Chapter 211

Yang Yi inexplicably feel a little strange, feel that he has become the focus of attention, as if someone is staring at her. She looked around, the crowd was full of people, strange faces, nothing unusual.

Wang Jiaze saw her looking in the crowd and asked her, "what's the matter?"

"I feel like someone is looking at me." She was upset.

Wang Jiaze slightly bowed his head, "I'm looking at you."

Yang Yi laughs: "it's not you." She had a feeling of being watched, but she thought, maybe too many things have happened recently that have made her nervous.

Although the film is good, Yang Yi didn't watch it for a while, and she was sleepy. She took Wang Jiaze's arm and put her head on his shoulder. Slowly, her eyes became more and more heavy. Slowly, she was a little sleepy.

"Tired?" Wang Jiaze turned his head.

His warm breath was on her forehead. "Well, I'm sleepy."

"Shall we go back first?"

"No, don't go until you've finished watching it."

Wang Jiaze laughed. She's sleepy. How can I finish it? In such a noisy environment, I fell asleep with my pillow on his shoulder. Was it too good to sleep with him, or was she too tired last night? But in any case, when she was asleep, he kept a motionless posture to make her sleep more comfortable.

Wang Jiaze is not interested in this movie either. He just wants to find a chance to go out with her. As soon as she was asleep, he took her mobile phone and browsed several foreign websites.

Yang Yi fell into a dream.

In a dark room with no end, she felt her way forward. Obviously, this place is so strange that she should be afraid, but her mood is very peaceful. As she walked on, she heard someone shouting: help her, quick! ambulance!

Yang Yi curiously followed the sound and saw a door. Through that door, she saw a group of people rushing to get a woman into an ambulance.

The ambulance whimpered away, and the onlookers were still whispering: I don't know whether to save or not. It's a pity to be young.

Yang Yi did not go to inquire about the young girl's illness, but walked on.

This place is so strange, it's a place she hasn't been to. It's like a country. It's empty. Even the roads are made of loess.

The more forward, the more empty, and then, she slipped under her feet, hastily took back her feet, looked down, but was frightened out of sweat.


Under the foot, is the abyss!

She was frightened and stepped back a few steps for fear of falling. However, at this time, I do not know who behind her to push her hard, she straight fell into the abyss.

Yang Yimeng woke up, her heart is still beating violently, she looked down, oh, her feet are standing on the floor of the cinema.

Wang Jiaze saw her wake up, hugged her shoulder, "dream?"

Yang Yi nodded, startled: "dream I fell off the cliff."

"I'm probably too tired." Wang Jiaze said, "anyway, the film is not good, let's go back."

Yang Yi has no objection this time. They left the dark cinema. Yang Yi looked at his watch and found that the film was only 40 minutes old. It turned out that she only slept for six minutes at most.

After getting on the car, Yang Yi said, "can you go to the First Affiliated Hospital? I want to see Siyuan. "

"She's in the ICU. Is it visiting time now?" Wang Jiaze asked.

Yang Yi touched his head: "if you don't say I've forgotten about it, I'll go to see it tomorrow morning." She nestled into Wang Jiaze's arms and said softly, "I'm so sleepy."

"Sleep." He bowed his head and gave her a kiss on the top of her hair.

After sleeping in the cinema for a while, Yang Yi is still sleepy, but it is difficult to fall asleep. Coincidentally, there was a mobile phone message coming in. She went in and looked at it. Back to the information list, he saw the message again.

Let her go to XX hotel to see the good play.

The people who send the information have known Wang Jiaze and Liang yanmeng for a long time. They also know that they will date that night. Will it be Liang yanmeng?

It is the possibility of Liang yanmeng is relatively large, after all, she directed a boring play. But what if it wasn't Liang yanmeng? Will there be a man hiding in the corner?

Yang Yi thought like this, unexpectedly felt that this matter some lets the human life coolness, the back hair hair hair.

Yang Yi asked Wang Jiaze: "give you a mobile phone number, can you find out what?"

"It depends on what you're looking for."

"Number master information."

Wang Jiaze nodded: "generally speaking, there is no problem. Who are you looking for? "

"A harassment call." Yang Yi said briefly, and he did not intend to explain the context. Fortunately, Wang Jiaze did not ask, but asked her for her mobile phone number.

Wang Jiaze said: "I have to go home and use the computer to operate. Do you need it urgently?"

Yang Yi shook his head, "no hurry." She nestled in his arms again, thinking of his early recovery from illness, she asked, "are you tired?""I'm ready."

Is the constitution of men better? It took only one day to recover from the high fever.

The car goes to Yang Yi's house.

Back home, Yang Yi felt very comfortable, although not as warm as Wang Jiaze, but after all, her small nest. She turned on the air conditioner, took off her coat and trousers, and jumped into the sofa. She closed her eyes and relaxed. "I'm so tired today. I feel like I've been run over by a truck."

Wang Jiaze smiles. She wasn't run over by the truck, she was run over by him.

Wang Jiaze enters the bathroom and washes her face with a wet towel. Yang Yi opens his eyes and looks at him serving himself. "Conscience Discovery?"

"Well." He washed her face and said, "if you do something bad, you should be courteous."

Yang Yi smile, "said as if only you are doing bad things." She got up and put her arms around his neck. "Take me back to the room."

His eyes brightened. "Is this an invitation?"

"Don't get me wrong. I'm so tired that I want to jump into my lovely bed immediately."

Wang Jiaze picked her up in one fell swoop. She was so thin that she didn't carry much weight in her arms. Take her to the bed, he helped her cover the quilt, bow his head in her face and kiss: "you first rest, I help you check that harassment phone."

Yang Yi nodded his head cleverly.

It's so comfortable and warm in the bed. She was really tired. After closing her eyes for a while, she felt sleepy.

Wang Jiaze, after washing, sat down on the bed with his notebook. Yang Yi has fallen asleep, shrunk into a ball and does not move.

Wang Jiaze helped her tuck in the quilt and opened her laptop.

On the black screen, a string of code, he lost a while of code, the screen suddenly changed.

After a while, there was a document on his desktop, and he sent it to Yang Yi's mailbox.