
At seven in the evening, the "Who's the Musician" program would start on time, and just after six, the entire studio was already packed.

This match was decided by the 16 contestants who had advanced from the previous competition. As for the evaluation method, it was still based on the scoring system. However, there was a difference between the performance style and the evaluation method from the previous match.

First was the form of the performance. This time, each competitor would have one more member to assist them in their performance.

In order to ensure the quality of the program, the program team specially looked for 16 musician with great strength throughout the country to pair with 16 contestants and carry out half a month of secret training.

During the match, the arrangement of the two musicians' programs, their teamwork, and their impromptu performance would have a direct impact on the final score.

Secondly, there was the evaluation method. The original system of four judges, twenty public judges, and five hundred on-site spectators scoring was still in place. It was just that there was an additional segment for the off-stage audience to vote on.

Simply put, after a player finished his or her performance, apart from the on-site evaluation and the audience scoring, it would also increase the audience's voting chance. The audience could also use the method of consuming their fans' points to increase the number of points they had for the player they liked.

This was not only a way to attract money, but also a way to increase the popularity of the contestants, allowing those who were unable to get on stage to participate in the program.

Neither the host nor the guests had changed. After watching the last match, the audience all had their own idols, and this time, they all had specially made fluorescent boards and slogans. Some of them even formed their own small fan groups.

Amongst these groups, Lin Xiyue's fan club was undoubtedly the largest, around a hundred people, and also the most powerful.

Everyone wore the same banners, carrying glow sticks, fluorescent panels, trumpets, and banners, and some had even painted their faces with the names of their idols to show their loyalty and fanaticism.

Looking at this scene, even the host Zhou Binn could not help but sigh with laughter. He had been a host for more than ten years and yet he was unable to gather such a fanatical fan group.

At 7 o'clock sharp, the program officially started. First was Zhou Binn stepping onto the stage to say a few words and announce the rules of the competition. Then Zhang An'an, Wang Yuanyi, Li Qiao and HE Mannxue entered the competition one by one.

All of these processes were meaningless, so although the other fans were responding enthusiastically, Duan Lingfei was not very excited, and simply sat down on his seat and started playing with his phone.

"Big Brother Duan, why are you so dispirited?" A familiar voice suddenly sounded beside his ears, at the same time, Duan Lingfei felt as if someone patted his shoulder.

He turned around and saw that Liu Yanxia had appeared behind him without him knowing. She was wearing a hat and sunglasses and dressed like a spy.

"Why are you here?" Duan Lingfei asked in surprise: "Also, what are you wearing?"

"You also know that this competition is sponsored by our Qianhee Group. The director and organizers all know me, so we have to keep a low profile."

"Fine." Duan Lingfei nodded, he extended his hand and patted the seat beside him, and Liu Yanxia unceremoniously sat down, and greeted Fatty, Scrawny Monkey and Ma Dazhuang.

The three bitches were instantly flattered. Fatty took out a squashed Yuxi from his pocket, wanting to give them a pack of gifts, but Liu Yanxia politely rejected him. The latter casually took out a box of top-grade Cuban cigars and handed it over to each of them.

"Big Brother Duan, I saw the video of the previous match. You made a great show on stage. With just a song called 'Evening', who knows how many girls you have bewitched." The moment Liu Yanxia sat down, he flattered her.

"Just average." Duan Lingfei laughed: "You didn't come here to kiss my ass, did you?"

"Of course not. I just had a premonition that there might be a good show to watch today, so I didn't want to miss it." While laughing, Liu Yanxia moved closer to Duan Lingfei's ear and asked: "That Lin Xiyue is your friend?"

"That's right."

"Do you need me to go greet her and help her decide on a champion?"

"No need, I think she would rather rely on her own strength to succeed."

"Alright then." Liu Yanxia curled his lips, then laughed: "Su Xiaoqiao, Lin Xiyue is a goddess of our school, yet you managed to take care of two of them. Big Brother Duan, your ability to pick up girls is truly admirable."

"This... Floating clouds, these are all just floating clouds. " Duan Lingfei shamelessly accepted the compliment.


On stage, the match had already officially begun. The order of appearance was based on the rankings of the previous stage, from the lowest to the highest.

In the previous round, Wang Xin barely made it into the competition as the sixteenth place, so she was ranked number one. As the champion of the previous round, Lin Xiyue would be the last one to make an appearance in this round.

"Next, we would like to invite contestant Wang Xin and her assistant to give us a piano performance — — 'Apocalypse'." Zhou Binn announced loudly.

Just as he finished his sentence, all the lights in the stadium were extinguished. A moment later, a beam of white light shone down from the dome onto the piano in the middle of the stage.

It was unknown when Wang Xin had already sat there. She was wearing a black dress and even had a pair of wings on her back that were as thin as a cicada's wing.

She had always been beautiful, but now that she was dressed like a fairy in the dark, she attracted the attention of everyone in the audience.

The piano sounded. The melody was deep, like flowing water in a dark night. The wind blew through the treetops, bringing with it a hint of exotic charm.

And Wang Xin also began to sing, "Smile is to cover up the tears you've left behind. At night, you'll be afraid of the dark, so I just want to give you some time to accompany me. You won't even be able to empathize with me …"

In the last match, Wang Xin's style had been very popular, but this time, she was very quiet. Both styles had been perfectly played out, so it could be said that she was a very talented player.

Duan Lingfei secretly shook his head, Entertainment Circle was just this dark, such a good musician, yet he was almost unable to advance because of people like Li Qiao, he even had to humbly sign the sales terms.

If it was any other talent show, there would only be more shady scenes like this one. It was just that some things were hidden in the shadows, so outsiders would not be able to find out about them.

How many talented young people, because they do not want to be in cahoots with people like Li Qiao, do not get a fair evaluation and display of the stage, in the end can only helplessly bid farewell to their favorite music.

Thinking of this, he felt a trace of sympathy for Wang Xin. On the contrary, he felt more and more disgusted with Li Qiao.