Chapter 132

"For a while." Wait for them to be more stable.

"How long have you been with him?" Ye Haitang asked.

"Make sure you have a relationship for two or three weeks," Yang said

"Oh, I'll go," cried lingo. "It's only two or three weeks. Why do I think you've been cheating for more than a year? Ah, you dare to give yourself to him in two or three weeks. Yang Yi, you really live up to your nickname Yang bold! "

"What happened in two or three weeks? The flash marriage person also knew each other for two hours and went to get married hand in hand. "

"That's too hasty." Ye Haitang looked at Yang Yi and ate Xiancao honey again. "But I believe you, you never do impulsive and reckless things. Just pay attention to safety. "

Yang looked at her in embarrassment, "what's safe?"

Lin Guo frowned: "that, don't make a human life."

“……” Yang Yi is neither laughing nor crying. However, she does not have to clarify that she and Wang Jiaze do not have that, such a matter, even the most intimate friends are not good to speak.

"How do I think you might get married soon?" "Lin Guo sighs," single good companion is short, feel good lonely immediately. "

Ye Haitang also asked with a smile: "you all accepted the ring of his mother. Does it mean that you want to marry him?"

"No," said Yang Yi. "When he gave me the ring, he also made it clear that it was not a proposal. It's just a common gift to wear. " She looked up at them and said with a smile, "this ring will be very good for me."

"What good?"

"Will let a lot of customers think I am married, from now on my peach blossom will be less." Yang Yi said seriously.

"Cut!" Lin Guo and ye Haitang all despise her! If it wasn't for years of old friends, you should think that she was showing off that she was being chased.

"What does that man look like?" Ye Haitang asked, "do you have any photos?"

Lin Guo also said, "I want to see the photos, too."

Yang Yi can't satisfy their curiosity. He calls up photos from his mobile phone. It was taken by Wang Jiaze while she was reading on the sofa.

Ye Haitang and Lin Guo studied for a long time and looked at each other. Yang Yi felt that their expressions were very strange, "what's the matter? Do you know him? "

Ye Haitang said, "this is your boyfriend?"

"Well. The expression of you two seems to convey: this cheater, I don't believe it! "

Lin Guo nodded: "you have a good eye. This, Wang Jiaze people even if they have money, can they grow up like this? I don't think so! It's not scientific! The creator is very fair. Generally, he gives a person a huge amount of wealth, and his appearance may be more indescribable, such as martadi, as we all know. "

Dad chuckled, then he understood who was Haitang. Yang Yi said with a smile: "yes, I often say so. Maybe the creator made him a little eccentric."

Lin Guo immediately said, "I want to see the real man. When can I bring it out to us?"

"Well," said Ye Haitang, "you bring him on my wedding day."

Yang Yi thought, "if he is free, I will take him."

When three women get together, they always have endless topics to talk about. When they are tired, they go shopping and have dinner together. After dinner, ye Haitang's husband urged her to go back. Ye Haitang asked Yang Yi, "I'll take your car home."

"I didn't drive today," Yang said. "Let's take a taxi."

Ye Haitang nodded and Lin Guo took the subway home and left first. Ye Haitang takes Yang Yi's hand and walks in the crowded pedestrian street against the cold wind.

Yang Yi's mobile phone rang, Wang Jiaze called. A moment later, she and ye Haitang said, "no need to take a taxi. There is a driver."

"That he?"

Yang Yi nodded.

Ye Haitang laughed: "it seems to have a heart for you."

If it was not for Wang Jiaze, she could not put down so many contradictions in her heart and be with him. Ye Haitang asked her, "you really don't want Chen honeysuckle at all? A while ago, I heard from you that I ran into Chen Nindong, and I thought you might still be able to do it. "

Yang Yi thought for a moment, "no way. After so many years, the feelings have been completely different. Maybe I still have some special feelings for him, but it's not love. Maybe it's just a kind of treasure, because I haven't been cherished, I feel sorry for his experience. "

"Anyway, it's good that you meet someone you really like now." Ye Haitang held her, "you want to be happy, you know? I'm not worried about lingo at all. I'm worried about you

"It's like it's hard for me to get married." Yang Yi sighs.

"It's because there are so many people chasing you that it's hard to find the right one." Ye Haitang said, "that man, what do you like about him?"

"I don't know. I feel it anyway."

"Too much money makes you uneasy?"

"Well. In the past, he refused to accept him because he was too rich and afraid that he was too playful, "Yang Yi said. In fact, two people together, is not a love, want to do in the future? What do you want to do in the long run? No matter who I am with, even if I am with Chen Nindong, I may find it inappropriate to break up after falling in love. Since each other has feelings, then fall in love together. Of course, it's good to be able to achieve positive results. If there is no result, it's just that I have experienced a love affair. As a 27 year old leftover woman, it's not a loss to fall in love with an excellent man. ""Are you in love for the worst?" Ye Haitang is worried.

Yang Yi shook his head, "no, just in the heart to do a plan for themselves, life, everything is possible, parents do not always love me, let alone men. And I've heard people say it's better to get hurt as soon as possible. Because when I was young, I had a good ability to repair it. If I felt hurt again, I would forget it in a few months. I'm still young now. If I take an adventure, I'll recover in five years even if I'm injured. "

"You are so good that he will cherish you."

Yang Yi and ye Haitang walk to the side of the road. There is a Mercedes Benz SUV with double flashing.

Wang Jiaze saw Yang Yi, then pushed the door and walked down. At this time, he found a small woman standing beside Yang Yi.

Ye Haitang was surprised to see the tall man coming towards them. What a handsome man. He looks so cold and expressionless. His eyes are full of tenderness.

Yang Yi went up to say hello to him: "you are here, are you just around here?"

"You're not driving. I'll pick you up." Wang Jiaze said briefly.

Ye Haitang's eyes were moving between them.

Yang Yi introduced them to each other. Wang Jiaze, estranged, but not impolite, nodded to Ye Haitang: "hello." He looked at Yang Yi, "it's cold. Get on the bus first."