Chapter 183

Sun Hongyu is sitting at the other end of the table. His hands are handcuffed. His fingers are crossed. His knuckles are white, which shows that he is very nervous and excited.

After a while, he said, "good. But I want to see my sister again before I go to jail

Zhang chuning's eyes were cold: "it depends on whether you match or not. If we go well, I promise you can visit your sister She opened the file and glanced at it. "First tell me who ordered you to do this."

Sun Hongyu lowered his head and said his name clearly.

This person was expected by Zhang chuning, so she was not surprised at all. She sends a message to Tao Ming, asking him to keep a close eye on the suspect and apply for an arrest warrant after sun Hongyu's confession is completed.

"How did you get there?"

Sun Hongyu said: "when I learned that my sister had leukemia and asked for a lot of treatment fees, I worked overtime early and late. One day, I was so tired that I knocked down a person on the way to my bike. It was an old man, "he said." I was driving so fast that he was hit so badly by me that he fell into a coma on the spot. I'm afraid. I don't have money. My sister is still waiting for me to rescue me. If the family members of the old man depend on me at this time, I will be really finished. So, I ran away. "

Zhang chuning looked at him in a solemn way.

"Two days later, when I thought I would be OK, I received a text message. Someone saw me bump into the old man and asked me to meet Sun Hongyu's expression was submerged in the dark, "but when I got to the place I had arranged, he didn't show up. There was a camera there. He asked me to talk to him in front of the camera. "

It seems that this guy is very cautious. "And then?"

"The other side said that the old man was taken to the hospital by him and lived in the intensive care unit. I'm afraid of being exposed and blackmailed. But this man, he didn't ask me for money or even asked me to do anything for him. I thought it strange at the time that I didn't know what he wanted to do. Soon, he added my wechat. I felt very panicked at that time. This person knew everything. He knew my work address, my address, my mobile phone number and even wechat. I feel that everything is prepared and premeditated.

But he didn't take any measures against me. Instead, he often chats with me and tells me about his experience. It turns out that he and I are from the countryside to the city to fight, have the same unfortunate family. He also has a sister. Then he introduced me to opportunities to make more money. "

Zhang chuning said, "if you don't know each other well, he can't hire you to load a bomb on Yang Yi's car?"

Sun Hongyu looked at her and nodded: "his job is to sell pills to young people in bars. At the beginning, I refused, but because I needed too much money and he gave a high commission, I agreed and sold it for four months. After that, my sister's condition deteriorated, and the operation could no longer be delayed. I had to borrow money from everywhere, but my relatives and friends could only borrow a few hundred thousand yuan, which was far from the 300000 yuan operation cost. I opened my mouth to him. He was very straightforward and immediately called me 300000

Zhang chuning raised the corner of his lips and said coldly, "well, do you think you met a living immortal, so generous?"

Sun Hongyu shook his head: "I've been fighting outside for so many years. I'm not so stupid. There's no free lunch in the world, not to mention such a huge amount of money. After my sister's operation, he began to ask me to pay back the money. When I can't afford it, he says it's interest. "

His expression showed a trace of pain, "the interest is rolling higher and higher, my salary can't even pay the interest, let alone repay the principal. In this way, more and more rolling, finally he gave me an ultimatum, I owed him three million. "

It's cruel enough to force him to be a murderer in this way.

Sun Hongyu said, "if I don't have the money, he says that he can try it in another way. As long as I can help him, he will not only pay the 300000, but also give me another 3 million. Just help him install the bomb on Yang Yi's car. " His head hung lower. "It's too tempting. Three million. As long as I have this money, my sister can get the best treatment, and I can ask a nurse to serve her. So, I agreed. "

After the matter, almost no trial, Zhang chuning has guessed. She looked at him straight: "you have a deep feeling for your sister. Why don't you go back to see her after you leave home, or even if she has such a serious illness, you haven't visited him? Don't say that you have no face to face him because you are committing a crime. I don't believe such nonsense. "

Sun Hongyu was silent for a long time, then said: "I am shameless to face her. Because I killed my dad

When Zhang chuning left the reading room, his mood was still a little heavy. Sun Hongyu confessed that in the process of being chased, he panicked and fired a gun and killed Chen Biao. Her brother, so innocent sacrifice, her heart is very painful, very painful.

The only thing to be thankful for is that today's harvest is great. Tomorrow, they will be able to ask the childe to come back to assist in the investigation.

Turn off the lights in the office. The big office outside is empty. Everyone goes back. She took out the phone to call Yang Yi and walked outside.

Facing him came a tall man. Although the light was very dark and he could not see his face clearly, Zhang chuning could see who he was at a glance.She waved subconsciously and stopped to wait for him to come. Yang Yi didn't listen to the phone and rang several times without answering. Where did she go? Why didn't she answer the phone?

Ning Yu came to Zhang chuning.

Zhang chuning took the phone back to his pocket. "Director Ning, you haven't finished work yet?"

He looked into her eyes. "Don't you think it's strange to call me director Ning all the time?"

"Strange?" Zhang chuning scratched his head, "what do you call that? Dr. Ning? "

Dr. Ning's face jerked. He now understood why she had never been in love. She was just a pimple!

Zhang chuning slapped him on the shoulder with a smile, "I'm going home. Are you going or not? "

They walk to the parking lot together. His car stopped as like as two peas in a car. It was a black and white car.

She was a little embarrassed.

It's cold outside. Zhang chuning can't wait to say goodbye to Ning Yu and open the door. Ning Yu watched her thump and shut the door, lit a fire and drove the car away.

This woman, really do not understand the amorous feelings.

It's not as enlightened as he is.

The coffee shop at 8 o'clock is a busy time, and the old and familiar melody is put in the stereo.

By the time Yang arrived, Wang Jiaze was already sitting there waiting. She looked at him from a little distance.

Wang Jiaze ah, his face is still so handsome, he is still so straight, that pair of eyes, it is easy to let her sink, his lips, let her so infatuated.

No matter what the past is acting or what, even if he really does not know, she is a true love, seriously loved him. But this person, the one she loves, she will no longer have.

It's cruel. It's ironic. She breathed deeply, breathed again, then stepped on the high heels, straightened her back, and slowly walked towards him.