Chapter 255

Obviously, someone said that they saw the car driving this way. How could they get to the construction site, but there were no witnesses?

The criminal investigation suddenly fell into a deadlock.

Wang Jiaze's poison is going to Wang Huihui's company. His expression is cold, holding the steering wheel knuckles white, blue veins floating.

Huihui drugged Yang Yi and took her away. What do you want to do? What is she doing?!

Wang Jiaze's mind came to mind that day's bombing. Yang Yi was lying on the cold floor with her eyes closed and her lips pale. She lay quietly like that.

Fear gripped his heart, and his chest ached. Yang Yi can't be busy. If she has something, if she has something. He won't forgive himself.

The car went straight to the door of the company, and there was no parking at all. Wang Jiaze threw on the car door and strode into Wang Huihui's company. The front desk asked, "Sir, who are you looking for, sir?"

Wang Huihui's assistant recognized Wang Jiaze and sat up from her seat: "Mr. Wang, would you like to speak to Miss Wang? She's not here. She didn't come to the company today. "

Wang Jiaze suddenly stopped and looked at the employees who were staring at him and said, "who can find Wang Huihui, the bonus is one million."

A million? The staff are boiling! They began to try to find Wang Huihui from various channels.

Wang Jiaze opens Wang Huihui's office and turns on her computer. Huihui has the habit of recording. Maybe there are some spider traces in her computer.

However, after the apple computer is turned on, a notepad pops up immediately:

brother, let's play hide and seek. From now until 12 o'clock tonight, you can't find me every hour, so I stab Yang Yi. Isn't it fun? I have a hunch. It must be exciting.

A few short words, like a knife into Wang Jiaze's heart. The color of his face faded in an instant.

Why? Why? Why?

He is the person who loves Huihui the most in this family. When no one cares about her, ignores her or even pushes her out, it is he who reaches out the hand of affection to her. She clearly knew what Yang Yi meant to him. Why did she do it?

He called Zhang chuning and read the content to her. Zhang chuning took a cold breath: "Wang Jiaze, since she wants to play this game with you, you must be the one who knows the rules of the game best. Think about where she might be!"

Wang Jiaze's fingertips are cold. His heart beats in his ears. He seems to hear the sound of blood flowing back and forth. He knew he couldn't panic, he had to calm down. Now, Yang Yi's life is on the time line.

Wang Jiaze took a piece of A4 paper and drew on it the places that Wang Huihui often went and might go. Then, he made a phone call to Si Tu gladiolus.

SISU Jianlan is Wang Huihui's psychiatrist. Wang Huihui suffered from severe depression many years ago, and gradually recovered to normal under the continuous treatment of drugs and doctors. In recent years, Wang Huihui is basically the same as normal people. However, she still received psychotherapy every two weeks.

"Hello, Mr. Wang." The cold voice of Si Tu's sword orchid rings at the end of the phone.

Wang Jiaze is not cold and noisy: "situ, Huihui is talking with you recently, is there anything strange?"

"Strange place, what do you mean?"

"For example, she's planning to do something, or where she wants to take risks."

Situ Jianlan was silent for a moment. "Last time I chatted, she said she wanted to dig a grave by the sea. When she died in the future, she could hear the waves all the time."

Wang Jiaze's mind generally split into a picture.

He hastily closed the line and sent a message to Wang Huihui: "Huihui, don't do stupid things. Yang Yi helped you. When you were drunk, she helped you to drive away the hooligans who were trying to do wrong to you. When your company had problems, she helped you to file a lawsuit. Huihui, no matter what happens, I will not give up you. Don't hurt Yang Yi. "

Even if Wang Huihui's mobile phone was turned off, Wang Jiaze knew that she would definitely see the news. He tried to awaken Wang Huihui, who was lost, even if the possibility was remote.

Driving poison, he ran ferociously in the crowded traffic, ran red lights, changed lanes, went up the Third Ring Road and drove to jingdingshan.

Time goes by minute by second.

Zhang chuning's eyes anxiously visited the construction site, hoping to find witnesses. The construction site was empty. Construction was suspended due to capital problems. Several stray dogs were basking in the sun. A worker was lying on the cement floor and sleeping. His whole body is dirty, no shoes, the whole person seems to blend into the mud.

Zhang chuning and Tao Ming around him winked. Tao Ming quickly walked over and woke up the builder.

He was disturbed to sleep. He was very unhappy and glared at Tao Ming angrily. "Brother, have you seen this car drive here?" Tao Ming asked kindly He turned on his cell phone and showed him the photos.

The worker took a look and said in a rough voice, "No He lay down again.

Zhang chuning came over and said, "Tao Ming, go and buy a pack of seven wolves for this brother to smoke."He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Zhang chuning. Suddenly, he grinned and showed a yellow tooth. "Who are you?"

Zhang chuning shows his police card, "police." There was a slight smile on her face. "When did you start sleeping here?"

Seeing that it was the police, the workers did not dare not be respectful. "More than twelve."

"So, did you see this red sports car?" Zhang chuning shows the photo again.

The worker looked at the photo carefully and thought for a moment: "yes. The noisy car went to the innermost part with a bang. "

"Did you go to see it?"

"How could I have gone to see it." The worker shrugged, "but the car left soon."

This shows that Wang Huihui's car did come here. Zhang chuning then asked, "what happened afterwards? Is there any other car coming out of here? "

"Yes! There are cars coming in and out all the time. What's so strange about it? "

"The construction site has been shut down recently. Are there so many cars coming in and out?"

The worker's eyes flashed: "you say so, it seems that I haven't seen several cars on the construction site these two days."

Zhang chuning frowned: "at noon today, how long after the red sports car left, did you drive out of the construction site?"

"Yes." He said with certainty.

"So, do you remember the color of the car?"

The worker thought, "black. It's like a Mercedes Benz. It looks expensive and polished. "

"Can you see the driver?"

"How can you see that there are black films on the cars of the rich people. From the outside to the inside, you can't see anything at all."

"Remember the license plate?"

"What's wrong with remembering other people's license plates?"

Ning Yu Huoran stepped out from the end of the construction site and said to Zhang chuning, "the wheel trace belongs to Mercedes Benz S-class, model 300. Let the traffic control department pay attention to the cars around here. "

Zhang chuning nodded and immediately called. As she put the phone down, she felt someone holding her hand. Looking back, touching Ning Yu's caring eyes, she could not hold on: "Ning Yu, Yang Yi will be OK."