Chapter 1497

"What is this?" General Shenquan naturally lowered his sight because of his voice just now. He didn't care. After the black servant's token showed its original appearance, the expression on general Shenquan's face changed. He bent down and picked up the token with one hand, and looked at Li Su with complicated eyes: "is this your East and West?"

Li Su nodded. He didn't say much, because he could clearly see that the general's eyes were not right after he found the token. The general was about to say something.

"Newspaper --!" A long voice rang out outside the Shuai tent. It sounded particularly urgent. General Shenquan threw the bronze order to Li Su, and said to the outside in a cold voice: "come in!"

"Go and have a look, general. It's not a big deal!" Entering the Shuai tent, the soldier knelt down on one knee directly toward the ground, and opened his mouth to the general.

"What's the matter?" General Shenquan stands up directly. What's going on outside?

"Go and have a look. After lunch, a group of people are vomiting and diarrhea, and many of them are in a coma. The doctors are at a loss. General, go and have a look!" The soldier is worried. It's a mess outside.

"Go now!" General Shenquan took a step ahead of Li Su. General Shenquan turned back and said to Li Su, "brother Li, you stay here first."

I don't know what the bronze order is. It made the general of Shenquan forget his crime of taking the world's great injustice. Li Su grinned: "no, in this case, as a doctor, I can't just sit back and watch it!"

"What! Brother Li, are you still a doctor? " Liu Zhong's bodyguard outside was about to come up to urge general Shenquan. When he heard Li Su's words, he was overjoyed. A descendant of GUI GuZi, his medical skills must be very good.

"Come on, please!" General Shenquan made a gesture for Li Su. Li Su laughed. He was really an open-minded soldier.

"Ouch, ouch..."

"It's killing me. It hurts..."

Before he got close to the rest place for the patients, Li Su heard a series of wailing groans. General Shenquan's stride widened suddenly. When the curtain was lifted, he found a group of people lying in it. At the moment, a group of people were black and blue, and many of them were lying on the ground. "What's the matter?"

After all, there are too many people lying here, and there are more than a hundred people being carried in. Soon, there are more than a hundred people in front of the general. Dr. bearded was helped to the general. He wiped the sweat on his head. It's really a lot of pressure on the general. But no matter how much pressure there is, there are still some words to be said: "report to the general, this is what I want to say, The soldiers are poisoned. It's preliminarily judged that they are food poisoning. It's not serious. As long as I... "

"No The doctor is talking, Li Su here suddenly cut in, the military doctor under the diagnosis, where the Yellow mouth child cut in? The doctor turned his face and glared at Li Su. "Who are you? I've judged the condition. There's no place for you to talk."

"Cough, doctor Hu, this is the descendant of Guiguzi." Cheng Zheng coughs at the military doctor twice. When he introduces Li Su, his face is a little complacent. Hu Jun's beard turns up and he goes to Li Su with one hand on his back

Pointing and pointing, he said: "young man, you should know what an old man is. Where can you interrupt when an old man talks? I've been marching with him for more than ten years. Can't I see through the symptoms of mild poisoning? Don't say anything about the descendants of Guiguzi. Even if Laozi is the king of heaven, what Laohu has determined is what he has determined. "

Lao Hu is also a famous stubborn old man. Generally, no one dares to challenge Lao Hu in the barracks, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist before.

"It's a chronic poison. It has a scientific name. I think you've heard of Dr. Hu. He died in three days." After Li Su had made a systematic diagnosis, he was very sure of what he said. Once this sentence came out, a group of people's faces changed, but Lao Hu's face was still not good-looking: "what's important in practicing medicine is to look, hear and ask. You've only stood towards the door since you came in. Now you say that you're three days dead, that's three days dead?" Lao Hu didn't agree with Li Su, but he was too clear about the severity of the three-day death, so he turned around and diagnosed the patient again.

"Nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, abdominal distension, pain in the liver area... Pale

These symptoms can't be misdiagnosed as food poisoning, because there are oleander ingredients in it. The powerful point of three-day death is that people will die in the process of misdiagnosis, and hundreds or even thousands of people will die at one time. "

Li Su's expression was calm. What he said made Lao Hu sweat on his forehead. His hands were shaking, but Li Su had no time to wait. "Give me three of the most serious patients, and I will treat them now!"

"You choose!" No matter after watching the bronze order or listening to what Li Su said at the moment, Shenquan general has no doubt about Li Su. He waves his hand to the Liuzhong guard around him. The Liuzhong guard nods and takes out a few dazed people from a group of people to give them to Li Su, "I want to find a closed space. No one can disturb my treatment." Li Su looked at three people, and the depth of their poisoning was almost the same. He asked the general again.

