Chapter 288

After half an hour, Yang Yi sits at the table with rosy cheeks and enjoys Wang Jiaze's soup noodles. Wang Jiaze sat opposite her, looking at the pink on her cheek: "it seems that you should do more exercise, your face will return to ruddy."

Yang Yi stares at him with a red face. Wang Jiaze smiles happily. Maybe it's because of the satisfaction of some exercise before bed, or the gratification of not seeing her for a long time. In a word, he is in a good mood. Yang Yi is also in a good mood, no matter what the future, today, let them spend happily.

After dinner, Wang Jiaze took out the things he bought for Yang Yi from the trunk. In addition to clothes and shoes, Wang Jiaze handed her a small doll. Yang Yi takes over and looks at the triangle with purple hexagon cap and freckles on his face.

"How could you have thought of buying me a doll?" She asked.

"Don't you like it?"

"Yes, do you know its legend?" Yang Yi asked.

"When I bought it, I heard from the shopkeeper," Wang said

"Tell me."

"Triangle, also called Italian angel of fate. In the second century B.C., there was a kind-hearted girl in Rome who fell in love with her boyfriend. Later, the boy was seduced by the frog Witch and was enchanted by magic. He gradually ignored his girlfriend. The girl sat in front of the window and cried all day long. The truth finally moved the God. The gods sent TRIANGEL angel to help her. The frog witch finally showed her original shape and ran away. The boy came back to her again. The owner said that the person who owns this triangle doll will find her most predestined lover. "

Yang Yi Yang lip a smile: "you are not afraid that I take it, to find more predestined with me?"

"If there is someone who is more connected with you than me, then I will give up."

Yang Yi touched his eyes, dark as midnight, is serious. Yang Yi holds the delicate doll in the palm of his hand. Wang Jiaze's hand covered up, across triangle, and her ten fingers clasped.

That night, no matter how Wang Jiaze left her, she did not live in his home. Yang Yi said, "we are in a special period now, or don't be too arrogant."

Wang Jiaze pondered for a moment and did not speak any more. He was not such an ignorant person. He insisted on Yang Yi's helpless situation.

He sent Yang Yi to the door of the community, Yang Yi refused to send him in again. Wang Jiaze is in a gloomy mood. Does he need to be so careful? Have her parents avoided him like this?

In the darkness of the carriage, Yang Yi observed his face. Seeing that he was not happy, he reached out and rubbed his face: "don't do this, OK."

Wang Jiaze is speechless. He is a big man, but she rubs his face like this Isn't that how he often bullies her? Leaning over and kissing her on the lip, "call me."

"Good." Kissing his face, Yang Yi pushes the door to get out of the car.

Slowly walk the fourth floor home, lean against the wall to rest for a long time, then return home. She thought that if she didn't practice this broken body well, she would die if she climbed more stairs one day.

Back home, Yang's father's voice came: "is Yang Yi back?"

"Yes, I'm back." Yang Yi lowered his voice, "where's mom?"

"She went to sleep." Yang's father said, "why didn't you reduce your workload and come back so late?"

Yang Yi felt guilty at the bottom of his heart. "There are so many things at hand I'm going to wash up and go to bed

"Go ahead. I think you're tired, too." Father Yang sighed.

This morning, Yang Yi did not go to the company, she went to the court.

Wang Huihui's malicious homicide case opens today.

During this period, she deliberately did not understand the case, did not know more about Wang Huihui's ugly heart. She was an ostrich. But today, she should come to the court. Even if she is not in the plaintiff's seat, she should also come to see Wang Huihui, who has seriously injured her. She did not tell Wang Jiaze and Zhang chuning that she had many acquaintances in the high people's court, and even if she was just a bystander, she could enter the audience.

It's nine o'clock sharp. It's on time.

Yang Yi sits in the corner, watching the staff of the procuratorate and the court in place one after another. A tall and upright figure darts into his eyes, wearing a black procuratorate uniform, heroic and upright. Yang Yi was surprised.

It was the first time for her to see Chen in her work, and she did not expect that he would be the prosecutor of the case. His face was cold and stern, and he looked serious. He was smiling in his peaceful eyes. He was quite different.

There was a commotion in the crowd. It was the defendant Wang Huihui who was escorted in. She was wearing a brown red prison uniform. She could not see her facial features clearly from some distance, but she was undoubtedly decadent. Yang Yi still remembered her bright and cool appearance before Wang Huihui's Ferrari. Did she think she would be tried?!

After the trial procedure, Chen began to read the indictment. His voice is magnetic and powerful, which displays Wang Huihui's crimes one by one.

Crime 1: kidnap Yang Yi and attempt to kill, leading to serious injury and coma for nearly a month, causing serious physical injury and mental injury;Charge 2: making use of Wang Shaomin's father not giving birth to a son to make Wang Shaomin obey her orders and plan two bombings, resulting in three deaths and nine injuries, and causing Wang Shaomin to commit suicide in the end; the explosion destroyed several vehicles, causing extremely serious social impact.

Yang Yi was shocked. As for Wang Huihui's accusation 2, she never knew about it before. Did Wang Huihui do the two previous bombings?!

Oh, my God! Yang Yi felt a burst of cold, a little bit of a pimple on the skin, Mori chill let her shudder.

Wang Huihui's defense lawyer wanted to plead her innocence on the grounds that she was schizophrenic and had no capacity for civil conduct, and had produced a medical certificate issued by her doctor.

"Although the case of Wang Huihui has a bad impact, she is a patient and she does not know what she is doing."

However, the evidence that Chen Nindong later stated made Yang Yi's face whiter and whiter.

There is nothing wrong with Wang Huihui's schizophrenia.

But she has a habit of recording. Her split personality records all the crime plans, lets the normal personality look at it, and then the two personalities "support each other and commit crimes hand in hand.". Yang Yi is not cold but millet, Leng is to see so many terrible social news, followed by Zhang chuning heard a lot of criminal cases with bad deeds, she still felt terrible, Wang Huihui was terrible, Wang family was terrible

Chest pain, postoperative syndrome is very untimely, she panted slightly, try not to let herself make any abnormal sound. But strangely, Chen honeysuckle seemed to have heard it and looked at her. A strange light flashed through the black eyes.