Chapter 307

Wang Jiaze sat opposite Zhang chuning, his handsome face was expressionless, and his dark eyes had no emotion. Zhang chuning looks at him quietly. If he didn't know that his mobile phone desktop was still Yang Yi, he had not put down this relationship. She believed that he had abandoned Yang Yi.

"Are you all right?" Zhang chuning asked.

Wang Jiaze asked, "how is she?"

Zhang chuning is in a dilemma. People asked him, so can't wait to know the news of Yang Yi? "Good, Yiyang won a big prize in the first half of the year. Her career is booming. "

She's fine. Wang Jiaze calm eyes without waves: "you and Mr. Ning?"

"We are the same, not particularly good, but not too bad." She looked at him with more softness in her eyes. "Before watching the news, I heard that you gave up Zhengze group and went to the United States."


"Do you come back occasionally, then?"

"I spend half my time in New York and s city."

I see. It turned out that he and Yang Yi were in the same city, but they did not meet again. Is it a good thing for the two of them not to meet again?

Wang Jiaze did not ask Zhang chuning for more information about Yang Yi. He paid for her coffee and left.

Zhang chuning looks at his back, thinking of his desktop in his mobile phone.

He still can't forget Yang Yi? Just as Yang Yi did not forget him.

In the evening of the same day, Yang Yi called and asked her to meet and said that she had brought grapes back to eat for her. Yang Yi drives her grape. It was not easy to park in her residential area. Yang Yi stopped the car by the road. Zhang chuning took the bag of grapes and asked with a smile, "did you have a good trip?"

"Great!" This trip is undoubtedly a pleasure!

"How wonderful?" Zhang chuning looked at Yang Yi's pretty face. "Have you had an affair?"

"No. There are so many fragrant experiences, "Yang Yi said." I'm going to send grapes to Begonia and honeysuckle. I'll stay soon. "

"You just came back, didn't you?" Zhang chuning asked, "why don't you have a rest and start running around?"

"While the grapes are fresh, I'm afraid they will go bad tomorrow. I'm going. "

Met Wang Jiaze this matter, she considered, decided not to tell Yang Yi. Since two people can't be together, why should she say it? Perhaps Yang Yi's wound is scab, she went out of the way to say, equal to tearing her wound, that is why.

Yang Yi gets into the car, buckles the seat belt and slides the car into the car.

She went to the Begonia first, and then to Chen's dormitory. The procuratorate provided him with a dormitory with two bedrooms and one living room. It was a very new community. Yang Yi had never been here. He wanted to give him grapes and left. He said he was making dinner and left her for dinner.

Yang Yi never knew Chen could cook. He said with a smile: "if you are single, you have to have some skills."

Although his home is not clean and tidy like a star hotel, but it is also good, there is no single style that Yang Yi is afraid of. What's the smell of food in Yang's home

"Fried eggs with razor clam." Chen put the grapes into the refrigerator. "You can sit down and I'll fry a dish."

Yang Yi looks at his dormitory. The living room covers an area of more than 20 square meters. A single row sofa and a tea table take up one third of the space. There is a pair of words on the wall: living is practicing.

Yang Yi laughs. Who would hang such calligraphy and painting at home? It's really unique.

When she went to the kitchen, Chen honeysuckle was frying meat in a typical way. There was a strong aroma in the air. Yang Yi had been traveling outside for more than ten days. She was tired of eating big fish and meat. Moreover, all the food she ate along the way was salty and spicy, which made her miss home dishes very much.

Chen Nindong turned to see her and said, "wash your hands to fill the rice."

"Oh." He is not polite to her. She is a guest!

After washing his hands, Yang Yi put two bowls of rice on the table. On the table, there is a bowl of soup that looks like chicken soup, a plate of fried eggs with razor clam, and cucumber with an ultimatum.

Chen Jiudong put garlic fry on the table. Yang Yihua called: "you have two sons! Do you cook often

"When I'm not too tired, I make my own meal in the evening. You'll get tired of eating takeout all day. " It's too thin for you to eat

Yang Yi nodded: "really bad, fortunately we brought a lot of instant noodles and dry food."

"A lot of pictures?"

Yang Yi nodded: "the scenery is wonderful. It's a big movie to shoot at will. We were lucky to be here and spent two days in the ancient city. "

"No man's land all the way. The accommodation is bad."

"Well, it's OK to be prepared." Yang Yi put a piece of cucumber into his mouth, a little sweet and sour, and a little spicy. The cucumber is crisp and appetizing. Yang Yi ate half of the meal, there is a phone call.

It was the client who called her before the trip and blamed her for being unprofessional. She wants to see Yang Yi's heart is still so impatient, Yang Yi said he is still at the airport, arrived in the middle of the night. Meet her on Monday.

This client has already met with other lawyers who are not satisfied with her. This time, she was polite to Yang Yi, saying that Monday is Monday. Hang up the phone, Chen said: "you are more and more busy, this just comes back, you have to work.""I'll be happy if I have money." Yang Yi is not interested in other dishes. He just eats the cucumber and doesn't even eat rice.

Seeing how little she ate, Chen Jiudong frowned: "you just chew on some cucumbers, but you're not a rabbit."

"Do rabbits eat cucumbers?" She asked.

Chen Nindong was asked, "I don't know. If you can't eat, just drink some soup. It's not nutritious to eat vegetables alone. "

Yang Yi slowly drank the bowl, which was said to be black chicken soup. It tasted strange. Cheat her to drink the soup, he took the bamboo razor and fried meat to her: "finish these."

Yang Yi glared at him: "how do I feel that I am a primary school student into the trusteeship, but also quantitative diet!"

He laughs: "eat more, grow some meat."

Yang Yi has no choice but to do what he has done. If he doesn't eat, he won't have face. She ate slowly, her mobile phone rang again, and Lin Guo called.

"Yang Yi Yang Yi!" "If you read Weibo, I sent it to you specially. You can see if it's triangle you lost."

Yang Yi opens the mobile phone and enters the microblog. It is true that there is Lin Guo @ her information.

In this message, the blogger wrote: I found a triangle in Mogao Grottoes a few days ago. Who is it? Contact me to get it back.

The picture is purple triangle. Just look at Yang Yi and you will know that this is the one she lost! She excitedly contacted the blogger to get it back.

She was so excited that she didn't expect that what she had lost might be recovered.

Seeing her staring at her cell phone, Chen asked her what happened. Yang Yi briefly said that she had lost a doll, but it was likely that she could find it back.

Chen honeysuckle got up and went into the room, and soon came out again. He handed her something: "here you are."