General Shenquan's eyes narrowed for a while, but Lao Hu yelled, "as a doctor, all treatment should be aboveboard. What do you mean by looking for a confined space?"

Li Su didn't give Lao Hu a look at all, but stared at general Shenquan“ I'm sorry, the school is disciplined. "

"Go and bring brother Li into the general's account. No one is allowed to go in." Who dares to say anything when general Shenquan opens his mouth? Li Su took out the scalpel from his arms, and the bladed edge of the scalpel went up to the side of several people's larynx. The spatter of blood immediately escaped from the smell of blood.

Li Su took out the gold needle and put it back and forth on several people's big acupoints. The black blood spurted out more violently along the edge of the knife. It was only ten minutes. Li Su stood up, breathed and opened the handsome tent.

Outside stood the Shenquan general and his party. His hands were clenched tightly. No one would be more sensitive to the smell of blood than him. The smell of blood inside was so strong. Li Su looked up and nodded to him: "the general can go in and take people away. Just apply some detoxification herbs."

Lao Hu was in front of general Shenquan and entered the handsome tent. This kind of behavior is a crime. But at the moment, general Shenquan and other people also understand the doctor's mood. No one said anything about Lao Hu. Lao Hu completely ignored the strong smell of blood and put several people's pulse back and forth for three times. After that, Lao Hu's face showed a tired expression.

He is really old and stubborn. If this little brother didn't intervene today, he was afraid that at least thousands of people would die in the barracks today. Then he was the biggest sinner in Han and Xia Dynasty. With tired feet, Lao Hu walked out of the tent and knelt down to Li Su.

"Little brother, thank you for stopping my mistake. If it wasn't for you, if it wasn't for you..." Lao Hu's hand trembled and choked.

Outside, Cheng Zheng's eyes were the brightest. He threw himself at Li Su and patted him on the shoulder: "good brother, I only know you are OK."

"Dr. Hu is not the time to say that. There are still many soldiers waiting for us to treat them. What we have to do now is to work together." Li Su pulled Lao Hu up from the ground. His open-minded appearance won praise from people around him, including general Shenquan. General Shenquan looked at Li Su with a kind of dignity in his eyes. His mouth moved, but he didn't say what he was saying.

The whole afternoon, the barracks filled with the smell of blood, but the smell of blood did not make any face with a sad expression, because they knew that there was a miracle doctor in the barracks, and he was a descendant of Guiguzi, quite powerful! Films of people, in his treatment after not more than an hour to wake up, and is alive.

"Captain Cheng, you really made a great contribution this time." Outside the tent, Liu Zhong's guards smell the fresh blood coming out of it. They punch Cheng Zheng on the shoulder. Cheng Zheng scratches his head and laughs. What he said at that time is to find someone who can help them.

On the way of searching, he did miss many people, and even was demoted. But it was because he never gave up that he met Li Su, a real capable person. On this thought, Cheng Zheng's smile looked more brilliant, so everything before was worth it, hahaha!

"General, general! The cause of the poisoning has been found Li Su and several military doctors of Lao Hu are busy. Cheng Zheng and general Shenquan are not idle either. After investigating how the poison that killed their souls in the past three days came from, we find that the water source is above. Shenquan has an angry face. How can ordinary water carry poison? It must be the poison of those barbarians!

"General, general, let's kill it!" People in the army are crying

Shouting, a group of people's voice seemed to be shaking the sky. Li Su always solved the last two poisoned patients, and walked out of the tent again as if he had been fished out of the water. Then he heard the shouting voice outside. Li Su grinned: "I don't know much about you soldiers, but I know it's a good time, Because the enemy is thinking that we have been defeated, and it's the time when we are weak. I'm sorry that they didn't take the opportunity to fight back at this time. "

A group of people were howling. General Shenquan's face was dignified, and he looked at Li Su seriously. He nodded to a group of people and explained. After a while, he held a battle meeting and let Li Su stay alone.

"You're not from this era." General Shenquan left Li Su behind. The first sentence startled Li Su. He didn't know when he was exposed.

For the shock on Li Su's face, general Shenquan showed his true look. He sighed and looked at the sky with his cold eyes. It seemed like he was in memory. He sighed: "I didn't expect that for such a long time, I've been waiting for this man, destiny."

Li Su looked at general Shenquan's emotion, but he didn't understand. After general Shenquan's emotion, he looked at Li Su's smile for the first time. Maybe it was because he didn't smile all the year round. General Shenquan's smile seemed too stiff, but his eyes were sincere.

"I know I've been waiting for someone to come. I've been waiting for a lot of people in the past few decades, but since you came with the bronze order, I know that you are the right person I'm waiting for."