Chapter 1382

Austria airport.

Teams of people, one after another out of the exit.

Each pair is dressed the same and has its own unique costume.

They looked at the crowd around them and didn't look strange, as if it was normal.

But the people around, are looking at them.

If a group of people like this, they will think it is a tour group.

But on a plane, several groups of such people have to be conspicuous.

"Uncle, this is aogang. It's so prosperous."

A girl said delicately, and the man beside her gave a faint smile.

They have left the secular world since childhood and entered the famous mountains to practice.

What the real world looks like is in their imagination.

Coming here, every young man looked around curiously.

This time, the mysterious forces finally let them out and let the proud real dragons have the chance to wag their tails.

It was said that it was the above proposal. When they knew it, they immediately felt that it was still good.

At the airport, the leaders of each team nodded to each other.

The top forces have understood the above from the beginning.

So before the fight for gods and objects began, they sent their disciples to come.

"Leader, why do we have to set a time for the fight between gods and objects? Isn't it early to finish the fight This time, the woman changed the object of inquiry.

I saw a middle-aged man leading the team and heard the little girl's inquiry.

After thinking about it, he said: "the divine things came decades ago and suffered serious trauma. After years of recuperation, it's still a little bit close to now, and Qi Ling will wake up. It's not important to fight for gods and things, but the goal of all parties is to inherit them. "

The little girl nodded and thought for a long time without understanding. Then she shook her head and ignored it.

Looking at the scenery along the way, little guy's curiosity comes and goes quickly.


In Hong Fu's office.

Li Su looks at Cheng Zhenzhen who frowns. The question she asked at the beginning, Li Su can answer her now.

If there is any reason, the system in Li Su's body is the biggest reason.

"I don't think you have that strength."

For a long time, she looked at Li Su and said solemnly.

From his childhood experience, he realized that Li Su's self-confidence was totally unreasonable.

Maybe for her, overconfidence is arrogance.

She didn't know why Li Su could be so confident.

But he has no influence and has just entered the road of evolution. Self confidence is the most hypocritical and the least likely to prove anything“ I understand, but I'm sure you'll regret this decision. I can say that this time it must be mine. If you want what you need after I win it, it won't be so easy. "

Li Su's words will come true this year. I don't believe it.

She didn't take his words seriously. But in his opinion, she did not take it as a joke, even if his words were not in vain.

When the negotiation failed, they could not say much.

After nodding politely, they went out together. The problem of several women should be solved.

However, Li Su was a little worried and decided to go to see it in person. Cheng Zhenzhen also wanted to see it, so they rushed to the research department together!


In the hotel.

Mo Lao, Tian Shang trace, Chen Laosan gathered together.

The three men looked at the big troops coming. They were all the younger generation of the major forces.

The existence of fire in general, there are arrogant and surprised.

"It's better to be young, energetic."

Looking down from the window, these little guys keep asking questions and looking around curiously.

For them, everything here is so magical that they are full of interest!

Chen Laosan sighed and walked out of the room.

Because he saw his younger generation and thought how to meet them.

"Hey, the old man has the same temperament." Ink old light smile.

Tian Shang trace did not speak, but look at the smile on his face, you know that he agreed with Mo Lao's words.

Chen Laosan looks like a stranger. When he was young, he would kill people if he didn't agree.

But when we deal with the younger generation, especially the little guys behind his influence, we can do whatever we want.

"I like it when I get to the meeting. At least those little guys are pestering him." The day war mark envies of say.

When people get old, they are willing to play with young people.

Because they will be attracted by that kind of vitality, and with the little guys, their hearts will become energetic.

"I'm old and enjoy the happiness of all. That's what you and I want most, but now I can't help it. " He knew Mo Lao and was determined.

But he also knew that Mo also very much wanted to have a good time with his grandchildren.

Let your son and daughter-in-law be filial and enjoy the four generations together

It's a very good feeling.

But there's no chance. What's more painful than seeing your child die in front of him.

In terms of strength, they can sink an island with one blow, but they can't do anything to watch their children die naturally.

What's more painful than that? First of all, there is no chance to enjoy it“ You old man, you sincerely make me cry, don't you Mo Lao said slightly angrily.

See his old corner of the eye, twinkling with crystal clear tears.

It's impossible to say no pain.

So they fell silent and looked down at the same time.

Old man Chen, a middle-aged man, stood in front of the hotel with his chest in his hands.

At this time, a team of people came down from the car, dressed in light yellow clothes, which were special clothes.

The familiar little girl, after seeing Chen Laosan at the door, immediately exclaimed in surprise: "great grandfather."

Chen Lao San's serious expression melted when he saw her.

"Well. Good luck. Do you miss my grandfather

"Think, super think!"

In addition to the team leader, there were nine people in the team, including five men and four women.

The others came to Chen Laosan and called respectfully, "Chen Laosan!"

Only the young man looked at him with a smile.

"Smelly boy, it's not good to see my grandfather." Old Chen looked at him and cried and laughed.

The man's smile is a little stiff. Mr. Chen is old enough to be his great grandfather.

But they are indeed the two grandsons. We can only say that Mr. Chen is old and strong.

In the room, Mo and Lao both looked at the scene and looked at each other with a smile.

"Hey, I didn't expect that, Mr. Chen Mo Lao was a little surprised.

He really didn't know that old Mo didn't go out of the gate all the time, if it wasn't for the divine things.

It is estimated that he is still practicing in Mozong, but Tianshang scar just smiles.

It seems that he knows: "Chen Laosan is still young on the surface after all, and there are many women who pursue him in Xuantian Pavilion."

It's a waste of one's life not to be romantic