Chapter 1317

This is the first time Li Su has been here.

This building looks no different from the ordinary office building, except that the floor is shorter and the area is smaller.

After all, Kyoto is the site of Sonny electronics, and Miyamoto's power can't be too swaggering.

After the elevator stopped, he was presented with a full sense of technology.

At the door, there was a tall woman with glasses.

"Hello." Said the woman.

Li Su is here for the first time, but Asada Mao and Liuli are not the first time.

Asada Mao's encrypted laptop and glazed memory fabric are all obtained from here, and the next thing you need is also obtained from here.

"Do you know us?" Li Su asked.

"Of course, the boss has already told me, so we will cooperate with you unconditionally."

"You sent the serum, too?"

"Yes, I'll send you three serums every afternoon."

Today is the third day of their poisoning, Asada Mao and Liuli have been separately injected

Two doses of serum, plus the one to be injected tonight, is three.

But Li Su's serum is preserved, which is their backhand, and what Gong benlie doesn't know.

There are not many staff on this floor, including four of them. There are no more than ten people in all.

But the scene in the room attracted Li Su's attention. In addition to the dazzling array of weapons, there are many equipment he can't name.

At this time, Asada Mao has been holding a notebook sitting in front of an instrument.

After connecting the plug, his fingers began to tap on the keyboard of the notebook.

After a while, he stopped, and the instrument made a slight sound, as if it was making something.

After almost a minute of operation, the sound stopped.

Asada opened the instrument and took out a strange thing from it.

"What is this“ Li Su asked.


In Asada's hands are five finger shaped pieces, but only the fingertip section.

He put the five pieces on his finger, then raised his hand and bent his finger.

This is what Sakamoto's fingerprints are used to make. There are fingerprints on each finger of Sakamoto's right hand.

With this thing, they can smoothly open the ninth layer of blockade, smoothly enter the place where the eye is. If they are lucky, they can also use this thing to directly enter the Pandora's box.

Li Su doesn't know the principle of making this thing, but it's always a good thing to have this thing.

In this room, there are many novel gadgets, and now the things in front of him are very strange“ What's this? What's next? " Li Su asked.

The woman with glasses came up and said, "this is a wing suit."

"Wing suit..."

He still knows this thing. It's a type of extreme sports. If you are trapped on the sunny electronics building, this one may be useful.

He saw a strange little thing again. It was like a thin sticker he used to play with when he was a child. He was just about to reach for it, but the woman with glasses stopped him.

"Please don't touch it. It's dynamite."

Li Su's face was muddled. It was even thinner than his eyeglasses: "is this dynamite? Isn't it fireworks? "

"It's concentrated explosive. It's very powerful. Don't use it until you have to."

"Let them play with explosives."

It's like a research and development center, where all kinds of strange weapons or tools are developed.

If you want to steal the magic eye from Sonny electronics headquarters, you need not only excellent skills, but also the assistance of various tools.

All three chose the tools they needed and left the building.

After returning to the hotel, Asada Mao and Liuli were injected with serum, while Li Su had already saved three copies of serum.

It was late, and Asada returned to his room.

Since entering this room, Liuli has taken three baths. When she went to the bathroom for the fourth time, she was stopped by Li Su.

"My young lady, if you wash like this again, you'll have to wash your skin." Li Su advised.

"No, I always feel like Sakamoto."

He went up and smelled it carefully: "there is no other flavor except your fragrance."



The glaze only sat on the sofa and began to smear nail polish on toenails.

With a long sigh, Li Su said, "this operation may be very dangerous."

Liuli didn't look up. She paid attention to her feet: "are you afraid?"

"I'm kidding. How could I be afraid."

"What do you mean?"

"If this operation is in danger, life is not very sorry."

"What do you want?"

Li Su laughed and said, "why don't we do something important before we take action?"

Liuli raised her head, looked at each other seriously and said, "what's important?"

He got up, went to the sofa, removed Liuli's legs and sat down: "of course, it's the most interesting thing in the world."“ oh Do you want to study? "

He gently held Liuli's hand, the other hand stroking the slightly wet hair.

"No, I want you."

Liuli pushed him away and said, "don't be a hooligan, or I'll call Sakamoto and ask him to help me."

He didn't care what Liuli said. He leaned on Liuli and said

"Come on, have fun," he said

"Well, are you thinking about this all day?"

"Of course not. Do you think everyone is as good-looking as you?"

"No, I think qianchongzi's little sister is pretty."

"You are not the same type as her. Wait a minute, are you jealous again?"

"I'm not."

As soon as the voice fell, Li Su rushed over and pressed the whole glaze under his body.

Liuli didn't respond for a moment. She was about to push her hand, but she found that her wrists were caught. She was about to scold Li Su, but her mouth was blocked. She could only grunt.

Gradually, her hands were no longer forced, her mouth was slightly opened, her breathing was speeding up, and her face and neck became red.

Li Su began to shift his position. His lips swept Liu Li's cheek, behind his ears and neck

But when he wanted to move further down, he was gently pushed by Liuli's hand. It seems that this is all Liuli can give him now.

He gently released his hand, embracing Liuli's waist, and kissing together.