Chapter 234

Wang Jiaze asked faintly, "what do you say?"

Yang Yi laughs: "you mean the wedding? What's the hurry! Nearly half a year. In time, in time. "

"You can spare a few days in May and we'll take pictures." Wang Jiaze said.

Yang Yi carelessly: "Oh."

"Don't you have a wedding designer you like better?"

Yang Yi raised his eyes to see him: "Hello, are you not tired?" Why haven't you slept?

"Since you don't feel at ease, there's always someone to worry about."

How much do you want to marry her home soon? Yang Yixing looked at him, "so anxious to enter the besieged city, you are not afraid that you will regret in the future?"

"I'm just afraid you'll go back on it."

Yang Yi props up the body, the quilt slides down from her shoulder, revealing the thin body, snow-white. Wang Jiaze has a deep eye, reaches out to help her cover the quilt, and by the way, gently stirs her soft body like playing the piano. She looked at him deeply and said, "are you afraid of my repentance?"

"Well." Wang Jiaze is not embarrassed to admit that, in their relationship, Yang Yi is passive, if he has not been persistently chasing, this relationship will not start. Even now, he loves her more than she gave him. He didn't mind the inequality of emotional giving, but he was afraid of the consequences of inequality at any time.

Yang Yi touched his face, gently said: "as long as you do not betray me, I am not so easy to regret."

After all, I still have no confidence in him. He clasped her slender waist. "How can I be sure I don't doubt it, eh?"

Yang Yi smiles: "Jiaze, I don't trust you as much as you think. The reason why you were so angry last time was that you chose to hide. We both agreed to try to communicate, didn't we? "

Wang Jiaze nodded: "the same mistake, I will not make again."

"How nice." The corners of her lips rose slightly.

"Reward." Wang Jiaze's eyes and tone are spoiled.

Yang Yi laughs, kisses his artery, his body immediately tenses up. Her wet breath was on the side of his neck. She nibbled at his skin, and the electric current surged in his body. She fell on his chest and bit and chewed. Wang Jiaze's eyes were deep, and his lips curled up a beautiful arc: "what are you doing? You want to be a vampire

"Vampires are like this!" She bit it.

It's a little bit painful, but it's a little uncomfortable. Wang Jiaze decided to take the initiative instead of passivity. After all, it was more pleasant for him to take the initiative.

Wang Jiaze is very tired, greedy Huan several times, he fell asleep. Yang Yi doesn't want to sleep. He takes out his mobile phone and looks at it in the dark.

She's searching for wedding dresses.

Although Wang Jiaze doesn't say that, she should be dissatisfied with her lack of consciousness of "to be married bride". Although she is not really looking forward to the marriage life, she has to show a little bit at least, so as to avoid Wang Jiaze not to be happy and to arrange wedding photos and make wedding dresses in his busy schedule.

For the wedding dress, Yang Yi only knows that many stars choose Vera Wang, so she specially looks at it and thinks she doesn't like the design style. Take a look at the wedding photos, I think it's all flow shop, good fake.

The next day Yang Yi and Wang Jiaze discussed the wedding dress. Wang Jiaze said, "if you don't have a designer you like in particular, I recommend one."

"It won't be a big international figure, will it?"

"No, it's an old tailor."

Yang Yi was a little surprised, "old tailor, but how can you know an old tailor?"

"He is my grandmother's Royal tailor," Wang Jiaze said. "Except for wedding dresses, you can find him to customize Chinese dresses. He is about the same age as my grandmother, and he is a very skilled craftsman. And the wedding dress, you can choose it. "

Yang Yi nodded. "What do you think of wedding photos?"

"To Maldives. I'll arrange for the shooting team. "

It turns out that he has already made plans. Yang Yi immediately felt that it was good to have such a strong husband. In the future, she would not have to move her brain, move her mouth and smile, and then he would help her get everything done.

With the approach of May, the weather gets warmer every day. Yang Yi is very busy. She goes to court twice a week. When Wang Jiaze works overtime, she usually works overtime. Even if her eyes are black, she still has to spare time to help her friends.

What Zhang chuning didn't expect, her friends helped her to think about it and arrange it. It includes what to wear on the day of marriage and going out, what to wear to welcome guests, and what to wear to toast

The night before Zhang chuning got married, she invited her friends to her house for the night.

Yang Yi carries Lin Guo to Zhang chuning's villa. Although their feelings are good, they seldom come to Zhang chuning's house. For one thing, they are far away. On the other hand, they always feel that they are too tall and oppressive when they are in the villa.

Stop the car and Zhang chuning comes out to meet them. The people who are going to be brides are not the same. Their whole body is full of joy and their skin is bright and beautiful."You're coming, go, follow me in." Zhang chuning said.

"What do you think of someone who is going to be a bride soon?" Lin Guo asked after her.

"Feeling?" Zhang chuning tilted his head, "my feeling is only one, the world will be peaceful tomorrow, don't let me wear wedding dress to catch prisoners."

Yang Yi touched the back of her head: "this poor child, the marriage feeling is too poor to speak of."

Zhang chuning smiles.

She came to a lot of relatives and friends, a few people and her relatives and friends after chatting, went upstairs, Zhang chuning lives on the third floor, the whole floor is her.

As soon as she entered her room, there were two shrieks and then a thump.

Downstairs relatives are some inexplicable strange, Zhang chuning's mother said with a smile: "they've been friends since childhood. I guess they're happy for chuning."

They are happy, but not because of Zhang chuning.

It's because Millie, who has been studying in England for a year, has come back!

Yang Yi, Lin Guo and Millie are holding each other. Yang Yi asks Millie, "how did you come back? Don't you have to finish in June? "

"In order to come back on time for the wedding of chuning, I worked overtime to catch up with the schedule and finished my studies." Millie's eyes brush Yang Yi and Lin Guo with a happy smile.

Millie is as small as Yang Yi. She has white skin. It seems that she can be blown away by a gust of wind. She looks like a waterfall with black hair on her waist. But in fact, her appearance is deceptive. She looks weak. She is actually a wolf in sheep's clothing.

She looked at Yang Yi's face and suddenly pinched her face: "thin Oh!" He looked up and down at Yang Yi's chest again, "ah, it's too small!"

Yang Yi covered his chest and cried out, "hooligan!"

"Come on! I'm not afraid you're playing a hooligan on me

Millie looked at her chest for a long time. "Is this the back?"