Chapter 63

Yang Yi has a heart of gossip. She wants to know the follow-up of the explosion. In addition to the explosion of the car, there are several innocent cars affected, the scene is still in chaos, far away there is the roar of fire engines, onlookers from all over the crowd came, where there is excitement, where there are masses.

Wang Jiaze and Yang Yi stood on the opposite side of the road, looking at the chaotic picture, Wang Jiaze said nothing and frowned.

There was a footstep behind him, and a man in black came striding forward. Yang Yi knows him. His name is Dong Zhe.

"President, Daqiang didn't drive out again after he drove his car to the basement of the company this morning. He has been on standby in the office on the first floor. He had lunch and went out once, but he was with us. I checked the monitoring. Before work, the monitor of Mercedes Benz garage broke down. It was probably at that time that the car was tampered with. Now the security room is checking and monitoring. " Dong zhe finished with one breath.

"What about Yongqiang?"

Dong zhe looks low. "The ambulance just arrived, the fire was too big for them to rescue. They're waiting for the fire truck to come. "

As a matter of fact, it is impossible to survive in the face of the explosion. Yang Yi's heart can not help heavy, although Wang Jiaze usually has no expression, but from his frown, he is also very concerned about this matter.

Wang Jiaze takes Yang Yi back to the company. Wen Qing and Zhao Bingbing have not finished work yet. It is not without accident that Wang Jiaze brings Yang Yi up. Zhao Bingbing, in particular, stares at Yang Yi, as if she shouldn't be here.

Wang Jiaze and Wenqing explained a few words and took Yang Yi into the office.

Wang Jiaze sat down on the sofa and rubbed his brows. Yang Yi thought that he might be in a bad mood, so he poured him a glass of water. He took it, the office door was knocked, Wen Qing came in: "president, the police are coming."

Four or five policemen came, the first woman tall and thin, very beautiful. Yang Yi called out, "chuning."

Zhang chuning see is Yang Yi, very surprised: "good coincidence." She looked at Wang Jiaze and said, "your friend?"

"Yes." Yang Yi nodded and introduced to Wang Jiaze, "this is Zhang chuning, leader of the serious case group of the general criminal investigation team of s city."

Zhang chuning showed his certificate to Wang Jiaze, "I am Zhang chuning of the second serious case group. After receiving the report, I come to ask Mr. Wang about the situation."

Wang Jiaze asked them to sit down.

"Has Mr. Wang offended anyone recently?" Zhang chuning's colleagues began to make notes.

Wang Jiaze thought: "there are no conflicts on the surface, but there are many interests involved behind the scenes. Many of them are different."

"So, what are the most serious interests behind the scenes?" Zhang chuning asked.

After careful consideration, Wang Jiaze thinks that the most suspicious case is the Lanshan real estate case. However, his second uncle is in charge of Lanshan real estate. Although he has always been incompatible with his second uncle, he is actually a family. Wang Jiaze will not doubt that the second uncle has made a real obstacle to him. Zhang chuning asked his colleagues to write down the records one by one, and his eyes were moving in his office. "Does Mr. Wang have a history of being threatened?"

"No. But two weeks ago, my special elevator had a problem and fell down without any reason. " Wang Jiaze looked at Yang Yi, "almost dangerous."

"Didn't you want to call the police?"

"If there were no actual casualties, the security officers were held accountable."

Zhang chuning nodded, "I hope that anything closely related to personal safety will happen in the future, or call the police early to minimize the injury. Mr. Wang, can you give me a list of your relationships

The police inquired for more than ten minutes, and then Wang Jiaze said: "if there is any need for follow-up, please cooperate with us at that time."

Yang Yi sent Zhang chuning out. Zhang chuning asked in a low voice: "Wang Jiaze is the most valuable diamond king in s city. To be honest, how are you with him? "

"It's hard to say a word." Yang Yi said, "go back and find time to eat together and then talk about it."

Zhang chuning nodded: "since his personal safety coefficient has increased significantly recently, you should try to stay with him as little as possible, so as to avoid being caught in the pond."

"Detective Zhang, at present, who do you think has the most motive for committing crimes?"

"Well, I have to investigate one by one before I can answer you." Zhang chuning hook Yang Yi shoulder, "it seems that you care about him."

"It's all friends. It's hard to say you don't care?" Yang Yi nestles in her arms, blinking big eyes. "Don't I care about you enough, are you jealous?"

Zhang chuning laughed and pinched her chin. "Yes, what can I do?"

"I'll be with you at night."

Zhang chuning shivered all over his body and said, "I don't have time at night! Well, I've got to get to work. I'm sure it's all night again

"Take care, anin."

Yang Yi takes them into the elevator. To Wang Jiaze office must pass through the Secretary area, inadvertently looking up, Yang Yi contacts a frightening look. She stares at Yang Yi fiercely, eyes with unabashed disgust. Yang Yi inexplicable, why stare at her like this, have they met?

Back in Wang Jiaze's office, he had already sat behind the computer, typing something on the keyboard with his long finger. He didn't look up. "Are you familiar with officer Zhang?""Diehard." Yang Yi said.

His eyes are still on the screen, Yang Yi leaned over to have a look, the original is the monitoring video. Wang Jiaze's long finger is typing a pile of English numbers on the keyboard, and then the monitoring screen is stripped off layer by layer.

"So you can find out who's been tampering with your car?" Yang Yi asked.

Wang Jiaze said: "the garage monitoring broke down at 5:11, and only this person entered the garage half an hour before that." He knocked out a picture of a small man walking with his head down and his face blurred. He was wearing a black sweater and a hat. There seems to be an a on the hat.

Wang Jiaze provided the information to Zhang chuning. Immediately, he turned off the computer and Yang Yi said, "we have nothing to do for the time being. Let's go."

"Where to?"

"Eat." Wang Jiaze picked up his coat and held it in his arm. They walked to the elevator side by side and entered his special elevator together.

Zhao Bingbing's eyes almost burn through the elevator door. She goes to Zeng Yi and says, "isn't that a special elevator for president?"? Why can that woman ride? "

"She's a friend of the president."

"Is it a girlfriend?"

"I don't know. I don't dare to inquire about boss's private affairs."

Zhao Bingbing snorted.

The elevator comes down to the first floor. Zhengze group is still in good order, as if everyone did not know that there was an explosion outside. They go to pick up Yang Yi's car. Before getting on the bus, Yang Yi looks like a detective and investigates up and down. Wang Jiaze was speechless: "what are you doing?"