Chapter 361

"It's a kind of cake made of glutinous rice. It's covered with osmanthus sauce. I ate it in Xi'an two years ago." Yang Yi spread out her hand. "I don't know why I want to eat it all of a sudden," she said with a smile. "I think there's a store nearby that sells it. Why don't you try it in the past?"

The pregnant woman is the biggest. She says she can eat whatever she wants. They went to the Shaanxi snack bar together, but unfortunately it was closed. Yang Yi is a little disappointed, looking at Wang Jiaze: "how to do?"

Wang Jiaze took out his mobile phone and searched for any other places in the city to sell osmanthus cake. Unfortunately, there was no such thing. Omnipotent Taobao also did not sell the kind Yang Yi wanted to eat. Yang Yi sighed: "forget it, just eat something else."

Wang Jiaze asked, "why do you want to eat that all of a sudden?"

"Probably because I just chatted with clients in Xi'an and talked about Xi'an cuisine, I remembered that I went to Xi'an on business two years ago and ate some snacks there, and then I wanted to eat osmanthus cake." Yang Yi sighed, "how can this physiological change lead to such a big change in psychology? I've never run all the way to eat something before, and I won't be depressed because I can't eat, but I'm so depressed now. "

Wang Jiaze hugged her with a smile: "probably because the baby wants to eat. I'll do something for you. "

"What can be done?" Yang Yi eyes a bright, "by the way, or simply go to Xi'an, eat in the past, and then come back."

Wang Jiaze said coldly, "do you think I will?"

Yang Yi Ran was about to cry, and Wang Jiaze held her in his arms: "I didn't mean that I would help you find a way? What else would you like to eat besides osmanthus cake

"Osmanthus cake, Hanyin Kang bun." Yang Yi left and right thinking, shaking his head, "no, just these two."

Wang Jiaze nodded, accompanied Yang Yi to lunch, sent her back to the company, and then called Liang Guang.

In the afternoon, Yang Yi had a meeting to hold. She accepted a divorce case. The husband of the party concerned was a star. She was caught cheating in bed by the party concerned. She could not swallow this tone. She wanted to destroy her husband with public opinion.

Yang Yi doesn't object to this. She advocates using public opinion to make the client "sell miserably". She is over 35 years old and has two children. Now her husband is cheating. However, her fans scold her husband bloody. She plans to wait until the online abuse reaches the boiling point, and start to hammer a little bit, so that the idol that looks like a million people will be completely destroyed.

All the participants in the meeting were from Yiyang law firm. The client was not present. A lawyer couldn't help sighing: "in those days, the news boasted about how much they loved each other. In a twinkling of an eye, they were really ugly."

Yang Yi can only sigh that there are still many dark and evil aspects of human nature. Not everyone can break up peacefully. Goodbye is also a friend.

After the meeting, Yang Yi felt a little uncomfortable. At three or four o'clock every day was the most difficult time of her day. She felt dizzy, nauseous and wanted to go to the battle together, which made her feel very powerless. So she cleaned up and went home.

Usually not carsick, she was particularly sensitive to gasoline today, so uncomfortable that when she was about to get home, she immediately asked Ouyang he to stop by the side of the road. As soon as she opened the door, she vomited. Ouyang he quickly got out of the car and patted her on the back: "are you ok?"

Yang Yi waved his hand.

After vomiting, looking at Ouyang he's worried face, she would like to comfort him: "I'm ok, don't be nervous, take me home."

"Are you really OK? Don't go to the hospital? " Since knowing that Yang Yi is pregnant, Ouyang he is also very nervous.

"No, no, it's normal for pregnant women to vomit." Yang Yi felt more comfortable after vomiting. When she got on the car, she could chat with Ouyang he.

Back home, mother Yang looked at her up and down: "why don't you look so good? What's the trouble? "

"No, I'm just a little sleepy." My mother is so brilliant that she can't hide anything from her.

"Yes, go to bed."

Yang Yi changed his clothes and lay down on the bed. He didn't know why he was so sleepy that he couldn't sleep. The whole person was in a terrible panic. The acid water surged up. Finally, he couldn't help but vomit in the bathroom.

So toss about a time, her drowsiness also disappeared, simply nest on the bed to see the mobile phone. She looked through the album.

Turn to the wedding day and the photos taken, turn from head to tail, feel incomparably romantic and beautiful. One of them is Wang Jiaze holding her to the building of her new home. She looks at him and he looks at her. Both faces are smiling with happiness. The angle of the photo is just right, and the rendering is warm and beautiful.

Yang Yi thinks that now is the best time of her life. Everything is as she wishes, life is plain, beautiful and warm. She sent the photo to Wang Jiaze with an iloveyou.

For a moment, Wang Jiaze blew a kiss back to her, and then asked, "why didn't you sleep?"

"Can't sleep."

Don't you feel sleepy at this time? Do you want osmanthus cake and can't sleep

"No, I'm not so greedy. I think I slept a lot last night She sat up a little bit and typed a little.

Wang Jiaze did not reply for a long time. Yang Yi guessed that he was busy, so he opened Taobao to look at baby products. Nearly seven o'clock, Wang Jiaze came back.With a bag in his hand, he said to her, "come and eat."

"What is it?" Yang Yi came over and looked into the bag with his hand, but he couldn't see what was there.

"You've been thinking about osmanthus cake all day." Wang Jiaze smiles and takes out the osmanthus cake in the bag. Light yellow cake body, fragrant.

Yang Yi was very surprised: "where did you get it?"

"Liang Guang happened to be in Xi'an. I asked him to buy it and let his friends bring it back." Wang Jiaze looked at her joyful face and couldn't help but feel happy. "Eat it."

Yang Yi was deeply moved. A person treats you intentionally or unintentionally, from these small things can feel. She ate sweet scented osmanthus cake. Although it was not the flavor she imagined, it was still sweet and satisfied. In the evening, she nestled in Wang Jiaze's arms, "did it take a lot of energy to let people come back from Xi'an with osmanthus cake?"

"It just happened that someone came from Xi'an. It's no trouble." The big hands caressed her thin back.

"I'm very moved." She smiles and kisses him on the chin.

"I'm very moved. What will happen?" He looked into her dark eyes. The eyes were round and clear, black and white, and very likable.

"Will love you more." Her bear hugged him, and Wang Jiaze folded his arms with a smile, and they hugged each other quietly. After a long time, Wang Jiaze said: "after eating what I want to eat, do you feel better?"

"Yes, yes. Thank you, my husband, for being so considerate of me. " She said, "I have a surprise for you, too."

"Oh?" Wang Jiaze is curious about what Yang Yi wants to give him.

Yang Yi separated the distance, lay flat, and then took his hand, pasted her soft delicate abdomen. Wang Jiaze's dark eyes locked her face: "tempt me again?"

She laughs: "no, it's to let you feel my new discovery." She held his hand and stopped on the left side of her abdomen. "Feel it for yourself."

Wang Jiaze looked at her suspiciously and stroked her abdomen with his big palm. Then, he felt a slight bump on the left. This feeling is very delicate, and a strange emotion comes to my mind.