation is likely to be dangerous, so he had to let Becca wait at home.

After explaining some things, Li Su has been out of the door of the hotel.

Bald told him the address is in the city center of a rather prosperous place, where is a high-end community, he did not know why Ouyang Cong ran there.

Because there is still time to go to work, there are few vehicles on the road in the early morning. It took him less than 20 minutes to drive to the agreed place.

Bald they have been waiting, this time bald with several people, it seems to know the seriousness of the matter.

Li Su found a place to stop the car and went to the bald side.

Their dress is really blinking, which makes people know that they are not good people, and they are still smoking, and their posture is also very pompous.

When Li Su was four or five meters away from them, they found someone coming.

"Here you are, Dr. Li." Said the bald man.

Li Su nodded, his eyes were always staring at the high-end community behind him.

There are six buildings in the community, each building is only six stories high, and the distance between them is also very long.

"You said he was here?"

Li Su saw the community, his face showed a puzzled expression.

But it's also possible, because this community is about one kilometer behind the first people's hospital. Even if Ouyang Cong is very weak, he can walk here.

"Yes, my friend's men have seen him at the gate of the community, and they haven't come out since they went in."

This is interesting. It seems that Ouyang Cong really hid here.

Without delay, under the leadership of bald and others, they came to the small town

Building five in the district.

Community security to see what they look like, although some suspect that they are bad, but did not dare to block.

Several people were standing under the fifth building, their eyes were looking upstairs.

"According to my investigation, the boy should be hiding in Xihu on the third floor."

Li Su didn't expect that the investigation of bald head was so meticulous that he even investigated where Ouyang Cong was hiding.

Even if he is asked to investigate in person, there may not be such a good result.

Moreover, the efficiency of bald people is even higher than that of Mu Hanwei's public security department. He told bald people about it later. Unexpectedly, bald people found out first.

"Well, let's go up."

Li Su nodded, indicating that he could go up to find Ouyang Cong.

A few of them are rubbing their hands, just like everyone else, but Ouyang Cong's body hasn't recovered. Maybe if they go on, Ouyang Cong's weak body will fall apart. But Li Su still left behind. Last time Ouyang Cong jumped out of the window on the third floor, so he must be on guard.

He let Huzi guard the back of the building, where there was a big window, and then let the bareheaded guard downstairs, so that he could guard the corridor and protect the people

Form double insurance with tiger.

Then he took Dongzi and another person who didn't know his name and quietly touched the floor.

Instead of taking the elevator, they went up the stairs to the third floor.

He suspected that this might be Ouyang Cong's home, or his friend's home.

Now they are standing in Xihu on the third floor of unit 1 of Building 5. Behind this door, Ouyang Cong may be hiding.

Li Su came forward slowly, stood on the side of the door, put his ear on the door and listened to the movement inside.

Strangely, there was no sound on the other side of the door, even quieter than the mortuary.

There was a look of doubt on his face. If there was someone in the room, there would be something, unless the people inside had been on guard.

He looked around and found nothing in the corridor.

They also held their breath to make sure the environment was absolutely quiet.