Chapter 1312

Sonny electronics is the largest technology company in the island.

But their business is not limited to science and technology. They are involved in real estate, energy and military industry.

Sanni electronics and Miyamoto's Sanlian consortium also have another automobile enterprise, which can be said to be the economic troika of island countries. However, sanni electronics and Sanlian consortium have a lot of business competition.

Sonny electronics headquarters in Kyoto, not far from Osaka, just a few hours by car.

According to Gong benlie's information, Shenyan is in the headquarters of Sonny electronics, where there are many people guarding, and the middle-level leaders of Sonny electronics can't see Shenyan.

Only the R & D team of Shenyan and some executives of Sonny electronics have access to Shenyan.

All the information about the people who can reach the eye of God is now in Li Su's hands. Next to him are Liuli and Asada Mao.

As the materials are in Japanese, he has to translate them to Liuli at the same time


In order to successfully steal the God's eye, there are many problems waiting for them.

The first is how to enter the headquarters building of Sonny electronics. Every employee who enters must swipe the employee card.

"I can solve this problem." Asada said.

He can forge several employee cards, and then secretly upload the data of three people to Sonny's database.

In this way, they can enter the building in a dignified way.

However, sonny electronic database has an automatic anti-virus system, every half an hour will automatically scan the database, scanning time is about five minutes.

In other words, the time for them to enter the building and not be found is only 35 minutes. After this time, the system will automatically alarm and their information will be leaked.

This is only the first step and the simplest one.

It is said that the place where the divine eye is located is called Pandora's box, which is in the building

The ninth floor.

If you want to enter the ninth floor, you must first let the elevator go up to the ninth floor, but if the elevator wants to go up to the ninth floor, it must have the authorization of Sonny electronics.

After the fingerprint lock, the elevator can reach the ninth floor where Pandora's box is located.

"Can't we get in through the ventilation?" Li Su asked.

In such a building, the ventilation duct can certainly allow one person to pass through.

Asada shook his head and said, "there's also a detection device in the ventilation duct. As long as an object as big as a rabbit enters, the alarm will sound."

"Is there any way you can turn off the alarm system?"

"There is a possibility, but the information does not indicate whether the alarm system of the ventilation pipe will automatically detect."

"Let's make this a backup plan first."

If you can't enter from the ventilation pipe, you can only go up from the elevator, so you have to unlock the fingerprint lock.

Liuli's fingers gently knocked on the table and said, "I have a way."

"You don't want to cut off a high-level hand and take it to unlock it, do you?"

"Of course not."

Then Liuli said his plan. Although this plan made Li Su a little upset, it could be realized.

The most difficult thing is after entering the ninth floor, because it is too secret, so Gong benlie has no information about the ninth floor.

But one thing is certain, that is, the defense strength of the Ninth level is definitely higher than that of other places.

They can't rush in without knowing what's on the ninth floor, which is tantamount to death.

So in addition to getting fingerprints, they also need a design drawing of the building, which must have the design drawing of the ninth floor.

Even if they have both, there is another factor they have to take into account: the people on the ninth floor.

The people who control the eye of God must be on the ninth floor. There can't be no one around them to protect them.

And why is the place where the eye is called Pandora's box is also one of the key problems.

Li Su suddenly collapsed on the sofa, so many problems waiting for him to solve, he felt his brain almost exploded.

"After we get the eye of God, we have to retreat." Asada said.

Liuli nodded and said, "it's all going to end in 35 minutes, or we might be trapped upstairs."

Li Su sat up straight again: "anyway, we have to go to Kyoto First."

"But the poison on us..."

"Rest assured, Gong benlie won't let us die until he gets what he wants."

"The poison on you..."

"I won't cheat you on this. I haven't slept with you yet. How can I take it easily?"

Liuli's face flushed slightly and said, "hooligan, it's such a time. I'm still thinking about that kind of thing."

The next morning, Li Su drove to Kyoto.

Compared with Osaka, although the city is not so developed, it gives people a very calm feeling.

Three people put down their luggage in the hotel and drove to the vicinity of Sonny electronics headquarters.

Miyamoto finally gave them seven days. In the seven days, they had to prepare well and successfully steal or destroy the God's eye. Only in this way could they have the chance to live.

But they didn't know what Gong benlie really thought, so they had to steal the God's eye first.

Sonny electronics's head office is a 40 story building, with nearly 10000 employees working in the building and eight elevators running up and down.

Around this building, there are several buildings of similar height, which are also the industries of famous large companies in other island countries.

Now the three of them are sitting in a coffee shop. The coffee shop is just around the corner of the intersection. Sonny electronics building is on the opposite corner of the coffee shop. Through the window of the cafe, Li Su could see people coming in and out from time to time.

Most of them were ordinary employees in casual clothes, and a few strong men in black suits walked in.

Just from the appearance, sonny electronics is nothing more than a very large company.

The people of Kyoto who pass by Sonny electronics, and even the employees who work in Sonny electronics, don't know that there is something like God's eye on this building.

The mobile phones in the hands of passers-by are all tools that can be used by God's eye, and can become a means of Sonny's electronic surveillance of the country.

Li Su can't help but take out his mobile phone. Before he came to Kyoto, Miyamoto had someone install an encryption chip in it, so none of their mobile phones would be monitored by God's eye.

He also knows that in his mobile phone, there are not only encryption chips, but also monitoring and positioning devices.

Gong benlie can't just let them live in a strange city. In addition to monitoring their mobile phones, there must be someone who has been following them all the time
