Chapter 37

"What a bad luck! It's not good to be with you every time! " Yang Yi clenched his teeth.

“…… It's my fault, too? "

"But every time I meet you, it's very bad. It's either injured here or there. It's better this time. I almost got killed."

“…… Am I not in the elevator? Isn't my life on the line? "

Yang Yi is about to collapse. "Wang Jiaze, are we not going to die?"


The elevator rattled and rocked again, and the steel rope of the imitation Buddha would break at any time.

Yang Yi looks up at him, in the light light, can only see the fuzzy outline. "Aren't you afraid?"

Under the palm of Wang Jiaze's hand, the short woman was shaking. She had been like a hedgehog in front of him. At this moment, she put away the spines and became very soft. "You're scared."

"Of course! My parents have only one daughter. What will they do if I die? I haven't been in love, I haven't got married, I haven't had a baby, and I haven't been to many places I want to go I don't want to die! "

The elevator suddenly fell down again. Yang Yi jumped into his arms and held his arm tightly. The whole person was in despair. It's over. It's going to die!

Creak - squeak!

The elevator stopped again. Mood is like a roller coaster, sometimes up and down, only tense implementation.

Wang Jiaze comforted her: "nothing will happen. What you haven't finished will be finished in the future."

Yang Yi's heart hung in the air, "it's better to be! Otherwise, I hate you all my life. "

"If today is the last day of your life, what is your wish?" He asked suddenly.

"Bah! In this case, can you say something optimistic and positive? "

"As long as you can say it and get out of the elevator in a moment, I will satisfy you."

Yang Yi slanted his head, "really?"


"Anything you want?"


She sneered coldly, "you really dare to promise, in case I ask for the whole Zhengze group?"

"Are you sure you want it?"

"Can you afford it?"

The arm on her waist was so strong that he held her tightly in her arms. His breath was in her ear: "you can try it."

His moist breath like electricity, across her whole body, her whole body as if touched by electricity, struggling to leave his confinement, he whispered: "too much movement, the elevator will fall down."

She froze for a moment. "You let me go, I'm kidding. I don't need other people's gifts, and I don't need to have a great wealth. If people are too rich, they will easily be unhappy. "

"Why? There is nothing that money can't do in this world. If it can't, we can only say that there is not enough money. "

She sneered: "can money buy life and health? Can you buy friendship, affection and love? "

"Leaving aside the uncontrollable birth, death and death, most things can of course be bought with money. It includes affection and love. "

"Is that really love? How do you know she's not obsessed with your money? Maybe in her eyes, you are a mobile money printing machine

"Even if she loves money, she doesn't necessarily love this mobile money printing machine."

Yang Yi laughed, "Wang Jiaze, you are lack of parental care in the process of growing up? They use money to solve all of your problems, so you inherit their view of money. Money is of course a good thing. It's like magic blessing, which makes many women flock to it. But don't forget that all feelings are first of all due to involuntary emotions, which have nothing to do with money. But you probably don't understand. I guess you fall in love with a woman, and you will use your money to attack her with sugar coated bullets. Right? "

"I haven't chased women. But I think the method you're talking about should be invincible. "

"I have nothing to say about your three outlooks," she shrugged Why do they talk about money and feelings? Their thoughts are not in the same channel, three different views, no speculation.

"I'll prove it to you." He whispered.

"What?" She didn't understand.

The elevator light suddenly lights up, she is still in his arms, four eyes hand over, his deep eyes burning at her. Her soul seemed to be burned to the general, quickly back away, back to a safe distance.

Elevator door suddenly opened, Yang Yi as if to see the straw, fly general ran out.

On the way back, Yang Yi recalled that in the elevator, he held her in his arms, his broad and strong chest, his powerful arms She was so hot that she almost ran into the tail.

Stay away from Wang Jiaze, you must stay away from him!

when she got home, she remembered that her uncle asked her to ask Wang Jiaze. However, she called Wang Jiaze, and long daomai told him again in the future. Wang Jiaze was very indifferent: "I will not participate. Your uncle's company doesn't qualify as my partner. "

Wang Jiaze hangs up at the end of the phone and looks at the statement made by the chief of the security section, frowning. "Has the elevator been tampered with?""Yes. None of the monitors have photographed that person, and it's clear that he knows the layout of the surveillance. It's suspected that it was from the security section. "


The next day, Yang Yi called his uncle back and told him that Wang Jiaze had no time to attend the dinner party and that she couldn't go because she worked overtime. Yang Zhichao is not happy: "you and your father, for others can be dedicated, for your own people will not do a little bit."

Yang Yi can only smile to play round: "uncle, not that I do not give my heart, but I and Wang Jiaze really do not know, he does not sell me face."

Yang Zhichao snapped off the phone. Yang Yi doesn't take it seriously. Anyway, Yang Zhichao is often angry, and she is used to it.

The office door was knocked, Ningxia opened: "Yi Jie, there is a express to you to sign for."

A handsome young man, dressed in a uniform black suit and white gloves, bowed respectfully to her, then opened the two gift boxes in his hand one by one, "Miss Yang, here are your two bags."

Two of the latest herm è s handbags, different styles and different colors, are women's dream of hot sales, very beautiful. Yang Yi wondered, "are you wrong? I haven't ordered a bag

"No mistake. The company name, your name and phone number are all right." Said the gentleman.

"In my name?"

"No, it's for you."

"May I know who sent it?"

"Sorry, we can't get order information."

He did not accept that Yang Yi didn't sign for it, so Yang Yi had to sign it for the time being. His colleagues cried out whether Yang Yi had been pursued by the rich. Yang Yi has not recovered from Herm è s shock, but another express has arrived.

A pair of borgezie diamond high heels.

Yang Yi once saw this pair of diamond high-heeled shoes in the French window, the price is shocking! Oh, my God, who is the one who has too much money to use?

There are not many local tyrants around her, even less of them are extravagant.

Who could it be?