Chapter 1305

Li Su didn't know whether to say it or not.

What he saw had a certain impact on him, and he knew better how much impact such a thing would have on Asada Mao.

After thinking about it, he still felt that Asada Mao, as a relative of the party, had the right to know what had happened.

That should have been four or five years ago. This is not what he saw, but what Asada said.

After saying goodbye to him, Asada's parents went to a dinner party.

Asada was originally invited to the dinner, but because he didn't like such a social place, he finally stayed at home alone.

His parents went to the dinner, which was hosted by the president of a martial arts association in Osaka City. The purpose of the dinner was to let the Wulin people in Osaka City communicate with each other.

His parents met someone at the dinner party. It seems that they should know that person well.

The man was asking for something from Asada's parents, but they didn't agree in the end.

After the dinner, they drove away from the place where the dinner was held

I'm going home.

Then, they did not see their own home and children again.

On the way, they passed a secluded section of the road, only the dim yellow street lights and lights illuminate the way home.

Just here, a group of people riding motorcycles suddenly appeared. They seemed to be well-trained. They forced Shigeru Asada's parents' car to stop without much effort.

After stopping, Asada's mother didn't let his father off, but the stubborn middle-aged man got out of the car.

At the same time, a black car came from a distance. The man in the black car was the one they met at the dinner party.

The two sides had a heated conversation, and finally the conversation broke down. At the instigation of the man, his men beat Asada's parents to death with a baseball bat.

Of course, Asada's father's skill is very good. He knocked down a lot of motorcyclists. In the end, because he wanted to protect his wife, he was beaten in the back of the head.

After killing Asada's parents, the group searched the car for something, but they didn't find it.

After posing as a car accident, the group left.

This is what happened. Although Li Su could hear their conversation, he didn't know the identity of the mysterious man or what he was looking for

What is it.

Li Su tried his best to tell the story in a calm tone. He didn't want the old case to make Asada mausoleum again.

Asada Shigeru's body was shocked, especially when he heard that his parents were killed by a baseball bat.

"Do you know what that man looks like?" Asada asked.

"Yes, the man's eyebrows are thick and thick, and there is a mole on the tail of his right eyebrow."

Asada Shigeru's eyes widened, he murmured: "Gong benlie." Li Su didn't know who Gong benlie was and said, "who is he?"

"He's the head of sanlianshe, the biggest club in Osaka City."

Li Su knows the nature of the island's community, but he doesn't understand why Asada's parents are related to Miyamoto.

"But why did he kill your parents?"

Asada slowly closed his eyes, and his memory went back to a few years ago, even when he was younger.

He knew Gong benlie. When he was a child, Gong benlie once came to his home, but that time he wanted to learn martial arts.

Miyamoto also affectionately held Asada Mao together a photo, but the photo has long been unknown where to throw it.

As a child, he knew that there was a treasure in his family, although he had never seen it with his own eyes,

But his father often mentioned it when he was young.

But when he grew up, he never heard from his father.

Li Su is very curious now: "what is that treasure?"

"It's called Daming. It's a black stone. It's said that with Daming, the mind of a scholar will become shrewd, and the skill of a martial arts practitioner will increase greatly."

"Is there such a thing in the world?"

He quickly opened the ghost medical system and inquired, but even the ghost medical system didn't know the origin of Daming.

However, according to Asada Mao, if Daming really has such powerful power, no wonder Gong benlie will do such a thing.

Asada's fists were tightly clenched, his arms and the blue tendons on his neck burst, and he looked very angry.

Although he has been prepared, but really when the truth comes, it is still a bit difficult to accept.

Seeing him like this, Li Su was slightly worried: "now that you know the truth, what do you want to do?"

"In the words of your country, it's blood debt and blood repayment." Asada Mao's eyes burst out of hatred, fingers squeezed tightly.

"But didn't you say that Gong benlie is the boss of the three associated press? With your strength, how much confidence do you have? "

Asada Mao gently shook his head: "a few percent grasp is not important, the important thing is whether I do."

As an Islander, he certainly knows the strength of the three associations.

The three associated press is a new community that emerged after the war. It took only 50 or 60 years to defeat some old gangs and become the biggest force in the country.

They not only have strong black strength, even in business, but also one of the island's several larger consortia.

As long as the three associations are not stupid enough to oppose the government, no one is their opponent on these big islands.

The three associated press have their own strength in every big city, and some small cities have their traces, and their headquarters is located in Osaka.

If Asada really wants revenge, he doesn't have to go far away. However, there is a big difference in the strength between the two sides. No matter how he looks at it, Asada always hits the stone with his eggs. Just then, Li Su seemed to hear something.


The crowd quieted down and held their breath.

The sound came from the outside. It was supposed to be a residential building. It was normal to hear something outside. However, he remembered that Liuli said that someone had been following them all the time.

He stood up slowly, went to the window and looked out.

It was sunny outside, and the breeze was blowing on the branches of the already bare cherry trees.

On the side of the road outside, there was a black SUV. The door of the SUV was open. A man sat in the back seat and looked in his direction.

On the man's shoulder, there was something as thick as his thigh, something black.

In an instant, Li Su saw what it was. He turned his head and yelled to Liuli and Asada: "lie down!"

At the same time, something on the man's shoulder was also glowing.

Li Su quickly turned around and rushed in the direction of Liuli.