Chapter 1307

The night is quiet.

Everything in the aristocratic family seems to have gone to sleep. The neon lights outside are still flashing, but in the huge room, there is only the breath of Li Sugen's glass.

They had been looking at each other for ten minutes, as if they wanted to see through the secret in each other's heart, but what they finally saw was a fog.

Suddenly, Li Su's brows wrinkled tightly.

"What's the matter?" Liuli asked quickly.

"Someone's out there."

His hearing is much better than that of Liuli, so he hears what Liuli didn't find.

It seems that someone stepped on the floor of the corridor, but the sound is very small, it should be on tiptoe.

He put his finger on his mouth, made a silent gesture, and then quietly walked towards the door, Liuli also carefully followed.

The footsteps stopped at the door of their room, and the two of them became nervous.

If there are waiters passing by, they will not walk on tiptoe, and they will not stop at the door of their room.

This is the four seasons hotel. Heavy weapons like before can't be brought in, so Li Su is not so afraid this time.

After a while, the noise outside finally rang again.

A long and thin pipe came in from the door. Li Su's brain was bright. He quickly walked to the head of the bed and took out a small box from the bedside table.

It turned out that what he was carrying was a box of condoms. After Liuli saw it, she looked at Li Su angrily.

At this time, there was no movement in the small tube. He quickly took apart a condom, inserted the mouth of the tube, and then squeezed the mouth tightly.

A few seconds later, a faint green smoke came out of the pipe.

The condom is like a balloon, gradually blown up.

When the condom almost reached its limit, he applied a color to the glaze and asked the glaze to open another one to replace the one in his hand.

Liuli has never removed this thing, but now it's urgent, and she knows that there can't be any delay, so she takes another condom apart just like Li Su.

Li Su's other hand made a three two one gesture, and then he quickly pulled out the condom in his hand, and Liuli quickly took it up.

In the dim light, he saw a little flush on Liuli's face. He picked an eyebrow against Liuli, but only got a white eye.

He carefully tied the transparent "balloon" filled with green gas,

Put it on the ground.

At this time, he realized how important it is to have a "balloon" without air leakage.

After two more changes, there was no more green gas coming out of the small tube.

The original four "balloons" in the green gas, now there is no color.

He quickly threw the four balloons into the bathroom and rushed to Asada's side. Wake up Asada Mao, he whispered a word, Asada Mao returned to just like.

Then he took Liuli's hand and came to the bedside. Liuli understood what he meant and lay on the bed.

Li Su put Liuli in his arms and slowly closed his eyes.

His hand was originally placed on the waist of Liuli, but now his hand is like smearing oil, moving to the two big peach of Liuli.

Liuli glared at him, knocked his hand off, and whispered, "when is this?"

He put his hand on it again and said, "then don't talk, or you will be found."

At this time, the door came to the movement, glass quickly closed his eyes, no longer speak, let Li Su's hand in his buttocks.

With the sound of "Bata", the light in the corridor came in, and a figure was reflected on the carpet of the room.

The room fell into darkness again. Li Su was sure that the man had entered the room.

He held his breath and listened carefully to the man's footsteps.

Asada was extremely nervous at this time, because he heard that the man came to his side, and he tried not to let his body shake.

If that person gives his shot, he will react as quickly as possible.

But what he was worried about didn't happen. After standing beside him for half a minute, the man went elsewhere.

When Li Su heard the footsteps coming closer and closer to him, he was not nervous, but more excited.

"President, they are all in a coma now."

He didn't expect that person to speak directly, as if reporting something to his superior.

President? Li Su knows only a few people who can be called President.

Liu shengsanyan, Ichiro Takahashi, and Gong benlie did not know anyone else who could be nicknamed president.

Liu shengsanyan certainly won't attack the mastermind behind the attack, but the latter two people are suspected.

Although Ichiro Takahashi is their superior, this man is unfathomable both in strength and in mind, so his suspicion cannot be ruled out.

As for Gong benlie, Li sukui didn't know him, let alone have a holiday.

"All three are here." The man spoke again.

"Got it."

As soon as the voice fell, the man approached Li Su.

"Rub" of a, pull a dagger to pull out from that person's waist.

The blade of the dagger reflected the faint moonlight, making the scene even colder.

Just as the man raised his arm, Liuli, who was close to him, suddenly got up and knocked off the dagger in his hand with one palm. Then his right hand caught the man's throat.

At the same time, Li Su suddenly stood up, Asada Mao also turned on the light in the room. This is a very ordinary looking person, that is, the kind of person thrown into the sea, saw a turn around to forget the appearance.

This person's face a pair of stunned expression, obviously don't understand is still in a coma how can three people suddenly jump up.

Li Su came up to him, looked at him coldly and said, "who are you?"

"..." only silence.

"Who's the president you're talking about?" Li Su asked seriously.

The man still didn't answer, but his eyes were responding to Li Su. After being stunned, there was no fear in his eyes.

At this time, Li Su suddenly found that the man's mouth moved, as if chewing something.

He whispered that he was not good. He was just about to point the acupoints on the man's neck, but it was too late.

The man's throat shook and he had swallowed.

Immediately, his body began to shake violently, and his mouth began to foam.

Liuli quickly released his hand and let him fall to the ground.

Li Su quickly scanned the person's body with the system and found that he had completely died.

Although he had extraordinary medical skills, he could not bring the dead back to life.