Chapter 336

Lantianlei also knows what LAN Zhengyong is talking about. He also shakes his head. His body shape floats directly out of the sky. Yes, it floats out of the sky, just like super Saiya people. He appears in the middle of the sky, and then slowly moves to the land and Liao Xiaotian. So does LAN Zhengyong.

The movements of the two men were not very dynamic, but Liao Xiaotian and LAN kunlei also noticed, and immediately coagulated their faces: "Lao Lei, do you see that? The two of them have come here, and I know they can't sit down. Then it's time to experience the two of us. "

LAN kunlei nodded: "it seems that there will be a bad battle today. Lu Fang, you must command well and kill their troops as fast as possible. Then we can deal with these two old guys well."

Smell speech, Lu Fang nods: "OK, they two handed over to you, but you also must be careful, do not carry hard with them, try to save strength, after I kill each other's troops, I will go to help you."

Lu Fang and Liao Xiaotian have already discussed before this. If they do, LAN kunlei and Liao Xiaotian will stop them and fight for a certain time for Lu Fang. As long as they can kill the enemy's troops, the next thing will be much easier. After all, two fists are hard to fight, four hands are hard to fight. As long as they are led to the ground and faced with the attack of millions of troops, they will never have one Too many victories.

For this reason, the body of LAN kunlei and Liao Xiaotian also slowly floats in the sky, and directly floats to LAN Zhengyong and blue sky Lei, blocking their way.

"Liaoxiaotian, I didn't expect that you could stand it. You have organized such a huge army in such a short period of time. You really didn't let me down, but you have to pay the price for today's things. Give me your life."

LAN Zhengyong's eyes glistened on Liao Xiaotian, and the color of hatred in his eyes became more and more strong. At first, he thought Liao Xiaotian would rebel, and this happened, which made him more firm in his mind.

"It's funny. If you didn't do that to me, how could I do that? LAN Zhengyong, you can only blame yourself for all this and have nothing to do with other people. "

Liao Xiaotian firmed his mind. He was completely disappointed with LAN Zhengyong. He was not polite when he spoke.

"Good. Let's finish it today."

The two have collided. The strength of Liao Xiaotian and LAN Zhengyong is almost the same. When they collide, they fight fiercely. The air and energy around them fluctuate constantly, but they don't affect the battle at the scene. After all, the soldiers at the scene are on the ground, but their battle is in the air, it's almost a day by day.

High level confrontation between the two sides.

LAN kunlei collides with LAN kunlei. In a word, LAN kunlei is still his uncle. Now they have to fight each other, which is also ironic.

"Lan kunlei, you and I have a blood relationship. If you lay down your arms and surrender, maybe I will spare your life."

Lantianlei was originally a person of the older generation. He wanted to think through things and persuade lantianlei to give up all resistance.

A lot of his attention is focused on the land side. Under the guidance of the land side, the army is getting worse and worse. The losses on the imperial side are even worse. If the land side is not solved quickly, they will lose soon.

"There is nothing wrong with what you said. We do have a blood relationship, but your son LAN Zhengyong never gave me this opportunity, and he doesn't treat me as a relative. That's what I am like. I will treat others as they treat me. It's only because LAN Zhengyong is so crazy."

LAN kunlei sneers at this moment and says that the action in his hand hasn't stopped. Although it will be very difficult to fight with this old guy, LAN kunlei doesn't want to give up.

Because of this, the battle became anxious, and the land side directed the continuous attack.

The lineup is extremely huge, not only has the strong fort, also has established a special array, can launch the group attack, has launched the ice fire double sky attack on the spot, along with these array's shooting, the imperial dynasty's troop has lost as much as half.

A million troops have become 500000 troops. For the land side, it is a huge victory. More importantly, there is little loss on the land side.

"Listen to me. Don't let down any vigilance. Their leaders have been held up by general Liao and general LAN. As long as we concentrate on fighting and killing their troops, victory will belong to us. You should know what kind of organization the emperor is. If they rule, we will be in deep water."

"If we win this war and Tianfu becomes the master of the blue Nu continent, I will surely give you a warm and safe world to live in, and there will be no war."

Lu Fang knows that planning is the most important thing in the army. During the training, Lu Fang has explained his plan to everyone. He is a person who comes from China and likes that kind of free life very much.In order not to let those lawless people do some lawless things all day long, the land side is ready to implement such a policy after ruling the mainland.

It has to be said that the army is very satisfied with such a policy. All the soldiers are looking forward to such a life. When the emperor ruled them, there were certain policies, but it was a bit cruel for them, especially for the small civilians, who had no sovereignty at all, but the land policy was very appropriate.

