Chapter 55


"So there's no reason between you and me." She spread out her hands.

Wang Jiaze said: "you just said you have a person you like, that is to say, he is not your lover. With your personality, it is unlikely that you like him, but you are only in secret love. Either he does not like you, or you are not suitable. So there's no such thing between you. "

Engineering men's reasoning is sharp indeed. "He's the man I want and want."

"Usually this kind of man is a fantasy."

"He's not a fantasy, he's a man who's really around me."

"There are no other men beside you but me."

"Wang Jiaze, I don't think about the possibility of us becoming lovers. We can be friends. If you can't even make a friend, then return to two parallel lines. When the matter is over, I have something else to do. Please do as you please. "

I thought that after that night, their relationship could be promoted a little bit. However, after two days, everything went back to the starting point. Wang Jiaze's eyes narrowed, showing a few dangers: "we will never be two parallel lines."

He left, Yang Yi looking at the pile of files, upset. She didn't have dinner at night. In order to relieve her mood, she went to the gym to run crazily and took a motor bike. Back home tired paralyzed, lying in bed, nothing, straight to sleep.

The next morning, Wang Jiaze called his second uncle Wang Zhengliang to his office and threw the copy of the agreement from Yang Yi to him.

Wang Zhenghao closed his suit with flaws, and with a smile on his face, he put his hand on the sofa, "what is this?"

"You'll see."

"Well, who else did you join me in front of you. Since the beginning of this year, it has not stopped. " Having said that, he reached for the agreement, looked at it a few times, and immediately folded up his legs and turned over the agreement in a serious manner. "Shijianju real estate, the name is a little familiar."

Wang Jiaze's voice did not rise and fall: "presumably they are in charge of CAI Jianda, you are more familiar with."

"Cai Jianda?" Wang Zhengliang thought for a moment, "it seems to be Cai Jianming's younger brother."

"Land acquisition at a low price, the blue mountain accounts for the high price and makes the middle price difference. This is a good deal," Wang Jiaze nodded. "The real estate can earn millions without selling it."

Wang Zhengliang said quickly, "I don't know about it. I don't know Cai Jianming has such a big courage."

"Second uncle, this is an economic case, and we should bear legal responsibility."

Wang Zhengliang nodded glibly: "I'm too bold. I'm going to talk to him. Fortunately, it hasn't been done yet, and it hasn't brought any actual loss to blue mountain." Before leaving, Wang Zhengliang said, "Jiaze, thank you for helping me check these. Even what I didn't expect, you thought of it. It's really daunting."

Wang Jiaze was expressionless: "the second uncle is in charge of Lanshan. Originally, I didn't intend to intervene in this hand, but since I know that there is something fishy in the middle, it is inevitable to tell the second uncle, so as not to let the company be exploited. In addition, now the villagers are suing Shiji to settle down. They have exposed the blue mountain real estate and intend to sue the blue mountain together. We have to stabilize their mood before things get serious, so we should give a reasonable land price as soon as possible, so as not to affect the blue mountain. "

Wang Zhengliang said with a smile: "yes, yes. Then I'll go first. "

Wang Jiaze sent him out and closed the door of the office. He sneered. Wang Zhengliang, an old fox, was full of self-cultivation. He had been angry for a long time, but on the surface, he did not leak any water.

At this time, Yang Yi is making a will for the client in the hospital. The 60 year old woman in the hospital, in front of the two doctors and Yang Yi, gave most of her property to her daughter. After all the procedures are finished, Yang Yigang has just left the ward when the old lady's son arrives and makes a lot of mischief. He scolds the old lady that she is ill. Even her son and daughter can't figure out which is more important. In a rage, he smashed the ward. Yang Yi can not help but sigh again, money is the devil, it makes people show ugly face.

People used to say that raising children to prevent their old age. If they raise a useless son, they still expect him to provide for the aged? It's good not to be old and homeless.

Yang Yi drove back to the company. When she was waiting for the red light on the road, she almost fell asleep. I'm so tired, my whole body aches and my throat seems to smoke. She thought that she might have a cold. When she got to the company, she took a short rest on the table.

The mobile phone suddenly rings, Yang Siyuan calls. "Sister, I heard you're going to have a blind date in the evening?"

Yang Yi almost forgot that her uncle arranged a blind date for her tonight. "You little girl, why are you so happy?"

"I heard that the other party is a doctor, and his family background is very good."

Yang Yi stroked his feverish forehead: "help me ask Uncle, can I not go? I've got a cold and I'm sick. "

Yang Siyuan urged her: "go, go, what if you miss a good marriage?"

Yang Siyuan is still like this. If she is happy with her uncle's appointment, I'm afraid she won't give her a good face. Yang Yi helpless, drag tired body to the appointment.

Yang Yi never has any illusions about the people introduced by his uncle. This time, he is also the same. Although he is a doctor, he is quite old. Maybe he is not so old. He just looks old when he is about 40 years old. He is wearing big black frame glasses. His lenses are extremely thick. His myopia is at least 1000 degrees. Looks can not be said ugly, but with good-looking absolutely has nothing to do with.Yang Zhichao has been boasting about his family background and educational background. By the way, I also boasted about Yang Yi.

Blind date man indifferent, Yang Yi also did not say a word, the scene is very embarrassing very funny. Finally, Yang Zhichao answered the phone and said that he had something else to do with him, so he left.

Yang Yi is not willing to waste half a minute, "Mr. Wei, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

"Don't hurry. Since the elders let us know each other, we should try to comply with their wishes."

"What do you want to know?"

"What kind of lawyer are you?"

"Civil lawyers."

"I heard that you have a law firm. Do you run it alone or do you have partners?"

Yang Yi is a little displeased, how is he, check account? "Mr. Wei, do you know what these do?"

"Occupation is the most important indicator to understand a person. What's your monthly income

Yang Yi chuckles: "you also said this is very bold, this belongs to personal privacy."

"Since it's a blind date, it's just for the purpose of marriage. I think knowing each other's income will help further development."

Who wants to further develop with you? "Mr. Wei, I'm very sorry. I have something urgent to go. When I'm free next time, I'll invite you to dinner, and we'll talk about it slowly."

"Wait," he said, "I have one last question. ——Are you a virgin