Chapter 1290

"This is how I am. When I like a person, I can tolerate others to do many things that I can't stand now. Who called me such a person? I like to spoil the people I like. It may have something to do with my tutoring. When I love you, when you have a bad temper with me and throw things, I will treat you as a coquettish... "

"I haven't dropped anything."

“…… Can't you make an analogy? "

Feng Jin slightly pursed her lips and looked at the woman in front of her with a heavy look in her eyes, listening to her words of killing the heart.

“…… But if I don't love you, I can't stand anything She bowed her head and took a puff of smoke. She lowered her eyes and said faintly. It was the first time for them to discuss each other's emotional problems so openly in so many years. After she was completely disheartened.

"I'm not a person with a good temper, Fengjin. I'll tell you the truth. The years I spent with you were the time when I had the highest tolerance for a person. I like you, I dote on you, can endure your sarcasm again and again, but I don't like you so much now. I'm a little tired. I want to find someone to pamper me and make up for my wasted time in these years. "

"You are not that man."

Feng Jin looked at her: "Yan Chuxi is it?"

Huarong smiles and talks about Yan Chuxi. She doesn't notice the intimacy in her voice Chuxi he, very good. We grew up together. In this world, let me choose a person who can be together all my life. I don't know who to look for except him. "

Fengjin stood there with a loud voice in his head. He knew it was one thing and heard Huarong say it was another. Knowing that she didn't like him, and hearing that she was in love with another man, was totally different.

Of course, he knew that he had no right to mind other men standing beside her, but it was one thing to be clear and another to accept.

His mind is in a mess. The rational and steady training in the army has been blown to pieces. Even the flower face standing not far away can detect a trace of unknown danger. Her smile slightly converges and studies the facial expression of the former man, and quickly extinguishes the cigarette and goes out.

It was not the first time that she had seen Feng Jin's expression. She still remembered that a long time ago, Feng Jin's cousin drowned a dog he had kept. The excellent student, who had always been in the eyes of the public, rushed to beat his five-year-old cousin in front of the elders so that he didn't even know his mother.

At that time, Huarong knew that some people's bottom line could not be stepped on. Fengjin looks like a very good and rational appearance, but the more rational the person, the more terrible the blackening. Once he exceeds his bottom line, the devil and cruelty in his bones will come out.

She has to run quickly. She can't fight, but she can't call the police. She's an international wanted criminal. Is the police going to commit suicide?

Flower looks very puzzled.

She didn't drown. He cherished his pet dog. He blackened out there.

Isn't she allowed to find another man?

When Feng Jin locked the door in front of her, and then defused her several attacks, but also threw her to the bed, Huarong began to seriously consider whether to call the police or not.

It's a serious question whether to go to jail or to be fucked up.