Chapter 77

If she doesn't mind this photo, it's totally against her heart. Previously, she believed that Wang Jiaze was not the kind of man who played with women. Maybe she needs to change her mind and get to know him again.

Zhong Wenjing still has something to do in the afternoon. She makes an appointment to go back to s city in the evening, so she goes to work first. Yang Yi is not familiar with F City, follow the mobile phone navigation, wandering around the neighborhood.

Strange mood, Wang Jiaze and other women's photos more or less affected her. She didn't want to ask him what relationship he had with that woman, she just wanted to ask herself whether she had confidence in their relationship?

Yang Yi walked, suddenly found himself inadvertently walked to the intermediate court of F City.

Like most courts, it's solemn, but it's not good. There was a court session in the afternoon and a lot of people gathered at the door. There are family members, police escorting prisoners. Yang Yi looks at the person who looks like a lawyer holding a case file and walks into the court in a hurry. The picture feels so friendly.

Yang Yi looks around the plaque at the front door of the court and the big F City. He thinks of his dream in the morning and the man in the dream.

Yang Yi first came to F City when he was a sophomore. The young friends were drinking to come to Chen's home to play, so more than 20 people rushed to F City. Chen honeysuckle called them for two days. It is said that after he went back, he ate steamed bread with pickled mustard for the whole month. The second time, Yang Yi came alone.

Chen Nindong leaves without saying goodbye and goes to the United States to study for a doctor. She is the last person to learn the news. Frustrated, she drove a car to F City and came to his home. Of course, she did not see Chen honeysuckle, the city, and there was no trace left by him.

Chen honeysuckle is a year older than Yang Yi. When he was a junior, she was a sophomore. Originally, her parents wanted her to learn English and become an English teacher in the future, but because of Chen Nindong, she learned law. Because he was a graduate student, even though she opened a lawyer's office, she worked and went to graduate school at the same time. He, is her once bright lamp, where he points, she pursues where. She thought they would be best friends, not lovers. But it turned out that it was her wishful thinking. She was not regarded as a friend at all. Even when she went to America to read a blog, she did not say goodbye to her.

There is a car to enter the court gate, Yang Yi quickly get out of the way, but the car suddenly a brake, stop at her side.

The window slowly down, Yang Yi in the moment to see him, confused. Her eyes, is a handsome face, clean and white, eyes deep and charming, nose is very straight, lips slightly upward, very warm look.

His voice seemed to come from far away, and his smile hung in the corner of his mouth. "Yang Yi, long time no see."

The original dream of a person, may also be the precursor of reunion. Yang Yi stares at both familiar and unfamiliar face, for a moment do not know if this is his fantasy, or real.

There was a car behind, and Chen said, "Yang Yi, get on the bus."

Yang Yi did not hesitate to open the door and sat in. Chen Nindong drives his car into the court. Yang Yi looks at him wantonly. He hasn't seen him for several years. He doesn't change much. He insists that he has changed. He is mature and looks more charming than before. He was wearing a blue shirt and black trousers, the uniform of the prosecutor's office.

Yang Yi heard his voice: "have you become the attorney general?"

He smiles: "deputy attorney general."

"To the court?"

"Yes," he looked in a good mood. He didn't know whether he had a happy event or was very happy to see Yang Yi. "Yang Yi, I heard that your Yiyang law firm is becoming more and more successful. How could he come to F City for business today?"

"Well, on business." Yang Yi nodded her head.

"Do you have time to get together? Long time no see. "

Yang Yi said, "go back to s city at six o'clock in the evening."

Chen looked at the time on the dashboard. "Can you wait for me for 40 minutes? Me? "

What are you waiting for him to do? Wait, what can we do? But Yang Yishun waited for him from his own heart. Four years later, she wanted to know what had happened to him in those four years, and why he left without saying goodbye four years ago. Maybe the result is meaningless, but this is something she has been worried about for several years. If she doesn't ask for a result, she is uneasy.

"If you don't want to visit the middle yard, wait in the car. I'll be back soon. " He took his briefcase and walked away quickly.

Yang Yi feels that all this is as unreal as in a dream. Can meet again, and really put in front of you. She was still in his car. He drove the Volkswagen speeder in black. The car was clean and tidy, without any unnecessary accessories, just like his previous style.

Yang Yi had thought about countless times that they would meet again, perhaps in the crowded crowd in S City, or in the University Alumni gathering, or when he suddenly called her to tell her that he had come back. But it never occurred to me that he was in F City.

What did Yang Yi do in 40 minutes? She did not know, suddenly, Chen honeysuckle appeared in front of her again.

"I'm done." He looked at his watch. "It's three hours to six. I'll drive you around. "

"No," said Yang Yi, "let's find a place to drink. It's too salty for lunch. I'm thirsty.""Yes."

Chen drove her car to a nearby mall and took her to a humble milk tea shop. "This is the shop I visited by chance. The milk tea uses new tea and pure milk. It's not sweet or greasy. It tastes great. I remember you liked milk tea when you were at school

"Well, I like it now."

Two cups of milk tea, looking for a window position, Yang Yi bit a straw, "how long have you been a deputy inspector?"

"A year."

That is to say, he has been working for a longer time and can't get to this position in one step. "I heard you went to America to study for a PhD. Come back so soon? "

"I didn't do it," Chen said. "For some special reason, I gave up."

He did not go abroad, but disappeared in her life. Yang Yi is suddenly more sad. Today is a bad day. After a moment's silence, she looked up at him: "how have you been these years?"

"Fortunately, I didn't go to the U.S. to read a blog in the United States according to the original idea, so I went back to F City and entered the procuratorate."

"Are you still in touch with your old classmates?"

"Occasionally, I'm busy with my work, and I can't attend their parties or anything." Chen Nindong looked a little sorry. He looked at Yang Yi and said, "you haven't changed at all. It's still soft and cute, but it doesn't grow up. "

Yang Yi chuckled, "you haven't changed much. Maybe everyone's appearance has not changed, but the inner world has changed a lot. "

"Married?" He asked.

"No, how about you?"

He hesitated. "Divorced."