Chapter 1320

Liuli's tears are coming down.

She did not know what had happened to her body, only the warm feeling enveloped her whole body.

Her body is like the sun at the beginning of the universe, exploding from a tiny point into a sphere that emits endless light and heat.

The only thing that made her feel at ease was that Li Su didn't go any further, but only acted on her upper body.

Gradually, Liuli's breathing calmed down, because Li Su found that other people in the bathroom had left.

He looked at Liuli affectionately. At this time, Liuli seemed to have just gone through a very long war. Whether it was hair or clothes, they were in a mess.

"Like it or not?" He asked softly.

Liuli finally returned to reality, she first nodded, and then shook her head: "how can you be like this!"

"But you just look very comfortable."

Liuli now wants to find a crack to drill in. If what Li Su said is false, it's OK, but what he said is true.

At the beginning, Liuli was really repelled, but later her body seemed not to belong to her. She tried her best to suppress that feeling, but it still didn't help.

After a while, she arranged her clothes and walked out of the bathroom carefully behind Li Su.

There's no one in the corridor. It looks like they're all working.

Two people entered the elevator. There was no one else in it.

After the door closed, Li Su's eyes were fixed on the fingerprint lock and the floor selection panel without "10".

His hand slowly stretched out. At this time, five fingers of his right hand were pasted with false fingerprints made of rubber film. The real owner of the fingerprints was Sakamoto.

Liuli looks at Li Su in a daze. Once he puts his hand on it, no one knows what will happen.

Just as one of his fingers was about to touch it, the elevator burst

However, it started, the indicator light on the 20th floor came on, and he quickly retracted his hand.

He pressed the button on the 19th floor and the elevator stopped on the 19th floor.

After walking out of the elevator, he found that this was a meeting room. There were several meeting rooms, big and small.

When the elevator went down, he pressed the down button again.

All of a sudden, there was the sound of high heels behind them.

Li Su quickly turned around and saw a woman in ol clothes coming.

"Which department are you from?" Asked the woman.

"Mobile communication technology R & D department." Li Su replied.

"What are you doing here if you don't go to work now?"

"We're new here. We've got the wrong floor. We're going down now."

The woman's expression is still a little suspicious, she continued: "who is your leader?" Li Suke could not answer this question, but his expression was still very calm: "who are you? What are you doing here? "

Although the woman looks very good, but the tone of his voice makes him feel very uncomfortable.

"Me? You don't know me? "

"I don't know."

"Then go back and ask your leader, who he will meet on the 19th floor."

At this time, the elevator door opened, Li Su two people quickly entered the elevator, press the button on the first floor.

It's not a good choice to act in the daytime. There are too many people working in this building. If they are not careful, they will be found by others.

As a "thief" rather than a "robber", they must sneak into the ninth floor without anyone noticing.

Out of the building, two people came to the parking lot, found a car in the keyboard Asada Mao.

"What were you two doing before? Why is there no sound in the headset? " Asada asked.

Li Su knew that was when he was in the bathroom with Liuli. He said, "maybe the signal is not good. It's not a big problem."

"And do you know who you were talking to?"

"That woman?"

"Yes, I analyzed her voice and found that she was Sakamoto's secretary."

Li Su nodded: "I think that woman is a little strange, there is such a status."

Asada Mao gently closed the notebook, said: "it seems, only until the evening to action."

Originally, this time, they did not intend to steal the divine eye, but just went to spy on the situation first.

Now the situation is very clear. Only in the dead of night is the best time for action.

The night came quietly.

Tonight's night sky is surprisingly clean. There are countless stars hanging lazily on the dark blue canvas, just like the paint spilled by a painter.

Under the cover of night, a business car stopped in the parking space not far from Sonny building.

Now the time is approaching the second half of the night, there are not many pedestrians on the road, even

There are several cars passing slowly on the road.

In such a large parking lot, there are only a few cars.

The door of the business car opened slowly, and two people came out of it.

They were both in black tactical suits, tall and short, but they could not see their faces.

Their faces are covered with black masks, their eyes are hidden behind the night vision devices, and only a small part of their facial skin is exposed.

They are also wearing a lot of things, in addition to guns, there are some strange gadgets.

These two people are naturally Li Su and Liuli. This is an official action, so they all came prepared. After nodding with Asada Mao, they quietly approached Sonny building.

The door of the building didn't close, and the lights inside were also exposed to Li Su's eyes. Besides the lights on the first floor, there were lights on the top of the building.

There is no doubt that there must be monitoring in the building. During the day, they can pretend to be employees and walk in openly.

But at the end of the day, they have to sneak in and avoid surveillance.

Two people came to the side of the building, this place is close to the parking lot, so there are few people.

"We went up." Li Su said softly.

"OK, after entering, I have to go to the monitoring room on the first floor and plug my chip into the main line." Asada reminded.

"I understand."

He took something similar to a pistol from behind, but there was a huge suction cup at the muzzle.

He took two steps back, aimed at the slight wrinkle on the second floor, and pulled the trigger directly.

The sucker shot out fiercely. A thin rope followed the sucker and nodded with Liuli. Li Su suddenly flew up.

Now he is like Spiderman adsorbed on the wall of the building, his feet on the wall, only a rope to bear his weight.