Chapter 644

I saw the black shadow said with such a smile, all over his body was crackling, and the sound was clear and loud.

Once again, he went into the ground, with an evil breath.

Not only in one place, but also in other places. These temples are constantly being destroyed.

In the ice field in the north of the world, there are countless Aboriginal attacks.

These aborigines can control the ice and snow here, but there is a huge zombie in front of them. This Zombie King Kong is not bad, and no weapon can hurt him. And anyone who is bitten by it will be immediately transformed into a zombie by it.

An Aboriginal army was defeated directly.

Countless people scattered everywhere, just behind them, there are terrible zombies chasing them, turning them into a corpse.

On top of the ice sheet, such terrible scenes spread.

Under the temple, I saw only a beautiful saint with tears in her eyes at this time. It seems that I didn't expect that such a catastrophe would happen suddenly.

Similar disasters have been recorded in the past.

Whenever there are outsiders, there will be disasters. These outsiders will attack and destroy the temple constantly.

They want to destroy this thing for some unknown reason, and these outsiders have terrible power, they can control some element between heaven and earth, or have some characteristics.

Behind the saint, there are ten men in white animal skins, all persuading: "saint, we are now facing such a situation. Only by ensuring that the inheritance of the temple will not be destroyed, can we have the chance to return here again."

Behind her, an older man said.

The old man's skin has already become wrinkled, and his eyes are full of wisdom. Just opening up, he has a kind of wisdom to see through the world.

Hearing the old man's words, the saint closed her eyes.

She wondered whether she should listen to the old man in front of her and leave the place.

At this moment, the door was kicked open.

The disciples of Wanhua sect have already broken into this place, only to see the faces of the disciples of Wanhua sect with a loud laugh: "ha ha, I never thought that it was me who found this saint. It's so wonderful."

When he said this, he saw a pair of eyes swimming back and forth on the virgin in front of him.

The saint is the best in the world. He laughs and pours on her.

"Dare you!"

At the same time, these aborigines, who were behind the saint's daughter, jumped up at the same time.

As guardians and think tanks of saints, no one is allowed to offend her majesty. These people are fearless of death.

When they rushed up, they used all the strength they could control.

In this moment, the cold snow hit the disciple of Wanhua sect, but there was another flash of light on the disciple. These attacks had no effect on him at all.

They already have babies with them, they can resist all these attacks.

He looked at the bodyguards in front of him and raised his hand.

At this moment, the bodyguards made a scream, and the blood suddenly splashed out and fell to the ground.

At the same time, he looked around.

There are no other people left around. They have all been killed by this man.

I saw a happy smile on his face: "I'm really sorry, this beautiful saint, your people have been killed by me."

He said with a smile. It was so brilliant.

"You bastard." This is what the saint said. She lifted up her scepter.

"Haha, do you think holding this stick is a threat to me? We are totally different from what you know, and our power is totally different from that of the world."

But just as the man was laughing, he suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from his stomach.

"What's the matter?"

In front of this holy woman's scepter, there was a strong cold light at this moment.

The power to kill the disciples of Wanhua sect in front of us is just the power above the scepter.

This power is extraordinary terror, as if there is a real God landing in the world.

"Wuwu, immortal existence, are you coming to help me?" I saw the virgin say.

Next moment, a voice came to her ear. It was a very kind voice, like an old woman.

I saw an old grandmother appear at her side: "you have to leave this place quickly. This place is no longer safe. It will be broken immediately outside. Next you will also face a huge crisis. You have to find other people.""I can feel that there seems to be a savior in this world. He has something to do with the immortal. He is the one you should follow. Follow him to save the world."

At this time, the temple was opened.

The power of the zombie is so huge that even the hard and incomparable temple is easily destroyed.

"You dare." A roar came from the temple.

At this moment, an old granny formed by ice and snow stood out from here. Her face was cold, and she stretched out her hand just a little.

As the old man stretched out his hand, a huge shock wave exploded in an instant.

The terrible power swept around, the atmosphere of destruction filled the air, and disaster began. This is a real catastrophe.

Ice and snow turned into a giant, fighting with the zombies in front of him.

At this time, a young man came out.

The saint saw the scene of the disaster. At this time, she didn't say anything more. She got up from the ground, turned around and ran.

She already knew that she could not resist all this with her own ability, and the catastrophe was coming.

She can't do anything about it. She's going to look for someone who has something to do with immortality. She doesn't know where that one is.

Just when she escaped, she found that the scepter in her hand was actually emitting a light white light, which had a guiding power.

Let the saint know where she should go. Without any stop, the saint strides out.

She ran so fast that she ran away from the place.

Disaster was in the air, and the smell of darkness began.

Everything indicates that this is the end of everything. Of course, it may be a new beginning.

In the rules of this world, there are even more restless, as if to tell all people that the world is about to change.

"The world is about to change."

The man coming out of the back of the zombie looks very young, but his eyes are very old.

It seems that this is not a young man at all, but an old man's illusion.

"I didn't expect that the temple here has its own wisdom. It seems that in the long years, there have been changes we don't know, but all of them are ours."

See this man to laugh to say, he unexpectedly is in this moment, rapid consenescence.

This is not ordinary aging, but from young to old, the whole body momentum is becoming more and more powerful.

There are some thunders sweeping across the sky.

These thunders seem to be warning that some dangers are coming and some disasters are coming.

"Ha ha!"

The old granny laughed. She was wearing a crystal clear snow veil and a crown on her head, as if she were a holy goddess.

"You foreigners have cheated the heaven and earth in a certain way and completely concealed your strength. No wonder you are not destroyed by the heaven and earth. But you have already sinned against the heaven and cannot pray."

See this old granny to say loudly, stretched out oneself finger a bit.

There was a terrible energy coming out of her fingers, which went towards the four cycles.

Where she lives, in that moment, it will turn into cold reality.

These zombies are also frozen by this ice and snow, and quickly destroyed.

"Unfortunately, if I give you a little more time, you may be able to cultivate a human figure, but I'm lucky."

See this man to say loudly, the sky above suddenly has this one thunder, flash by.

It turns out that this man is releasing the power in his body. At this moment, he has reached the level of Wushen.

Like hidden like hair, the vibration above the sky, in this moment, with his actions directly bombarded and down.

The power of terrible destruction fell on the old lady in front of her, but she was not willing to be outdone. There was a palace built by ice and snow on her body, which immediately blocked the elves from the sky.

She constantly read some of her own subtle voice, also has a terrible shock wave towards the sky.

She is so easy to block, she is also slowly becoming young.

As she grew younger and younger, there was also a surge of power spreading.

There is a war between the two. The ice and snow and the gloomy forces are constantly colliding. I don't know how long it has been. There is an explosion in the center.

The explosion is like a thunderbolt rushing into the sky and into a mushroom cloud.

The saint daughter of the tribe looked at this scene from afar, and the tears in her eyes flowed down. She covered her mouth to death and dared not make more voices.She turned her head around and walked steadily forward.

She will take vengeance for the tribe, for the goddess in the palace.

I don't know how long passed in the explosion. The zombie jumped out of the darkness, holding a ice and snow head in its hand.