
"Actually, from the perspective of playing techniques, although Senior Sister has already worked very hard, there are still quite a few flaws. Especially at the end of the music, whether it is the rhythm or strength, there are still varying degrees of mistakes." Duan Lingfei said in an astonishing tone.

"Actually, Senior Sister, this cannot be blamed on you. After all, the Third Piano Concerto is a very taxing song. Even Rahmaninov himself lamented that it would be unbearable after playing it, not to mention you, Senior Sister."

Before he could finish his words, he heard Lu Ting praising him: "Little Duan is right, Xi Yue, when you were dealing with the final part of this song, you did make quite a few small mistakes, and this has a lot to do with your physical strength being insufficient."

If Duan Lingfei was the only one who said this, Lin Xiyue might not necessarily believe him. But if even Teacher Lu said that, then there must be a real problem if she played it herself.

"Teacher, how do you think I should solve this problem?" Lin Xiyue asked humbly.

"That's why I told you to train harder!" Lu Min smiled and said, "Playing some fast-paced, emotional tune will consume a lot of energy, so without an outstanding body, you won't be able to become an outstanding pianist."

"Yes, Teacher, I understand." Lin Xiyue nodded: "I will definitely strengthen my body to train."

"But, the time for the talent show is next week, is there still time to exercise now?" Duan Lingfei suddenly interrupted.

"This …" Lu Min hesitated for a moment and said, "I'm afraid it's too late. Little Duan, do you have any suggestions?"

Hearing Lu Min's words, Lin Xiyue also looked towards Duan Lingfei, a trace of anticipation in his eyes.

Seeing Lin Xiyue's eyes that were like black grapes staring at himself, Duan Lingfei felt a sense of pride from his chest, and said: "Actually, for this time's talent show, what you need to do is not delve into playing, but change your way of thinking!"

"Change the way you think? "What do you mean?" Lin Xiyue was a little doubtful.

"It's very simple. First of all, I don't think you should choose the third piano concerto." Seeing that Lin Xiyue wanted to interrupt, Duan Lingfei shook his hand, signalling for her to wait.

This piece of music is a world-famous piece, and it is also recognized as one of the hardest piano pieces in the world. Senior Sister, I'm afraid that you chose to play this piece to challenge yourself, and also to show your talent to the judges and the audience.

Hearing Duan Lingfei say this, Lin Xiyue subconsciously nodded her head. She did indeed think this way, if she were to play a normal tune that everyone could play, it would be impossible to display her piano prodigy's abilities!

"But Senior Sister, did you think that you would be participating in a talent show? This kind of program values popularity the most. If you play such a complex piano piece, how many of the audience will understand? "How many people know how difficult it is to play?"

"This …" Lin Xiyue was a little speechless. It wasn't that she didn't understand the concept of being high and low, but that Lu Min also seemed to be deep in thought.

To the ordinary audience, "Third Piano Concerto" was indeed not a song that everyone was familiar with. If one was not a professional musician, it would be impossible to know the difficulty of this song.

"For the audience, what they want to see the most is a gimmick, a handsome man and a beautiful woman. It's the dazzling lighting effect and the story of the performance. The judges and organizers will definitely put the popularity of the contestant as well as the level of affection of the audience at the top of their minds."

This was the logic behind the phrase "professionals look at the skills, outsiders look at the fun"! As he said till here, Duan Lingfei paused, then said solemnly: "So, Senior Sister choosing the Third Piano Concerto, is purely due to effort!"

"Hmm, that sounds reasonable!" Lin Xiyue quietly pondered for a moment, then subconsciously nodded: "Then do you have any good suggestions?"

"Of course, the first thing to do is to change the tune. My suggestion is that we should try to pick some popular songs that the audience is familiar with to play. That would be the best way to get off the ground."

"Popular songs? "Such as …?"

"For example, 'Big Apple', 'His Slippers', and 'Above the Sun', they are all very good choices."

"This …" Lin Xiyue found it hard to accept this fact.

"Also, when it comes to the form of playing, we have to make some innovations or create some gimmicks for the audience to see. To put it bluntly, we have to trick outsiders!"

"A gimmick?" "What do you mean?"

"For example, do a four-handed combination play, or play while looking for someone to dance with, or Senior Sister, do some bold moves on your image and make up a sad story about your life. As long as you can attract the attention of the audience, you can do anything!"

"This …" Lin Xiyue said with some difficulty: "I'll try my best, is there anymore?"

"Also, do some extras, like buy some extras first, then when you play, arrange for them to lead the audience in crying together. After the performance is over, cheer again, I heard that the price isn't that high, but it can't be better to use it to fool outsiders!"

"You … Aren't you cheating? " said with some dissatisfaction. All this while, she had always kept herself clean and proper, and never liked doing these brainless things. She also couldn't get used to the atmosphere around Entertainment Circle.

"This isn't called cheating, this is just a method of operation!" Duan Lingfei patiently explained: "Just like how merchants advertise and promote their products, do you think that's called cheating?"

"Then... That's different! " Lin Xiyue gritted his teeth and said: "I don't care about anyone else, since I don't want to do these things myself, do you have any other reliable suggestions?"

"This …" Duan Lingfei scratched his head in a difficult situation, but when he saw Lin Xiyue's pitiful and delicate expression, he felt a surge of pride rush up to his head: "How about this, I'll write a song for you, so that all the spectators and judges will be refreshed with it?"

"You can compose music?" Lin Xiyue and Lu Min called out at the same time. They had already experienced Duan Lingfei's playing skills and music theory, but they didn't expect that Duan Lingfei had some knowledge in writing music.

You have to know, composition is a very important inspiration and talent, many composers have a deep sense of life, can create a popular work.

Looking at how young Duan Lingfei was, he didn't look like someone who was good at composing.

"A little." Duan Lingfei laughed: "Give me three days, I will definitely bring out a tune for you all to play. At that time, if you all feel that it's impossible, I will also have enough time to change the tune!"

Seeing that Duan Lingfei was full of confidence, Lu Min and Lin Xiyue looked at each other, then nodded: "Alright, in three days I'll wait for your work!"