Chapter 281

Wang Jiaze absent-minded to kiss back, Yang Yi wanted to provoke him, but he was not tempted. It was the first time for Yang Yi to see him in such a state of restlessness. Is it too thin to attract him?

Or is it that she should not have refused just now, but instead, he was frustrated and had a sense of guilt? She sighed, turned back to the original position, head against the stone wall, closed eyes.

Wang Jiaze took her hand and said, "I went to the police station today."

"Oh?" Yang Yi was not so interested in answering.

"Do you know Wang Jiayuan?"

Yang Yi opened his eyes. Why did he suddenly mention Wang Jiayuan? "It's your brother."

"Well, he hit people by racing. My father was so angry that he wanted to kill him and refused to help him. So I found him a lawyer, Li Ying, from your institute."

Yang Yi was surprised, "when did it happen?"

"Just a few days." Wang Jiaze said, "you have evaluated me before and said that people like me who lacked the care of their parents since childhood only know how to solve problems with money. You say, can I win over people's hearts with money and affection? "

Yang Yi was shocked. Wang Jiaze's temperament is cold, which is caused by the environment in which he grew up. Obviously, he is not willing to pay attention to "irrelevant" people, and does not think it is necessary. Because of the following bad quality damage, he finally faced up to the rotten environment of the Wang family and planned to start from the family.

Yang Yi said with a smile: "of course, people's hearts grow from flesh. Where the root of their decay lies, you can start to cure them. Moreover, with your charm, it's certainly easy to attack their hearts. Your contradiction is still a contradiction of interests. If you give them some favors, you will surely solve the problem fundamentally. "

"Well, give me a year." Wang Jiaze looked thoughtful, "by the way, tomorrow I will go to Geneva for a meeting, and I will come back about ten days."

Yang Yi has been used to going on business for ten days and a half months. After bathing in the hot spring, Wang Jiaze asks Yang Yi if he wants to sleep for a while, and Yang Yi says he should go home early to have a rest.

Ouyang he has parked the car outside the hot spring club. Wang Jiaze opens the door to send her to the car.

"I may not be free to see you tomorrow, when I come back." He bent down and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Yang Yi nodded. Until the car far away, Yang Yi just looked back. Naturally, Wang Jiaze will not stand in the same place.

Sigh gently, do not know how, the heart is heavy, sigh can not ease this heavy.

At noon the next day, Zhang chuning came to the company to find Yang Yi. They had lunch together in her office from Wang Jiaze's chef. Zhang chuning laughed and said, "you once said that you were drunk to call you to the police station to eat takeout. It's no good calling me to have lunch boxes."

"Our friendship, who with whom, even if squatting toilet side to eat stinky tofu, it is also very used to."

"Fuck you. I'm not so rough. I can eat stinky tofu next to the toilet." Zhang chuning grilled a mouthful of rice, "the cooking level of their cooks is so high, not inferior to the hotel."

"The rich will enjoy it."

"You're one of those rich people." Zhang chuning looked at her, "and Wang Jiaze have not been less obstructed recently?"

"Police officer Zhang is wise. Nothing can escape your eyes."

"Isn't it obvious that even I object to you being together again, let alone uncles and aunts," Zhang chuning said, "Wang Jiaze's pool is too deep. Are you really not afraid? "

"It's false to say that you're not afraid," Yang Yi said. "After all, I'm greedy for life and death, and I have a responsibility."

"As an only child, I understand." Zhang chuning listened to Yang Yi's statement about her recent contact with Wang Jiaze, and shook her head: "it's not the way to go on like this. You can either resist with a strong will and engage in underground love. Sooner or later, the two will fall apart."

Yang Yi frowned. Zhang chuning raised his eyebrows: "why, you can't see such a simple thing now? If you don't look at it, it won't appear? Yang Yi, if the two love each other for a long time, they have to be in pairs in broad daylight. "

Yang Yi grabs the rice and loses his appetite. "Of course I know this. I even know that if such a day lasts for half a year, Wang Jiaze and I will break up."

"Do you have any countermeasures?"

Yang Yi shakes his head: "my mother has high blood pressure. If I can carry her hard, she will show me cerebral hemorrhage every minute. How can I be strong? If you don't want to break up, this is the only way to go for the time being. As for how far you can go Take a step and look at it. "

"Feel bad in your heart," Zhang chuning sighed. "When you feel uncomfortable, come to me and cry. My chest is open for you."

"Oh, damn you! When did you see me cry in your arms? Besides, what can crying solve? " Yang Yi shrugged.

Zhang chuning thinks about it. She has known Yang Yi for more than 20 years. It seems that she seldom sees Yang Yi crying. "It's right to come to me when you're not feeling well. By the way, do you want a psychologist?"

"Well, what kind of psychiatrist do I see?""A lot of people have psychological trauma after injury and need psychological intervention."

Yang thought: "trauma? What are the symptoms? "

"I often dream of being hurt. My mood is easy to fluctuate and I am easy to fall into sorrow." "I have been in contact with a lot of such victims, and if they are not treated in time, they can easily develop into depression," Zhang said

"I'm not that vulnerable," Yang said. "People who have seen big scenes can stand the blow."

"I think it's better to never have such a blow," Zhang chuning said lovingly. "It's because you were born so well that Wang Jiaze pestered you. If you don't like you, you two won't be together, and it won't become like this --"

Yang Yi is neither laughing nor crying: "listen to your words, are you still like the words of an experienced policeman? There is a saying called "meet on a narrow road in one's lifetime", and another is called "return to the same destination by different routes". Even if I didn't meet him before, I will meet him later, and then these things still can't escape. Sometimes they call it destiny. "

Zhang chuning was surprised: "when did you start to believe in life? You always don't believe this much. Is it that Lin Guo has brought you bad? "

Yang Yi curved his lips and said with a smile, "Lin Guo will shout that she will not carry this pot. As for the idea, it was after I was injured that I thought so. Fate has always existed, but it has no trace to find, and it sounds very mysterious, but I have a new understanding after a trip to hell. There is a pair of hands in the dark. How you struggle, you are still in the circle of fate. The time to rise and fall, the origin and the fate have been written. "