For a while, the morale of the Army soldiers on the land side rose. The soldiers attacked more and more fiercely. The continuous attack on the fort became more intense. All the soldiers fought hard and longed for this victory.

LAN Zhengyong could see clearly such a fierce attack and frowned tightly. If he dragged on like this, sooner or later, failure would come to them. Now the most important thing is to knock down Lu Fang first.

However, Liao Xiaotian always pesters LAN Zhengyong. He can't fight against Lu Fang's future at all. This is also their plan to slow down the war.

"I want to give Lu Fang time. I will never let you do it."

LAN Zhengyong and Liao Xiaotian quickly opened a certain distance, only to see a fierce milky light on his hand, chasing a crystal ball in LAN Zhengyong's hand.

When Liao Xiaotian saw this scene, he could not help but show a little bit of fear. He had a certain distance with LAN Zhengyong. Long before that, he had already eaten the loss of the crystal ball. At this moment, Liao Xiaotian was not so stupid.

Knowing that this crystal ball is a treasure left from ancient times, as long as it can be held in hand, it can create an absolute field for itself. In this field, close to dominating the general existence, the strength of the enemy will be oppressed to a certain extent, and the action will be affected. In general, the strength will be reduced by as much as 30%.

It is very likely that Liao Xiaotian will be invaded by the cold air accidentally, which will lead to the complete suppression of the breath. Previously, Liao Xiaotian was also in the hands of LAN Zhengyong because of this cold air. Today, Liao Xiaotian cannot fail.

"It seems that you are quite alert, but today I'll show you the strength of my blue orthodoxy. No matter who is, you can't take away the emperor in my hands."

LAN Zhengyong shows a strong madness, and follows Yuan Li's constant injection into the crystal ball.

With Yuanli's injection of crystal ball, a brilliant milky white light came out, followed by blue Zhengyong's body, which even raised a piece of white gas, which looked like the gas just opened the refrigerator, so the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped.

It's amazing that there is a piece of ice and snow in this half air. The air around seems to be solidified, and a thin layer of ice appears.

"I want you all to be ice sculptures!"

LAN Zhengyong's mouth uttered an extremely angry voice. He followed Yuan Li into the crystal ball like he didn't want to die. With the injection of Yuan Li, the ice and snow around him increased continuously, and the air around him gradually condensed.

Liao Xiaotian also felt that the rich and cold gas was constantly approaching him. Once it was touched by these cold breath, it was likely to be frozen into an ice sculpture.

With Liao Xiaotian's strength, he can resist the invasion of the cold air, but he will also be limited to certain actions. This is due to his previous experience. In the face of the attack of the cold air, he also retreated quickly. LAN kunlei also noticed this scene, and also retreated quickly.

"This guy uses a crystal ball, unless we have two hands together, otherwise, it is impossible to limit his strength."

Such a rebellious treasure is not something they can resist. In this case, unless he and Liao Xiaotian join hands, it is impossible to cause too much damage to LAN Zhengyong, and it is also likely to lose here.

"No, if we attack LAN Zhengyong together, wouldn't it give Lan Lan Lei a chance to attack Lu Fang? You also know what kind of situation the land side is. This plan is definitely not feasible. "

Liao Xiaotian rejects LAN kunlei's words, and LAN Zhengyong has caught up with him and frozen his legs.

To this end, Liao Xiaotian frowned tightly, felt a sharp cold coming, and his legs were extremely uncomfortable. However, they were strong witnesses. When facing the frozen feet, they also moved Yuan Li to their legs, and spent a period of time kicking out the frozen ice in their legs.

But this air-conditioner constantly attacked them, like a tiger beast, unstoppable.

"Lao Liao, if we don't join hands, it's really impossible for us to defeat. If they make a direct move at this time, it's even more irresistible."

LAN kunlei's face is more and more anxious. After all, the attack of the crystal ball is too rebellious.

"General Liao, you and general LAN work together to deal with LAN Zhengyong. Let me deal with other matters."

When Liao Xiaotian hesitated, Lu Fang's voice suddenly came to the ground. Lu Fang didn't know when he came near them. His eyes were fixed on Liao Xiaotian, and his face was determined.Lu Fang also found that Liao Xiaotian and LAN kunlei can't deal with the crystal ball at all. If they unite, they may cause some damage to LAN Zhengyong and protect each other. Beside them, there is a blue sky thunder overlooking and delaying. If Lu Fang doesn't get out of hand, they are likely to lose here today.


for a while, Liao Xiaotian hesitated, but he kept resisting the attack of cold air.