Chapter 197

"She's been so sad these two days that she's found out that she's had a heart attack. How can she get over this threshold?" Wang Zhengting was extremely sad, "it's all a family. You can do me a favor. In a few days, my good home will be scattered."

Wang Jiaze had to promise to come down and help him think of a way. Yang said he opened the quilt and sat up, and looked back at her. Seeing her looking at him with big eyes in the dark, she asked in a soft voice, "did you wake up?"

"You've been keeping up all night." "You have to see a doctor tomorrow," Yang said

"Good. You sleep, and I'll make a phone call. "

Yang Yi also sat up: "Wang Shaomin this situation, even if there is a strong backstage, he should also be very difficult to bail."

"I know, but I don't want to see their families fall apart. Just try it. "

Yang Yi and Zhang Chu prefer not to use privilege, but they have to admit that privilege is sometimes a sword. Wang Jiaze went out to call back, drilling back to the bed, the whole body is cold. He hugged Yang Yi in his arms, oh, soft jade and warm fragrance, as if in a fragrant dream.

Yang Yi patted his generous back, "better?"

"Well." His voice is still dumb, he coughed a few times, Yang Yi patted his back. Soon, he did not move. He breathed evenly, but his breath was a little thick.

As expected, he was sick. Yang Yi seldom saw Wang Jiaze sleep so fast.

When Wang Jiaze wakes up in the morning, Yang Yi is no longer in bed. He has a moment's doubt. Did he have a dream last night?

But then he saw Yang Yi's coat and his whole heart settled down. He sat up, probably with a fever for a long time, some palpitations, sat on the bed to relax, then put on a coat, opened the door and went out.

The air was filled with the smell of food. Yang Yi is sitting at the table, holding his face in a daze. This appearance, let Wang Jiaze's heart ache slightly. He went over and said, "what's on your mind?"

Yang Yi looks at him, there is not yet hidden in the eyes of confusion. Wang Jiaze was wearing a white T, broad shoulders and broad back. He seemed to have lost some weight. His face turned white and he was very tired. Yang Yi said: "brush your teeth and wash your face to have porridge."

"Did you cook porridge?" Wang Jiaze approached and looked at the casserole, "did you get up early?" She did not sleep well, eyes sleepy, he around her waist, "why not sleep more?"

Yang Yi looks up to look at him, "you turn all night, sleep so uneasy, how can I sleep?"

"Sorry." He tucked her in his arms and kissed her hair. It's delicious. "Thank you, Yang Yi."

"Thank you for what?" Yang Yi asked, "generously forgive you?"

"Well, all of them."

She reached out and touched his neck. Have breakfast and go to the hospital later. "

She filled him a bowl of millet porridge. It's all mixed with green onion. It's very light. It's hard for her to buy these things early in the morning.

Wang Jiaze's mobile phone rings. It's Wang Zhengting again. After saying a few words briefly, he took up the line, and Yang Yi said: "expected? No matter how hard the privilege is, it cannot be stronger than the system. Chu Ning is a famous iron lady. Even a great leader can't cut people off from her. "

Wang Jiaze nodded, "it's really impossible to cut it off. Not to mention that he does not meet the conditions of bail, my uncle can not help in this special period

Yang Yi asked curiously, "is your uncle the one who went back to the hospital last time?"

"No, I have three uncles," he said. "The second uncle is the deputy commander of the military region, and the third is a medical professor."

Yang Yi remembers that Zhang chuning told her that his mother's side of the family was more engaged in politics.

Millet porridge is very thick, obviously also boiled for a long time, Wang Jiaze said: "it seems that there is no millet at home."

"Oh, there's a 24-hour convenience store downstairs. It's good Heilongjiang millet," Yang said. "I'm going to carry some for my mother. She must like it."

Wang Jiaze nodded, "that convenience store can deliver goods."

After breakfast, Yang Yi went to see the doctor. Wang Jiaze's driver saw Yang Yi and bowed with a smile and opened the door for them. Yang Yi was frightened by his smile and got on the car. While the driver was still outside, she quickly asked Wang Jiaze what was the situation.

Wang Jiaze smiles: "probably because I appreciate you."

"Grateful?" She didn't understand.

Wang Jiaze held her hand and did not speak. Yang Yi's hand is really beautiful, small, slender fingers, nails have luster, looking at, he took her hand, to the lip of a kiss. Then he gave Yang Yi a kiss on his lips.

His lips are so hot. Yang Yi's face is hot and red. Wang Jiaze still loves her very much, she can feel it, and I hope to bear what he said, there will be no more disturbance between them.