Chapter 197

When he said that, in fact, I don't think it's necessary to say.

I already know the rest.

But I still tried not to speak.

The man said, "I was kidnapped that year. In addition to asking for money, the kidnappers were cruel. I was a rich man. During the kidnapping, they beat me crazily. Later, although my parents agreed to give me money, they beat me to death."

So it is.

Ji Qingxuan continued, "at that time, the kidnappers saw that I was dying. They were so scared that they didn't want any money, so they threw me to a waste construction site and ran away. Because it was winter, the construction site was shut down, and there was no one there. At that time, I really thought I was going to die..."

"You met her."

I said it for him.

To be exact, he met me.

Ji Qingxuan Leng for a moment, looking at me, "she told you?"

"I..." I hesitated. I wanted to tell the truth, but I wanted to know what kind of mood Ji Qingxuan had at that time. He looked at me and shook his head. "You can guess this kind of bloody plot."

Ji Qingxuan laughed blandly and continued, "yes, later she sent me to the hospital, because I was unidentified and she was a child. The hospital refused to accept me, so she knelt down to ask for a doctor. At that moment, I......"

"You fell in love with her, but she didn't marry, so you found her in the vast crowd and married her, right?"

I look at Ji Qingxuan.

I feel very funny for a moment!

It's not me, it's her!

Ji Qingxuan nodded, "I did look for her for many years, but I didn't find her. At that time, when my grandfather arranged the marriage for me, I didn't agree. Until my grandfather sent me her picture, I recognized her at a glance."

"How do you know it's her?" Not me?

I didn't ask the following questions in my heart.

Ji Qingxuan looked at me, "originally I was not sure, but the first time I met her, I mentioned that thing, Qin Jiameng said it immediately, and she knelt down and kowtowed this detail very clearly, at that time my family was later, so this thing except me and her, no one else knows."

I was stunned.

Ji Qingxuan is right. No one knows that except me and him.

Why does Qin Jiameng know.

I looked at Ji Qingxuan, hesitated for a moment, said, "then why do you believe it is her, did not think that person is actually me, this matter, in fact, I told her..."

"It's you!"

When a man says these two words, I can clearly see his eyes shining.

It seems that this is the best answer he expects.

I looked at him and asked him, "if it was me, what would you do?"

"If it's you, I'll marry you. I've done so many wrong things and people before, and I'll take my whole life to compensate you." Ji Qingxuan said, open arms, embrace me.

The thin lip stuck to my ear and asked, "is that you?"

It's me.

If there is no Deng ChuChu's thing just now, I may not hesitate to answer, but at this moment I hesitated and asked him, "because of this thing, can you do anything without principle?"


Ji Qingxuan answered without hesitation.

"Sorry, it's not me."

I did not hesitate to say these six words.

I'd rather not have Ji Qingxuan like that.

Obviously, when I said these six words, the man held my arm slightly tight. The disappointment can be found in one of his actions.

I close my eyes, I can feel my disappointment. For so many years, I always want to tell Ji Qingxuan about it.

Now the opportunity is in front of me, but I give up.

I want to trade this secret for freedom.

I was once locked up in the multimedia room -

I was scared.

"Sorry, it's not me, so let me go." I repeat this sentence to the man and add my prayer.

Then he pushed away the man.

Ji Qingxuan that pair of deep black eyes, deep disappointment to now have not dispersed.

I guess he just said this with great hope.

"No way." Ji Qingxuan still took my hand, looked forward and said firmly, "even if it's not you, you must stay with me and let me compensate you for what I did before."

"Now I have HIV?"

I looked at him with a little jest in my eyes.

Mentioning this, Ji Qingxuan's eyes were a little red. He took the palm of my hand and made a little effort. After a moment, he said, "if you have, then we will go to hell together. I can't let you bear everything alone."I'm really moved. If I get this disease, I may be moved by Ji Qingxuan's words.

Unfortunately, I didn't.

"Don't move yourself, Mr. Ji." I also looked forward and said faintly, "in fact, as long as I go back to Yancheng, I can know everything as long as Ji always thinks? Why do you have to shut me up like a canary? So as to satisfy your self guilt


Ji Qingxuan said nothing.

I don't wait for him to sleep with my eyes closed.

By the time I woke up, I was almost at Yancheng.

When the plane landed, we took our luggage. I looked at Ji Qingxuan, "Mr. Ji, I want to answer that your house is too big and unpopular. I like to live in my own small house."

"Then I'll be with you."

"Don't use it. Mr. Ji came to me this time. I'm afraid he'll pull down a lot of work. It's better to get busy first." I hesitated and gave him the passport in my bag. "Here you are. I won't run. Don't worry."

You can't run if you want to, can you?

Maybe because I got my passport, Ji Qingxuan put down his heart slightly, took out a key from his pocket and handed it to me, "the key to your room."

Out of the airport, I parted ways with him.

I've been tossing about for a long time, and my job has been gone for a long time.

Back home, I lay in bed and planned my future life, because I had a lot of money even if I rented a house with my previous savings and big prize money.

Even if Yancheng No.1 rises in value, I should be able to afford it.

But the last time I sold my house, I was contacted by an intermediary. I didn't have LAN Quan's mobile phone number. If I wanted to contact him, besides asking Ji Qingxuan, another way was to leave a letter at the door of the house.

Let the owner of the house see me and respond to me.

It's getting late now. I plan to go again tomorrow.

After going out for such a long time, the things in the refrigerator are almost broken. I probably cleaned up, went downstairs to take out the garbage, and went to the supermarket to buy vegetables.

Because it's the weekend, there are a lot of people in the supermarket.

There are some children fighting between the shelves.

One of them ran too fast and fell under my feet. I quickly went up to help him and asked, "are you ok?"

"Thank you..." The child just said half, saw my face, suddenly surprised, Leng for a while, yelled, "ugly eight strange! Come on, this aunt is ugly , the fastest update of the webnovel!